How To Switch Your Cat To A Raw Diet | The Ultimate Guide

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Do you want to put your kitty on a more species appropriate diet? This guide will help you transition even the pickiest cat to raw food. This guide is chock full of information, so be sure to take notes!

VIDEO ★ Raw Food Balancing For Cats

VIDEO ★ Raw Meal Prep For Cats

VIDEO ★ How To Transition Your Dog To Raw

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I was expecting my 1 year old cat to take some convincing when I came home from the store with chicken feet, liver, kidneys, pork loin, and necks. He devoured his whole meal in no time! He was so happy. Definitely take care to cut up the food. Most cats are bad chewers and mine needed small starburst-sized chunks


I switched to a raw diet a month ago. My kitty is doing so well now. His fur is very shiny and he is VERY HAPPY!


My cats went straight to raw as though they had never eaten a meal in their life. They came from a vegan home.


The best video to educate anyone who’s interested in raw diet for cats. Thank you!


The quality of this video is just out of this world. Thank you so much!!


My 10 month old boys transitioned really easily :) One of them never ate his wet food, only kibble and (strangely) he transitioned the easiest! It was almost like he was thinking “Finally!! Good food!” They may surprise you 💙


I wasn't even looking into a raw diet but all the sudden my baby is going to be eating like a queen .thank you! Very easy to understand tips and guide !!


I have an older cat (13Y, NM) he was diabetic as of this January [2022] and he was on Royal Canin HP soy for his IBD. His levels were as high as 500.

Thanks to the message board of Feline Diabetes that's been active since the early 2000's, I was able to quickly understand the condition and start at home testing and then eventually doing a Free Style Libre to constantly monitor his glucose levels. I also switched his food to wet Purina DM. He is officially in remission right now, the last day he had insulin being February 2nd, and his daily glucose levels range between 50-150 throughout the day.

However he had an IBD flair up, and so that means I need to try a different diet...I'm trying really hard to give my best friend a healthier life. So thank you for posting this.

I'm trying to find formulas and figure out what he needs to keep his IBD more under control.


I live with my parents and have gradually warmed them up to better and better foods for our kitten. First a grain free kibble... then grain free wet food... then a premade cooked food... so close to getting the go ahead on raw food! Hopefully the "supporting local farms" spin will work on them, haha.


2021 shortage of cat food has me here should’ve been here because of how much better it is for them


I switched my kitty from canned to ground raw a few months ago (pre-made since I don't have the time nor skill to do all the balancing and prepping myself). She was a little hesitant to try the raw at first since it was still cold from the fridge, but I coaxed her into taking a bite by sticking a few of her favorite treats on top. Once she took that first bite, it was like a lightswitch went off in her brain that was like hey! This is food! And she hasn't had a problem since haha. She inhales her meals like a vacuum cleaner the moment I put her bowl down!

She does have some mild tartar buildup on her teeth, so I am planning to add some non-ground raw meaty bones to her diet soon. Guess we'll have to wait and see how she reacts to those!


It took a week for my cat to adapt to raw food. She would skip most meals until she's really hungry. She now prefers quails and chickens to mice. She goes crazy on beef organs too, but those are occasional treat.


This morning I took chicken gizzards and hearts, a tin of sardines, three eggs, and some tilapia filets, put them in a blender and fed my three cats. I don't feed them the same every day but this is a treat for them. A big spoonful each.


So much advice. I have to see this video several time. This is so new to me. Love all the new cat feeding advice. Swtiching to raw food ASAP.


This is super helpful! We have been trying to get my cat to get to a healthy weight by reducing her food portions and make her exercise more, but she never loses the weight BECAUSE of the dry kibble 🤦‍♀️ I didn’t know what else to do. We get a really good brand of dry food, so I never made the correlation that it is because of dry food that she’s retaining all this weight.


One of my cats, an older Tom wouldn’t eat raw meat, but he loved whole prey! He would played with his meal for a few minutes then find a nice spot to start chewing, he’d lick the blood off the floor, my dog is kinda scared of whole prey...he barks at even chunks of fur.


This video is very informative, but about equally intimidating and ultimately repellant to those curious about or looking into changing their cat's diets.


This was such a helpful video! We appreciate all of the tips and tricks, especially for picky kitties!


Thank you so much! We have many cats at home (8 right now) and I want to give them a better life. Your recipe is not only easy to follow and clear, it is affordable. I can’t afford a grinder and this was almost making me give up on the raw feeding, but you showed me it is possible otherwise. Thank you! The kitties thank you too 😊


Love watching your videos! They're always so informative and make raw feeding feel more approachable. Fantastic job breaking down the calculations as well. I feel more and more comfortable feeding raw after watching your channel. Keep up the great work!
