The Ultimate Guide to Food Plots Without Big Equipment | Jared Mills

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@jaredmills explains how to grow successful food plots without large, expensive equipment.

#midwayusa #jaredmills #foodplots #whitetailhunting #deerhunting

00:00 - Why I Plant Food Plots
02:23 - Food Plot Misconceptions
04:33 - Focus of This Video
05:42 - Environmental Factors
06:16 - Soil Test
06:48 - Sunlight
07:36 - Rainfall
08:46 - Seed Varieties
10:51 - Choosing Your Seed
13:44 - Clearing Pre-existing Vegetation
16:40 - Seeding the Soil
18:27 - Fertilizer
20:30 - Fertilizing, Weed Control, and Mowing
22:21 - Closing Thoughts
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I appreciate that no till method were every seed don't germ cause it's so easy to over seed brassica, probably helps more that hurts in that scenario! Good stuff j- rod!❤❤


Great info Jared! Sometimes I get in my head and try to over complicate plots. I've done multiple successful plots 1/4 acre or less with these same methods - weed eater, backpack sprayer, sometimes fire, and a seeder.


great info, thank you. New to food plots and trying to learn all I can so as to not waste energy and resources.


I got that same solo spreader. I love it


Excellent Video. What company are you working with for seed Sir?


Man Jared this is a vid i have been waitin for. I now exactly how u feel when u say plot are addicting. Im goin on my third yr of plantin my own. Granted i only have 10 acres and an playin with .5 acres in the very back but my first yr i had a great lill stand of turnips last yr i put in soy beans and they done great till they were all ate down lol i know why now and this yr i put in mix of pearl millet corn and beans. Huge stand of millet and corn but my beans got choked out. Its all a learning curve. Wish i could get someone like u to actually come to my place and analyze it all and tell me how to do it proper. But this video helps a lot. Thank u so much


Just watched this video for the second time. I’m curious what mower that is you are using and if you have any recommendations on an atv tow behind mower. I will be mowing several acres this year. Would like one that cuts 8 inch height or close to that for my clover plots.


Hey Jared, what is that 3 nozzle attachment you are using for your backpack sprayer? That looks really awesome.


Hey Jared what's your thoughts on over seeded a medium red clover field that they have been eating very hard all year with brassicas thanks for your time and some great informational video


hey jared I am a new hunter last year was my first year I have a property that my family owns and im looking to do one or 2 small food plots I live in central Texas that has little rain and a hog problem was wondering what you think would be best for my situation I also have a well on the property but don't know if me watering the plot would deter the deer from using it like I said very new at hunting so I still have a lot to learn!


when planting forage oats, do I need to till first? since its a bigger seed?


Is Deer gro plot start really a lime alternative? My USDA office says no. Deer GRO is calcium chloride, lime is calcium carbonate. True liquid lime, is made of calcium carbonate correct? Why are youtubers promoting a product that is not really benefiting the soil? Can you do a video explaining the difference between calcium chloride and calcium carbonate(lime). Ive heard calcium chloride is used on highways as a brine since it don't freeze, as well as in tires.. I'd like to use liquid lime, but feel I've been tricked by false marketing and people getting paid lots of $$ to promote a product that really is not beneficial to my soil and food plots.
