TULIP: The 5 Points of Calvinism | Ep 143

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What does it mean to be a Calvinist?

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Calvinism is false.
It is pure gnosticism.
Augustine (where these beliefs came from)
was a Manichean gnostic who "converted" to the Roman church.

No Christian, no Church Father believed or taught these things until Augustine in the 4th century.
It was refuted and called pagan until then.

Calvin was enthralled with Augustine and quoted him over 4000 times in his writing.

The god of Calvinism is the the god of gnosticism.
An evil twisted god who is the author of all evil things and he gets pleasure in making people do evil and then more please when he sends them to hell for what he forced them to do and he sends babies to hell (read the works of Augustine and Calvin)

The God of the Bible is a perfect loving God who desires all to come to him. He says "turn to me and be saved" he weeps over Jerusalem and he came to earth and died for the sins of the WORLD.


Calvinism is the one Christianity that makes the least amount of sense.


Ms Stuckey, I was taught this exact doctrine - verbatim - when I was growing up. I was taught that we hate God the moment we are conceived. I was taught that God wrote a few names in the Book of Life before the foundation of the world, that those few names were the people chosen for salvation, and every other person ever created in the history of the universe was doomed to hell from the moment of conception. I was taught we hate God because He hated us first. I was taught that we are condemned for the way God decreed us to be. I was taught there are tiny children and infants suffering eternally in hell. I was taught we are not even capable of placing our faith in Him; that *He* does that *for* us, and to even presume to put our faith in Him by ourselves is a sin.
Do you know how old I was when I realized I was a sinner headed for hell? I was no older than 10. If I had a dime for every time a preacher described in the most graphic and frightening detail of what hell is like, I would be a very wealthy man. Conversely, I can literally count on one hand the number of times I heard any sort of description of heaven. Do you know how old I was when I realized, based on what I'd been taught, that I would go to hell when I died, and there was *absolutely* nothing I could do about it? *I was 14 years old.* I would have nightmares about Judgment Day beginning, and being condemned to hell, and I would wake up hyperventilating. Again, I was 14 years old. And I couldn't talk to anyone. I couldn't talk to my parents, because they were the ones *teaching* me this. I couldn't talk to my pastor, because my parents didn't agree with him on soteriological matters. I couldn't even talk to God, because I was convinced He didn't want me, and never loved me. I was completely, *utterly* alone. And the worst part was not even knowing that I *myself* would end up in hell. The worst part was knowing *the people I love* would also end up in hell. I distinctly remember having errant thoughts of pleading with God at the final judgment, begging him to spare my loved ones, and throw me into hell instead.
For the third time I feel the need to reiterate, I was 14 years old - a mere CHILD - when I was having these thoughts. But these thoughts were always trumped by what I had been taught: God's mercy and love is reserved for a few, and *only* a few. All the rest - millions upon millions of immortal souls - are doomed, with no possibility of salvation. I was on a railroad to eternal, unimaginable suffering, along with almost everyone I loved, with absolutely positively no way out.
And so I withdrew into myself. I lost interest in social interaction; I couldn't bear to make new friendships because I couldn't bear the burden of having even more loved ones in my life who would most likely go to hell. I lost interest in my education; long division and algebra wouldn't help me in hell. I lost interest in making any sort of preparations for the future. Because what was the point? I was going to hell anyway. And I lost interest in Christianity. God never wanted me, and Christ didn't die for me, so what was the point in pretending, especially since pretending was trying to attain my salvation through works, and therefore a sin? So I gave up hope, and quit.
I decided to make the most of the time I had left in life, and on the last day, I would tell God that *He* made *me* like this, and what kind of just God would damn anyone to an eternity of suffering for something *He* decreed before they were ever born, and had no control over? And then I buried it deep down. I put it out of my mind. I spent the next 15 years of my life adrift. Directionless. Meaningless. Joyless. But I still couldn't escape it. As it happens in life, people I loved passed away. Expectant friends of ours suffered miscarriages. The news would run stories of sweet little children losing battles with cancer. I was convinced they all went to hell, it devastated me beyond the ability to articulate with words, and I still had no one to turn to.
I am now 31, I've been going to an Orthodox church since August 25 of this year, and I am giving deep and serious thoughts toward converting. When I first walked in, I was overcome with emotion, and I was in tears throughout the service. From the moment I crossed the threshold, I knew I belonged, and even though my journey has only just begun, I have never felt more at peace and loved by God than I do now. Although I have many regrets, things I failed to do, things I missed out on, failing to return God's love when, I now know, He loved me all along, I am beginning to have faith in Him.


Again. How can you have love without the choice to love.


How Can you calvinists Claim that JESUS "Didn't" die for Everyone, But "Only" the This Isn't In The


And do calvinists believe that we are still under the law? My wife and i attended 2 different calvinist churches, and one said according to Psalm 119 we are still under the law.
The other church had the pastor on 2 separate occasions say he didnt know if he was saved!!!


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.


If anyone is interested in learning more about reformed theology I highly recommend the late RC Sproul's ministry Ligonier. They are comprised of some of the leading reformed theologians along with RC's teachings. They focus on reformed theology, classical apologetics, church history and philosophy.


