An Evolutionist's View of Lucy
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Eric Scott, JUNE 5, 2016-“Horses (and Hominins!) from Hadar: Searching for Fossils in the Cradle of Humanity.” Fossil finds in Africa, pre-dating Lucy! Eric Scott, M.A., paleontologist, Fullerton College; Cooper Center. Ex-curator of paleontology for the San Bernardino County Museum in Redlands.
Comments facts not mentioned: The knee joint was not found with Lucy it was found in another layer and at a distance. And it was this fossil that convinced them Lucy was on its way to becoming human. Secular scientists went to Africa looking for evidence of human ancestors, and when you do that you will interpret what you find to fit your beliefs. So when they found ape bones they made it fit their preconceptions. They started with the assumption that man evolved from apes.
Notice the diagrams of the connections between hominins have ?, like all fossils there are a lack of links. This is why every paleoanthroplologist has his own speculation on what is assumed to be related to what and how old it is.
Also the radioactive dating is being proven to be completely inaccurate, dating in millions of years regardless of the actual age.
Once you find evidence that supports evolution you receive lots of grant money, so this encourages false interpretations fitting evolutionist's preconceived conclusions.
Notice the volcanic ash and lava flows associated with these fossils. Volcanic ash and lava is always associated with all fossils proving catastrophic events were responsible.
Comments facts not mentioned: The knee joint was not found with Lucy it was found in another layer and at a distance. And it was this fossil that convinced them Lucy was on its way to becoming human. Secular scientists went to Africa looking for evidence of human ancestors, and when you do that you will interpret what you find to fit your beliefs. So when they found ape bones they made it fit their preconceptions. They started with the assumption that man evolved from apes.
Notice the diagrams of the connections between hominins have ?, like all fossils there are a lack of links. This is why every paleoanthroplologist has his own speculation on what is assumed to be related to what and how old it is.
Also the radioactive dating is being proven to be completely inaccurate, dating in millions of years regardless of the actual age.
Once you find evidence that supports evolution you receive lots of grant money, so this encourages false interpretations fitting evolutionist's preconceived conclusions.
Notice the volcanic ash and lava flows associated with these fossils. Volcanic ash and lava is always associated with all fossils proving catastrophic events were responsible.