How to MIG Weld, Repair a Door or Fender and Save Money from Eastwood

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In this episode of R&D Corner with Mark, he not only shows you how to MIG weld, but also how to use those skills to repair a rusty door.

In this episode of R&D Corner with Mark, he not only shows you how to MIG weld, but also how to use those skills to repair a door - and those are skills you can use to fix a fender, quarter panel or floor pan - and when you repair the panel yourself instead of buy a replacement panel or paying someone to fix it - the welder PAYS FOR ITSELF in the first job.

Eastwood's own MIG 135 Welder: as good as the "name brands", but at a fraction of the price!

As a home hobbyist or light fabricator, you don't need to spend more for a "brand name" industrial MIG welder. Our R&D guys developed the Eastwood MIG 135 Welder from scratch to produce excellent bead quality and capabilities that match—and even exceed—the more expensive competition!
Welds mild and stainless steel, 24-ga. to 1/4"
25-135-amp welding range
Powered by standard 120v household current
Compare to similar welders that sell for over $500
Backed by Eastwood's no-hassle return policy and 3-year warranty
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I know this is an old video but I would have to rate it as one of the best on how to MIG weld. Simple, concise and to the point. I’ve learnt so much. Thanks heaps!


Learnt more on here in 10 minutes than tons of welding channel videos on youtube.


I used to do autobody repair back in the 70s and most shops only had acetylene and oxygen welding equipment. It got the job done but it took a bit of skill to avoid warping of the area during welding. Also, the flux from the brazing rod had to be removed perfectly or else it would cause problems with the body filler. I had a spot welder at my shop which was really helpful. I wish that I would have had a MIG welder at the time. I lived in the rust belt and this welder would have saved me a lot of time and effort. Thank you for the video.


Been welding 26 know all tricks. People definitely will learn from this video.👍👍


I have learned more watching your videos than I did in autobody 1 and auto custim painting in high school. So I am going to get brave and restore my 91 Bronco.
Years of painting taxi cabs my buddies think I can't do real bodywork. So with your videos we will prove them wrong.


As a part time and old school car repairer, I had increasing need to use the MIG welder. But I did find getting the right advice on welding technique hard to find. Also, without regular practice I find can make unnecessary mistakes when painting or welding. This is a really useful video, I use it, like many from Eastwood, as a quick refresher course before I dive into another major job.


These videos are so good. Just got a MIG welder to start fixing my old car that I'm never getting rid of. No excess in these videos, just pure information in a clear manner that assumes nothing of the viewer other than a desire to learn proper welding techinique.


Now, I do realize that Eastwood's main focus is to sell their products and GREAT PRODUCTS they do have! but what really surprises me is how they are willing to share trade secrets and unselfishly put themselves out there. Esstwood has given me the confidence to tackle my own projects. Keep it up Eastwood. You guys are the s**t👍


Hands down the best mig weld video yet


Message d'un français qui ne parle pas très bien mais qui a apprécié toutes les explications ! Merci pour ce tuto 😉


I never put one of those welding devices in my hands but today I got encouraged, best instructional tutorial in the net, thanks, much obliged to you sir


I bought my Eaastwoodd Mig135 just about 3 years now and absolutely love it. Awesome welder


This video made it easy to understand. I am pushing to buy the 135 mig from Eastwood this summer to start learning instead of buying the cheap harbor freight ones. Thanks for these amazing videos.


Hi Mark man i watch all your clips over over boy you got me where i am today , i intrested how to make a normal fender for car not a hot rod special thanks to you and the crew .My Moto chop, cut, restore excelent work its not all about buying Eastwood products yes all well and good.But the program is to teach others to move forward in life and to appreciate guys like you all that teaches these programes.Thank you all.


Great video. Learned more from this video and this guy than anything on YT.


About to tackle our first bit of rust cut out on a car and plate welding. Learnt one heck of a lot on this video. Thanks mate.


You guys put out the best auto body repair videos on YT. Makes me wanna buy your products exclusively.


Probably the best video i ever watched on how to properly repair sheet metal thank-you very much


Mark your a bad to the bone!!!! I enjoy watching your informative video. Your the reason why I will try Eastwood products!!! Keep up the great work!!!


Thank you for your instructions on the 3 method of welding . Very clear and easy to follow. Great Job.
