People who shave head for support | Random Acts of Kindness...!!!

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We have prepared a video compilation of emotional, kindness, heartwarming and reunion moments for you. We hope we do not lose our faith in humanity as humans. Thanks for watching ...
Thanks to all the good people who shared these wonderful moments with all of us.
Husband is shaving his wife’s head because she’s losing her hair due to chemo, then he shaves his own to support. You can see the love family has for her. This is what true love really means.
There is a very strong bond between a father and a son, who are sincerely attached to each other. There could be no better description of showing your support for him.
When the woman you love is battling with cancer you let her know she's not going thru it alone.
A woman named Sandra Smith, who was diagnosed with level 4 cancer, went to the barbershop to have her hair shaved . Barber set up a camera without Smith knowing so that if she wanted, she could keep it as a memory. However, it’s what he did halfway through that left her speechless. The barber shaved his own head to support Sandra. I congratulate the barber for his wonderful behavior.
Marissa Givens, who was diagnosed with alopecia, had to shave her head because her hair was falling out. Marissa's husband supported her by shaving his own head in order not to leave her alone. The love of this wonderful couple for each other is truly impressive.
Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones that would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.
The people who are there to support you when you are at your weakest moments are your real family.
Again, we are together with brave and benevolent barbers. The courtesy of these two beautiful men is truly admirable. Alleviating a person's distress a little bit can make you happy for months. This is proof to yourself that you are a good person.
This video is proof that a family's bond is much more than just blood. There is endless support from her husband and children to the woman who lost her hair due to chemotherapy. You are a very strong family indeed. I hope you regain your health as soon as possible with this strength.
Rachael Lanen, who has alopecia, and her husband realize that supporting each other is a superpower. I leave you alone with this wonderful video of them.
The barber makes a very sensitive gesture to the little girl, who feels very ugly because her hair is shaved, so that she does not feel alone. I wish my barber was like this guy.
This young man, who does not leave his mother alone in difficult times, knows very well how precious his mother is to him. I am sure that these wonderful moments will remain as a precious memory in their minds.
True friendship requires being sad with the pain of the friend and being happy with the joy. Some friendships are so strong that they are not friends but family to each other.
While doctors and nurses work on the frontline to protect us throughout the public health crisis, people around the country are coming up with ways to thank the heroic NHS staff. Ben Richards wanted to do more than that. So, he got his mate to shave initials of healthcare system into his head to pay respect in a way that certainly hadn’t been done before.
Matildas player Aivi Luik shaved her head in support for her brother who is currently fighting brain cancer. She raised over $35k for charity in the process.
Shaving her hair to support her grandmother, Kylie gives her an emotional gift she will never forget. Doing this is the most sincere way of saying 'I am with you'.
Many thanks to everyone who watched the video. Hope you always love and feel loved, goodbye until the next video.
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Hello to all of the good people (Goodbye to bad people) …
Our channel uses your donations to assist people and animals in need. You can support us by donating to our account and subscribing to our channel. Keep watching our videos on emotional, kindness, random goodness and good people. Try not to cry. Stay with LOVE ...
#emotional, #cancer, #hair, #willbeok
Thanks to all the good people who shared these wonderful moments with all of us.
Husband is shaving his wife’s head because she’s losing her hair due to chemo, then he shaves his own to support. You can see the love family has for her. This is what true love really means.
There is a very strong bond between a father and a son, who are sincerely attached to each other. There could be no better description of showing your support for him.
When the woman you love is battling with cancer you let her know she's not going thru it alone.
A woman named Sandra Smith, who was diagnosed with level 4 cancer, went to the barbershop to have her hair shaved . Barber set up a camera without Smith knowing so that if she wanted, she could keep it as a memory. However, it’s what he did halfway through that left her speechless. The barber shaved his own head to support Sandra. I congratulate the barber for his wonderful behavior.
Marissa Givens, who was diagnosed with alopecia, had to shave her head because her hair was falling out. Marissa's husband supported her by shaving his own head in order not to leave her alone. The love of this wonderful couple for each other is truly impressive.
Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones that would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.
The people who are there to support you when you are at your weakest moments are your real family.
Again, we are together with brave and benevolent barbers. The courtesy of these two beautiful men is truly admirable. Alleviating a person's distress a little bit can make you happy for months. This is proof to yourself that you are a good person.
This video is proof that a family's bond is much more than just blood. There is endless support from her husband and children to the woman who lost her hair due to chemotherapy. You are a very strong family indeed. I hope you regain your health as soon as possible with this strength.
Rachael Lanen, who has alopecia, and her husband realize that supporting each other is a superpower. I leave you alone with this wonderful video of them.
The barber makes a very sensitive gesture to the little girl, who feels very ugly because her hair is shaved, so that she does not feel alone. I wish my barber was like this guy.
This young man, who does not leave his mother alone in difficult times, knows very well how precious his mother is to him. I am sure that these wonderful moments will remain as a precious memory in their minds.
True friendship requires being sad with the pain of the friend and being happy with the joy. Some friendships are so strong that they are not friends but family to each other.
While doctors and nurses work on the frontline to protect us throughout the public health crisis, people around the country are coming up with ways to thank the heroic NHS staff. Ben Richards wanted to do more than that. So, he got his mate to shave initials of healthcare system into his head to pay respect in a way that certainly hadn’t been done before.
Matildas player Aivi Luik shaved her head in support for her brother who is currently fighting brain cancer. She raised over $35k for charity in the process.
Shaving her hair to support her grandmother, Kylie gives her an emotional gift she will never forget. Doing this is the most sincere way of saying 'I am with you'.
Many thanks to everyone who watched the video. Hope you always love and feel loved, goodbye until the next video.
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Hello to all of the good people (Goodbye to bad people) …
Our channel uses your donations to assist people and animals in need. You can support us by donating to our account and subscribing to our channel. Keep watching our videos on emotional, kindness, random goodness and good people. Try not to cry. Stay with LOVE ...
#emotional, #cancer, #hair, #willbeok