These Jehovah's Witness Cartoons are SUPER DISTURBING...

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ABOUT ME: I’m a former Jehovah’s Witness who faded away from the religion around 2 years ago. I believe that current members of the organization deserve to be aware of the abuses committed by Watchtower. I am a big proponent of religious freedom and critical thinking, and invite my audience to be kind, open minded, and always stay curious.

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This cult is becoming more deceptive everyday. I remember when my daughter died at 4 months of age. My brother phoned me up and stated, its ok mate we will look after her in the new system.


"I'm not a furry"

Sounds something like what a furry would say


Caleb's dad took 8000 years to learn how to sing a Major chord 💀


Being a Christian myself. The whole concept of being a jehova witness completely ignores all of the bibles teachings


"I want to have a butterfly garden!"
Have you BEEN TO ONE SOPHIA!? Those butterflies in particular are cocky bastards who DIVEBOMB THE SHIT OUT OF YOU because they know you cant do jack shiz about it. Those things are the reason why bikini bottom is terrified of butterflies


Ok, I cringed right away at the father singing opera.


There is a Brazilian expression that says "for someone who is drowning, an alligator is a log". It's all I could think of while watching this video 😢


Also wanted to point out that in the cult I grew up in, we weren’t allowed to be sad at funerals. We were expected to be happy because the church member was supposedly in heaven. Being sad at a funeral was a sign of spiritual weakness. My cousins said that at my grandmother’s funeral, which I couldn’t attend, that the pastor kept talking about what a wretched sinner my grandma was, and it was only by the grace of god that she was saved. Talk about behavioral and emotional control and brainwashing. Anyway, I understand what ex-JW’s are going through in that respect.


I cringed early on when the dad was yodeling like he was getting a prostate exam from Goliath.


I was friends with a JW. She didn’t see anything wrong with it, our friends did. She wasn’t allowed to come over to someone’s house if they weren’t a JW. She wasn’t allowed to go to university. Wasn’t allowed any holidays (they did something called family day where they gave each other presents) Wasn’t allowed to wear certain clothes. I live in New Zealand and at school we learn Māori (the native people before the English came) she wasn’t allowed to speak it or do the traditional dances. She wasn’t allowed to date someone who wasn’t a JW. It was hell


Ok so according to JWs, animals weren't originally supposed to be violent towards each other. Then my question is, why did God give certain animals teeth that are really good at chewing meat? Why did God give animals survival and defense instincts?


I guess it makes sense for Caleb and Sofia to remain kids in paradise if they're pushing the narrative that Armageddon is tomorrow.


"No, my friend, you're tripping on acid." Best one liner ever.


So, I’m a Christian.

This has taught me that JWs don’t even understand the Bible…


Most annoying thing I remember arguing with my JW parents about during my teen years coming out of 'the truth' was, they didn't believe pollution mattered at all because Jehovah'll magically fucking clean it all for them when the paradise comes, just vanish it all away, no consequences for how we treat the environment.


Well, maybe if we encourage young people to go to college and study things like biology and medicine, we can cure paralyzed girls sooner than waiting for Jesus to return.


When I was a kid, I was terrified of the idea of the Paradise, to the point that I would be scared that I would go to bed one day and wake up to Paradise the next. I knew that living forever was unnatural and the thought of it filled me with dread. My parents couldn't understand why it scared me so much. As an adult, the Paradise sounds absolutely boring. Eating a vegan diet, the only people around are JWs, and the only leisure activity seems to be worshipping Jehovah. Please, no, thank you.


Just a heads up, not everyone in a wheelchair is paralyzed; I'm a wheelchair user and I am not paralyzed, I use a wheelchair because of a joint and muscle instability causing condition. It really irks me that they keep using old people who are disabled, or young children with disabilities, to drive their point. I personally believe that a lot of children and adults with disabilities can still live great and happy lives, and it always bothers me when people use us as a way to convince people to 'get saved' etc.

I grew up Baptist and my mother always wished the rapture would come but i didn't want it to, because i wanted to grow up and make my life successful and happy. My church in particular sees disabilities as a sign that you or your family sinned and God is punishing them until you get to heaven where you will be forgiven and healed etc. It is all so stupid and really hurtful to disabled people. Yes, being disabled is painful and hard, but you can still be happy and enjoy life, it isn't sentencing you to a life of misery necessarily lol. But yeah, my family wants the rapture to come so that the whole family (who have genetic issues) can be healed from their medical conditions. I'm glad i became non-denominational, they are a lot less judgmental and the church I'm at now doesn't believe the bible says anything about being gay, so we actually have many gay members which is wonderful!

My Baptist church believed in door knocking, so i was out with my parents in a stroller until i could walk(when i used to be able to walk), knocking on doors in a pretty unsafe city in the USA. When i turned 10, I was allowed to knock on doors alone. They also believed in baptizing kids as soon as they could remember that jesus died on a cross. That was sometimes two or three-year-olds, sadly. I was baptized around 7 years old, I was too scared of the water beforehand and i was 'old' to be baptized. They also believed in women only being allowed to wear skirts or dresses, and any music with electric guitar or drums was satanic. I had to babysit kids during service from the time i turned 10, but i actually preferred the weeks i babysat in the nursery because it meant i didn't have to sit through sermon and be judged for the way i looked. I am so thankful I am out of that environment- I got diagnosed with OCD a while afterwards because I had been so anxious about every thought i had or action i did, and i would do all these things every time i sinned to get forgiveness and spare my family from being killed (i thought they would be killed by God), including random movements i incorporated that weren't part of the religion, but that I felt i had to do because a voice inside told me to. Lol this is why it's dangerous to tell children the voice inside is God. I still struggle with my OCD to this day and it is truly a painful thing to heal from. I wish more people saw how culty Baptist Churches are, most people seem to see them as a more normal religion...

I also hate when people with disabilities get used as inspiration p *** rn because it makes it seem like our only purpose is to make others feel good about themselves for helping us etc. and this also gives me those vibes, because they get to feel good that one day, that child will be in 'paradise' and healed, when instead, they should focus on seeing them as a full human and making accessibility in the now better so that they can have a good life NOW, and maybe let their kids go to college so they can become doctors to help the disabled people. I also find it funny that they discourage college- if everyone became JW, who would become a doctor to help sick or injured people?! It's all so hilarious to me. Also, what disabled child would draw themselves as healed regularly? It seems so unhealthy, one of the best things you can do for lifelong disabilities is to accept it as part of you, and that includes portraying yourself with your disability (I've been to a lot of therapy for this specifically, can you tell haha, any drawings or paintings of myself now include my wheelchair), and it makes me sad that the girl is being told to look forward to paradise because she will be able to walk. Is walking really so grand, that it is a selling point for a child to let their future and opportunities be stripped from them?! I really don't feel like it would be convincing, at least to me. Then again, it doesn't sound like they tell the child everything they are signing up for, do they?


No meat in paradise?

Hope hell has good barbeques.


Will there be dinosaurs in paradise? If so, maybe I'll convert.
