What is Parental Alienation? | Does Parental Alienation Syndrome Exist?

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This video answers the questions: What is Parental Alienation? What is Parental Alienation Syndrome?

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Destroying a child's relationship with "the other" parent is one of the cruelest things parents do to their kids.


👍🏻 Video Dr. Grande. 😃 This is another new topic and subject I found very interesting.


Can you revisit this topic focused on the 2 kids in Santa Cruz that were removed from the home and then ran away from the mom?


Isn't it true that can only be called a Syndrome if one or both parents of small chldren start taking how the children are struggling to heart to the point that to protect their children they just let go of their care altogether only for practical reasons while the other parent is then reinforcing any negative comments said by the child about the other parent who 'abandoned' them?. Or, one parent starts taking the child's unruly behavior so personally but not enough for it to be called according to the courts unhealthy parenting whle the other parent is reinforcing any negative comments the child says about the other parent. The truth is that n the best of circumstances during divorce when expecting more than one small childt to live out of suitcases starting from the age of 1 onward all small childen feel resentful about having to become like already grown up little young travelling salesmen of the good news sometimes long after their parents separate when one parent may decide to move up to 100 miles away which by the way is still considered to be in family courts 'shared custody'. In circumstances like that when a parent moves small children that far away unless there is things like a prescription Opioid addicition and/or reckless behavior of the other parent like drunkedness and dangerous driving going on most parents would cut their losses and be willing to risk Parental Alienation Syndrome to happen when the other parent starts reinforcing any negative comments their child says about the other parent like daddy must not love me anymore or whatever.


Parental alienation syndrome is created by Garner when a father was accused of sexual abuse towards his daughter. There was no other way to cover his as* up.

Dr. Grande, did you do enough research on this? You have made some scenarios here, but the real cases involved in “parental alienation” are usually not about simple emotional states of the child/children. When “PA” is raised, often one parent, usually the mother is claiming the other parent for abuse. The abuser can’t protect himself other than accusing the other parent for “PA”.

I personally believe there’s always a reason a child rejects his/her parent. When there’s an issue like that, the rejected parent, simply should be focus on relationship with the child before accusing the other and finding fault (remember, blaming the others are typical narcissistic trait?).

Isn’t it bizarre to say “brainwashed by a parent” as it is normal to pass on our beliefs to our children. Children are also affected by their parents, or whoever are close to them or takes care of them.

The child’s age and other circumstances around the home have to be monitored carefully too, to understand why a child would reject a parent. However, let’s say if a child rejects a parent other than a divorce case, wouldn’t that be a huge red flag for abuse??

Dr. Grande, I do like your channel and have a respect for your insight! I’d like you to get into this subject deeper and would like you to speculate again!


Litigating Parental Alienation: Evaluating and Presenting an Effective Case in Court
by Ashish S Joshi (Author)
Publisher ‏ : ‎ ABA Book Publishing (January 1, 2021)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1641058285
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1641058285


I would love to see balanced, level-headed information on how to cope as an alienated parent.


If you lie about a fire in a movie theater you go to jail. If you lie in domestic court, about the parent being a drug addled alcoholic who is abusive to everyone (clearly showing one parent cares more about their ego & lies then the well being of their kids)..you get whatever you want...no consequences.
This is and has always been child abuse.


Interesting video Dr. Grande
My mom didn't tell me who my real dad was until I was 26. This is similar to parental alienation because it seems her goal was the same- no relationship or coparenting.


P.A.S. In respect of one parent using the child against the other in effect “weaponising” the child against. The trouble with PAS is it was poorly used by “experts” in legal cases. Should it be classified as a thing? No it should not it should be called by a more appropriate title “Child Abuse”👍


Narcissistic parents are more likely to use their children as weapons against the targeted parent. The narcissist has attachment trauma which causes them to over-identify with the child and effectively project their own hatred for their own parent onto (or through) the child. The targeted parent is undermined at every turn and the child is encouraged to see the targeted parent as trying to hurt her/him. The narcissist intends to inflict upon his/her spouse the worst imaginable psychological injury possible. It's worse than your child being murdered. Your child is psychologically abducted and pretends you (the targeted parent) does not exist. The narcissist uses the child this way to obtain sadistic satisfaction that the ex-spouse is hurt in the worst way possible. Children used this way often end up with narcissism themselves and suicidal.


This is a typical description of PAS and while it contains some truths the fact that it leaves so much out makes this a dangerous assessment indeed. PAS alway involves one parent that is personality disordered and where they are on the spectrum determines the level of severity of the PA. It does not only involve custody disputes, far from it. A large % of custody disputes involve personality disordered individuals so that is an obvious subset of PA cases. It also does not center around custody but on using the child to destroy the other parent. Part of this destruction includes destroying the children as well. The child(ren) always has some sort of attachment disorder to the alienating parent, so the child is anxious to resolve these attachment issues and will do anything to please this alienating parent. This is profoundly abusive behavior and creates psychopaths of the children. The courts almost always give the children to this abusive parent. This is not difficult to diagnose.


