Does Personality Type Change?

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The MBTI® is a powerful tool for leadership development, organization development and personal development. OKA's Hile Rutledge discusses a frequently asked MBTI question: Can type change?

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It's almost like nobody reads Jung; your type can change (Jung's did from childhood to adulthood); it doesn't change if you want to convince people to buy your pamphlet's


This so right on. When I was in college I took a Myers Briggs test and came out INTP. At the time, I was in an academic setting, taking classes on philosophy, etc. and very interested in logical reasoning. I was also going through a phase where my favorite author was Ayn Rand, an author/philosopher whose whole premise is that thinking and reason should always trump feelings. As I got out into the real world it became clear to me that I am not so much a thinker and definitely have a feeling side as well. I'm a lawyer now and at least compared to other lawyers, I am more on the feeler side. Overall, I'd say I'm on the border between thinking and feeling, sometimes I am more one than the other, but I strongly reported myself as a Thinker the first time I tool Myers Briggs.


reporting change = type change... lets just admit it: sometimes our personality is determined by our circumstances


As for using Mbti in the workplace can be paradoxically limiting for some types who want more opportunities and to able to go from say being a team player to being the program specialist.


The implication of this is that the MBTI is not able to establish the true type of the person. This is bad. You therefore cannot use the MBTI to make actual decisions with incoming employees. It is reliant on introspection. It is therefore not predictive of performance, and other objective things.


Great answer to a frequent question asked by people who are interested in knowing more about themselves.


How do you know what your 'true' original type is then like what if you took the test during a period you were an e if you are supposedly an i? Your answer is whatever's a tighter fit, how do you define tighter fit? and is that just at the time or so far or what?


Also using a test to determine type is flawed in its very nature as humans currently can't predict other humans just like how you can test a robot for errors but if that robot has some unknown component or part the test might report that the robot is ok only for the robot to fail because its microprocessor got over heated


I disagree. 2 minutes is entirely appropriate for these snippets of information. I also enjoy the longer vids but there's nothing wrong with these shorter ones. I could listen to Hile Rutledge talk all day.


This FAQ series was specifically planned as a series of 2 minute videos for YouTube.
If you'd like to see Hile Rutledge presenting on Type topics in more detail, please see the videos on our OKA website.


Thank you, keep learning from you :)


I think the issue is just poor administering of the test by “self-answering” these questions - it needs to be made more reliable somehow, maybe by having people actually perform some tasks or smth ie truly testing people in action, to avoid the bias and what people want to seem like..


2 mins is to short, if you planning on doing a youtube channel you should think 10+ mins for the type of vid you do, they are grate, and you explain things in a fun way people will love your vids, please do something like your 1st few vids when you we'r talking to a group of people. sorry for the bad English.


Changing is so rare, some bisexual individuals CAN change it


I used to be the test said the architect but after my separation My results turned out to be Infj-a does my Separation also has an effect on the change of my personality?


So can you ever know your true personality type?


WHY doesn't type change?I literally never hear genuine arguments for this so I quite frankly do not see reason to believe it. I've also seen multiple people change over the years.
