Build the BEST CCNA Home Lab - Under $100

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💻 Build Your Own Cisco Home Lab for under $100

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⏰Time Stamps:
0:00 ⏩ Intro
0:33 ⏩ How do you build a home lab
0:50 ⏩ Prebuild Home Labs?
1:21 ⏩ What Gear to Buy
3:16 ⏩ Packet Tracer

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💻 Build Your Own Cisco Home Lab for under $100

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I passed my CCNA with only packet tracer but I definitely agree, having physical gear is much better. Packet tracer is enough to pass your CCNA but it is limited in functionality


I’m 57 and I’m researching Information Technology, Networking and Cybersecurity because I want to keep learning new things


I passed my CCNA with packet tracer only. After using packet tracer and passing my CCNA i was itching to work on physical equipment. I bought the same models that were in packet tracer.


Great video! Straight to the point packed with minimum required information just to start digging. Now I can build easy setup and practice for my CCNA cert. THANKS!


This video should be a drinking game. Every time you say "Home Lab" we have to take a drink.


I just found your channel and subbed. I have my A+ and Sec+ but its not getting me where I want to be. Looks like I am gonna check out the CCNA and get my lab going asap!!! Thank you for this!


I took a look at the Amazon list and unfortunately with prices the way they are now it looks like 2 routers and 2 switches are going to run you just over $300, and then you’ll have the cost of the cables, rack, and book on top of that. This is still the cheapest home lab build I’ve found, though, so maybe I’ll hunt around for some cheaper prices on eBay or something. Overall great video and very informative!


is this still relevent im thinking of doing an at home setup like this but would you still recommend the same gear now?


I have just bought 3x Cisco 2600, 2x Catalyst 2950. Will this be sufficient?


Craigslist is a great place to look as well. I'm picking up 2 routers and 2 switches tomorrow for $80. Any recommendations on a rack for my setup?


Just curious, how much more expensive does your monthly electrical bill get when running these physical home labs on a frequent basis? I imagine you have it all plugged into a surge protector which you then unplug when not using it?


So I have all the equipment is there a good video on how to configure Router and switches to create the home network?


Doing the Lord's work. Liked and Subscribed.


Great video! No bs and straight to the info


Do I need any expansion Modules with the 2600 router? some are selling on ebay with extras slotted in?


Glad I subbed! So just a random question. Chances are I'm gonna be working with MS225 models (Assuming that because that's what my workplace has in it's closet lol) I'm just getting started so can I still learn using that cheaper 2950 you mentioned?


purchased a set of 2800 routers loaded with IOS Version 12.4x... the current CCNA test is based on a much recent version of IOS. I would like to upgrade if possible. how can overcome this hurdle ? will I fail the test certification?


How do you obtain the IOS for the Cisco routers and switches. Every time I do research on that, I find that I have to be part of an organization that has a Cisco account and that makes me unable to download the IOS. Am I missing something?

If you do purchase a router or switch that does have an IOS, how do you get around the password to gain entry in the router\switch?


I'm an Information Security Analyst, but I don't do much configuration and implementation. I'm thinking about migrating over to Network Admin to get to do more of that... hopefully. More hands on on setting up a network and be more involved with it directly as opposed to analyzing data to and from endpoints and inbound emails that could be potentially malicious. being over 1 year doing this and just now I'm kinda tired of doing just analysis to write incidents. lol
I want hands on... configuration... Cisco IOS CMD, configure a segmented network or a whole network maybe if starting from scratch or if company is really messed up and we gotta redo the whole stuff (hopefully corporate will give me permission to do so and no ask me to write a request and wait nearly 2 weeks for every single change on the network I have to do). LOL 🤡🤣😅


There are routers with two ports and routers with four ports, which would be a better option for a home lab?
