How to MIG Weld, Repair a Door or Fender and Save Money from Eastwood

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In this episode of R&D Corner with Mark, he not only shows you how to MIG weld, but also how to use those skills to repair a rusty door.
In this episode of R&D Corner with Mark, he not only shows you how to MIG weld, but also how to use those skills to repair a door - and those are skills you can use to fix a fender, quarter panel or floor pan - and when you repair the panel yourself instead of buy a replacement panel or paying someone to fix it - the welder PAYS FOR ITSELF in the first job.
Eastwood's own MIG 135 Welder: as good as the "name brands", but at a fraction of the price!
As a home hobbyist or light fabricator, you don't need to spend more for a "brand name" industrial MIG welder. Our R&D guys developed the Eastwood MIG 135 Welder from scratch to produce excellent bead quality and capabilities that match—and even exceed—the more expensive competition!
Welds mild and stainless steel, 24-ga. to 1/4"
25-135-amp welding range
Powered by standard 120v household current
Compare to similar welders that sell for over $500
Backed by Eastwood's no-hassle return policy and 3-year warranty
In this episode of R&D Corner with Mark, he not only shows you how to MIG weld, but also how to use those skills to repair a door - and those are skills you can use to fix a fender, quarter panel or floor pan - and when you repair the panel yourself instead of buy a replacement panel or paying someone to fix it - the welder PAYS FOR ITSELF in the first job.
Eastwood's own MIG 135 Welder: as good as the "name brands", but at a fraction of the price!
As a home hobbyist or light fabricator, you don't need to spend more for a "brand name" industrial MIG welder. Our R&D guys developed the Eastwood MIG 135 Welder from scratch to produce excellent bead quality and capabilities that match—and even exceed—the more expensive competition!
Welds mild and stainless steel, 24-ga. to 1/4"
25-135-amp welding range
Powered by standard 120v household current
Compare to similar welders that sell for over $500
Backed by Eastwood's no-hassle return policy and 3-year warranty