Prominent Seventh-Day Adventist Speaking In Tongues?

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Chaplin to the United States Senate and well known Seventh-Day Adventist, Barry Black, babbling. SDA's don't teach or practice babbling....somethings not right.
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This is my last comment(I don't do arguments on youtube) Please read 1 Corinthians 12, 13 and 14 again. Do not read it through the eyes of what you have been told but do it objectively. "For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, NO ONE understands them; they utter MYSTERIES by the Spirit." 1 Corinthians 14:2


There is no doubt that many theological concepts contrary to the fundamental beliefs are finding their way into the church, but I am just amazed that so many "faithful believers" spend all of their time looking for demons under doilies while they ignore the most horrible sins being committed in the church. Those sins include GOSSIP, SLANDER, BACKBITING, HYPOCRISY, SELFISHNESS, and oh yes, PRIDE. We can be so quick to condemn and so slow to love.


I praise God for the biblical truth of speaking in tongues I as a Seventh Day Adventist believe in speaking in tongues I spoke in tongues and I know God will use me to destroy the evil teachings that the devil has blind folded my Adventist family and the whole Protestant brothers as a whole


@kjoelpk Thats the issue, nobody knows what he's saying. I speak japanese, what he said is not japanese. Biblically speaking, if youre going to actually speak another language there should be an interpretation.


In the bible a "tongue" is indeed a language and one which is understood by a nation which speaks it. Find me a nation that understands the "gibber gabber" the video portrays. Cease your empty and groundless warnings. 2 Corinthians 13:8 For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.


Sometimes I wonder whether I'm reading the same Bible as other people. Lemme just say this "Study to show yourself approved, a workman, not ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" Don't let someone tell you something without searching and dissecting the scriptures for yourself to find out if it is true. Speaking in tongues is real as well as interpretation and all other manifestations of the Spirit listed in 1Corinthians12.


I appreciate your comments, both logical and nonsensical. Yes, the audio is original and untampered with and should I find Mr. Black at GC I will be sure to ask him about the video.


He is praying/praising in the Holy Spirit. It is a gift of God and he wasn’t abusing it or using witchcraft. Be careful to judge against the Holy Spirit.


*Early SDAs spoke in tongues*
"Early demonstrations among the Millerites, which included swooning, shouting, and praising God with a loud voice, carried over after 1844 into the experience of those who established the Seventh-day Adventist Church, along with at least four documented experiences of speaking in tongues."
(Charismatic Experiences in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, George E. Rice, Copyright 2018 Ellen G. White Estate, Inc., page 5)


That's why I only put Trust in God


OH, No! It has crept into the church unawares...And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: Galatians 2:4


In all the videos I have listened to with Pasto🎉r Barry Black, I have not heard a single
one where he preached in tongues. I pray by the mighty power of God and the blood of Jesuss that if this is truth it will be unveiled in other presentations. If you have more, please show them.


For those who has been in church for a while should stop listening to preachers and start studying the letters of love and salvation that God wrote to you via inspired men and woman.


For sure, the fella is not an Adventist and never was
Because he does not understand the real Adventist truths and message

There are many people in an Adventist church today, but not all are Adventists


If you have argument with truth, you indeed should take it up with God and not with comments made on youtube. Whats the point of speaking if "NO ONE" understands? Does God do things just for the heck of it or pointlessly? Maybe your god does. But the all powerful Jehovah one true living God whom I love and worship does not. Read the rest of chapter 14 of Corinthians it makes more sense when you read the whole chapter instead of taking single verses and trying to make it fit YOUR context


Well it wasn't me operating the camera. AND you can see that his mouth is moving the first time he starts speaking unintelligibly then he takes a breath and the camera zooms out and you can no longer see his lips clearly enough to see them move but you can the first time he says it. Logic would say if his mouth moved the first time and you can see it as he speaks, it moves the 2nd time as well when you hear him but cant see clearly enough to observe his lips moving.


I know those of you don't want to believe it, but I've heard the video and have examined it more than once, and clearly you can see as plain as day that he's speaking an unintelligable known as tongue. People, we have to careful. As a seventh day adventist, I am shocked to hear and see this. Beware of deception from the enemy


How do we know that his voice is not tampered with? Secondly, has anyone approached him about this, especially the person who recorded the 'tongue speaking' part and post it on the net? If he spoke in tongues, I think you should have had this discussion with him first. If this is real, it will be interesting to hear him (Barry C Black) commenting also about this. 


These are the same babblings that wizards and mediums of old that the Word has warned us.

Isaiah 8:19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?

1st Timothy 6:20 - 21 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.


Honestly I don't think he is talking gibberish, I think what he's saying has meaning. When I was younger I grew up around people that spoke in that...tongue, but I really think that evil spirits are speaking through them, we may not understand but I think there is meaning to what they are saying, even though they may not even know...
