Unity 2021 - Spawning Obstacles in Endless Runner - All in One Sprite Shader Version

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This may help with object jerkiness. This docs mention that the Rigidbody option Interpolate can help with jerky movement.
Interpolate The process of calculating values in-between two defined values. Used in animation (between keyframes), physics (between physics time-steps), and multiplayer (between network updates)

Try one of the options only if you are seeing jerkiness in your Rigidbody’s movement.
- None No Interpolation is applied.
- Interpolate Transform is smoothed based on the Transform of the previous frame.
- Extrapolate Transform is smoothed based on the estimated Transform of the next frame.


*Easy Fix* I got stuck for awhile on the error "unity spawning indexoutofrangeexception: index was outside the bounds of the array. but if anyone runs into this what fixed it for me was related to the "whichitem = Random.Range(0, 4);" line and and making sure you have exactly 4 objects(or however many u wrote in your script) attached to your Spawn Script under "Allitems" in the inspector


There is a code of this for endless runner 2D?