The authority on "parental alienation" is Craig Childress, Psy.D. The FB group Alliance to End Parental Alienation is helpful and Dorcy Preuter is a recognized intervention professional.


I am a victim of parental alienation. My ex wife was able to ruin the relationship between me and my daughter. But she was unable to do the same with my father because my daughter loved him. So what my ex wife did? She accused him of molesting my daughter. Now we lost all contact with her. This is so sad. Sorry about my English.


My 3 children were alienated from me after divorce by their malignant narcissist dad and his new wife. Two years after the separation and just after his remarriage with his mistress he started abduct our sons from school and I was searching for them like crazy everywhere. He brought them mobile phones and called them so many times every day, forcing them to spy on me, to tell him everything that was going on in my house. He told them that I was an awful mother, they must not obey me and they should try to run away from my home in every occasion. He pressurised them daily incessantly, when they obeyed him, they were loved and rewarded by their dad, if not they weren't. This narcissist kidnapping my children or forcing them to run away almost every week for 2 years made me really sick, I had heart arrhythmia. I asked for help from Justice. But the Judge decided to give the custody of my two 12 and 11 years old sons to their dad because my sons were behaving horribly with me, not obeying, running away, falsely reporting me to the police following the direct orders of their narcissistic revengeful dad. I was totally heartbroken!!! I was left with my third son of 4 years who cried horribly and rejected me violently every time he saw his father, but when he was alone with me he was loving and cuddling to me. At 4 years old, my poor baby replied to my question of why he doesn't say to his father that he loves his mother too (all three of my sons were forced to reject me and call their stepmother "mommy"), "Mommy, if I say to my father that I love you, he will never take me to his home again!". My poor little son already understood the consequences if he doesn't obey the orders of his father. My 3 children were highly congratulated, rewarded with toys, pocket money, McDonald's lunches, kompyuter, etc. for rejecting me, for showing love and calling mommy to their stepmother. And horribly enough, they were denied love, gifts, etc if they didn't reject me enough. They stopped saying me hello when seeing me outside, they were so afraid of physically touching me when their father was near and watching. I could kiss them only when they were alone with me in my apartment. My older 2 sons stayed with their father for years until I could take back their custody. During those 4 years every 2 weeks, when it was my turn to take them to my home, the narcissist didn't let them go without forcing me waiting many hours at his door. I suffered narcissistic abuse for 9 years of marriage, and 8 years after the divorce too because he used our children like a true weapon to continue to hurt me as usual. Now my children live with me, but we are all traumatized, especially me, I have a deep trauma that I am trying to overcome daily. My religion saved me and guided me throughout years. I am sure this evil narcissist cannot escape the consequences of his acts, I understand perfectly why Allah created the Hellfire, and said in his holy Book Quran that if God shows mercy and take some people out of the Hell, these people would again go back to their ancient sins, they would never sincerely repent and change themselves. I understood that eternal Hellfire is for narcissistic people who will never change and deserve the punishment for what they did to other people.


Or when narcissists decide to "cut all contact from you" and cut you off from their love because you aren't doing what they want and aren't allowing yourself to be easily controlled by them, that can force some narcisstic parents to alienate their children for sure. My parents did that to me just because I chose to get therapy for their abuse (even though they told me to get therapy all the time) when I actually did and started listening to the advice of their therapist, they were pissed! My mom especially behaves in this way. It hurts a lot but I'm hanging in there and trauma therapy is helping a ton.


I remember my dad lying about my mom, saying, “she’s the crazy one.” “It’s nice get out of the house to get away from her.” And other horrible things like that. Unfortunately, my parents are still together and I wish my parents would split up. My mom can meet someone more compassionate, patient, understanding and empathic than my “dad”. But, like my therapist said, I need to stay in my lane.


Parental alienation is a very real problem that can bring drastic emotional harm to all children involved 🥺 Personally, my father was the one attempting to break my positive relationship with my mom, but I do understand that both parents can engage is behavior at the same time as well. Very sad...


divide and ”conquer” in the manipulators sick mind. The ”win” in reality being a broken family.

My dads second wife did this to me.


Dr Grande, I feel like my husband has done this to my children by grooming them... Suddenly my children began lying and not trusting me..it worried me but I never understood what was happening until a CPS worker came to my door!!! My children and I had strong emotional bonds...I'm sick because there was no divorce until now.... I know now I am with a I have to give up my home to get my child because I have been lied to by this man....