This breaks my heart. I came to this video late after just watching another video where I’m clued in about the belief in Calvinism. I do believe people who believe reformed doctrine are brothers and sisters in Christ but I believe everything they believe about the Bible and God is basically messed up because of their basic view of God and salvation. You cannot view God as they do and not have it affect the way you interpret scripture and your view of people. Everyone I know that is a Christian that has changed to believe this doctrine did NOT change for the better and that is a whole lot of people as a church I went to secretly changed their doctrine and began to preach it slowly in the church. Once it became known and they could not hide it anymore and admitted they were changing to reformed theology they distinctly changed to diff kinds of people and not in good way. Anyone who has watched this video and is now confused feeling like wait this is not the God I have known and loved and feels their spirit is recoiling at this doctrine you are not alone. Please read the book, What Love is This? By Dave Hunt. God showed me that the recoil you are feeling is sort of like the first time people smoke a cigarette and their body recoils to it and they cough and gag. That is because your body is rejecting poison, that’s what happened to me the first time I smoked, but as I pushed it my body became more used to it and didn’t reject it anymore. My body excepted the poison and then almost enjoyed it. Your spirit is rejecting this doctrine and belief about and in God but can be forced to accept it and even revel in it in a strange way. I had a Calvinist who wasn’t always one that I went to church with who felt he had to believe it even if it made him sick tell me after awhile he didn’t feel sick thinking about God this way any more, he came to respect and accept it. I prayed about it and that’s when I feel like God gave me the cigarette analogy. When you know who God is and then someone tells you that this reformed theology is truly who God is your spirit automatically at least for most people gets sick and reacts with disgust and there is a reason for that. You have heard the argument for TULIP and now if you want to read and understand the true heart of God for humanity and why this is a false doctrine read What Love is This. I thank God he led me to this book and delivered me from the snare of a false doctrine that my spirit was rebelling against. God is NOT who calvanism says He is and you can be set free from that belief ❤️❤️❤️


I can never share your link again now that you are promoting Calvinism over Kingdom of God. Calvinism divides the body. It says, believe exactly like this - TULIP, or you’re unbiblical, not mature enough, not enlightened enough. It is the age old heresy of Gnosticism in a modern, trendy dress. The gospel is simple, we are sinners before a holy God, Jesus died for those sins, believe and be saved. Calvinism makes doctrine more important than the truth that God’s ways are greater than ours and we cannot explain the miracle of salvation. They need to be able to explain it. You’re need to promote Calvinism / doctrine instead of Jesus reveals it as the false gospel it is.


It took me hour and a half to watch this video cause I kept stopping to take notes . ( which was great r cause I got to look at her face a lot ) her husband truly has found a woman of valor, who’s worth is far beyond rubies. May all of My brothers find such favor in the Lord❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Please don't be an aggressive calivinist. I disagree with Calvinists but believe we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.


The acrostic TULIP was actually first used at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1905 to attempt to make the text from the Synod of Dort easier to teach to laymen. TULIP is consistent with the Dutch text and is also consistent with the writings of John Calvin, but I believe the original text was in Latin, then translated to Dutch, English and other European languages.


That last bit seems to be the part most critics of the 5 points ignore.

Prior to acknowledging god’s sovereignty and being awakened by the Holy Spirit, I was a non-believer... an atheist if you will. As an atheist, I got married to my wife (who was also an atheist), and while still sinners, we both always tried to live our lives as honest as possible. Then, one day, we both were simultaneously called to Christ. I always wrestled with understanding how this happened, then I came across the 5 points, and the answer became clear. It also became clear that the Holy Spirit was always there, even as we rejected God, as we went through difficult times, we persevered. We are now 16 years together and have 2 children.... completely aware that god is in control. When people ask “why do good acts if you are pre-destined” the answer is simple... doing good acts is irresistible and you simply cannot choose not to do good when god is in control.

This truth brings great peace, which is the word of god.


Read Ken Wilson's recent book "The Foundation of Augustinian-Calvinism", to see why Augustine had to deny free will in order to justify infant baptism. Since the child had not come to faith, it must be based on the will of another. It could have nothing to do with the will of the child.


It's crazy how many of these verses are cherry picked and taken out of context bruh. Like it's insane 💀


How can you have an intimate relationship with our God and know His goodness AND actually believe in Calvinism. It’s totally contrary to His nature. I personally do not believe that Calvinists are saved. I do however believe that there are people who title themselves Calvinists or listen to Calvinist preachers, who haven’t fully understood what Calvin taught or who he was as a man, that are saved but sadly uninformed and unstudied about the heresy of this teaching.

Just like JWs, Mormons, Hebrew Roots…it’s a cult. TULIP wasn’t even introduced until the early 1900s. Calvinism has taken off right along with ALL THE OTHER false teachings of the last centuries.

Just because it’s old doesn’t mean it’s valid! Jesus warned us that the blind lead the blind and they would ALL fall in a pit. That a direct reference to hell because he’ll is a PIT.

Don’t follow the teaching of a man, modern or old! Follow only Jesus and let the Holy Spirit teach you the Word.


Allie, I enjoy your podcasts so much! I have so much respect for you! I do, however, disagree with Calvinism and wish you could have Leighton Flowers on your show to discuss Calvinism vs. Traditionalism (Provisionism). Leighton is so gracious and loving. Your listeners would very much enjoy it! Bless you and your ministry!


Theologically, I can't accept 5 point Calvinism. It's way too involved to go into detail here, but there are plenty of moral and Biblical problems with it.


What about God’s will that all be saved? John 3:16?
