When to Walk Away from a Toxic Mother

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Endings in relationships are sometimes necessary but what do you do when you need to walk away from a toxic mother? In this video video, we talk about when to stay and when to walk away from a toxic mother.

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FREE Toxic People Survival Guide

Toxic Mother Survival Course - The Christians Guide to Dealing with a Toxic Mother Biblically


One day after starting no contact with my mum - I've stopped feeling suicidal.


One month after I cut off ties with my mom... my shoulder injury resolved, my gut distention improved a lot!!! Wow.


My mother has never defended me in my life. Looking back i want to cry. I’ve tried everything


I walked away 2 years ago absolutely no regrets ..


A true narcissistic mom will never validate your feelings. I tried all your suggestions and was met with absolute indifference.


There was absolutely no relationship with my mom and no possibility of a healthy communication with her whatsoever. And she never took responsibility for all the ways she abused me and would just continue to do so. Took me more than 40 years to realize that I didn't have to enable this anymore. I've been no contact for months now. It's not easy but I know it was the right thing to do. I'm even moving out of town! I'm on a path to healing. Thank God I have Jesus!


When i was 46, i finally went no contact with my mother. This affected my relationship with my entire family so the no contact eventually extended to all of them. I hate that i lost who i was....daughter, aunt, niece, granddaughter, cousin, sister. She was so malicious. She died a year ago in December and i felt relief...not even sadness, just relief.


Lived this for 53 years. No other recourse than having to go no contact.


Mothers are more toxic then we acknowledge and we always wonder why the fathers run away


Mothers thruout the centuries have been viewed, and even idolized, as loving, nurturing, supportive, sacrificial. When you have a mother that is not, you feel jipped! Others have a hard time believing you when you seek help. If they refuse to acknowledge your profound pain and suffering, you won’t get help carrying your immense burden! They are gaslighting you just as your mother is!


My mother and me are done. She criticizes me constantly, called me a liar when I told her I was suffering with anxiety and depression. I'm even on pills for my condition. And she told me last week I'm ugly because I don't wear make up, and also she has said I dress like a clown? I have had enough, and as of today I'm walking away from her forever. No choice because she is making my anxiety and depression much worse. I feel relieved to be away from her. There is nothing left now, I just want peace from her. She treats my sister like the golden child, and never does this to her. But with me she can't stop being nasty about me and my life ❤❤


This comment section feels like a warm hug ❤🥹


You have just summed up my life.
On every point you made. My mother is a chronic liar, master manipulator, and always has to be in control of every situation and every person.
I could never talk to her, never feel comfortable around her, the last time I was with her, she made me physically ill.

When I was little, i was always sick. Always going to see the dr. i used to pull my hair out. I also always was nervous and at the age of 12, I started suffering with anxiety and panic attacks. As an adult, I always had chronic bronchitis, ulcers, physical pain. I was always accused of being a hypochondriac, but it was a physical result of being around her toxicity.
It has been about 10 years that I did not have to be around her daily. Only on the holidays. And the holidays were ALWAYS a huge stress ball for me. Everything was always wrong. Nothing ever made her happy.
So sad that a mother, someone who is supposed to give comfort to her child can do just the opposite.
I always wanted her to love me, I always wanted a relationship with her. But in my old age now, I realize I will never have that.
Your videos help me so very much.


Just gone no contact with my abusive mother since my childhood, im now 60years, its 3months of no contact it was difficult Thank God i did it


Yes my blood pressure gets high when I deal with my mother . I’m going full low- contact on my terms ONLY


My mom and I used to be best friends, so as I got older and realized her hitting me, calling me a lot of horrible names (primarily stupid, and ones that have cuss words), always asking me for money since I was in elementary school, guilt tripping me, shaming me, never liking anyone I've dated, disregarding my thoughts and feelings, treating me like a child as an adult, crossing my boundaries, and worst of all making me so sick I ended up in the hospital even the ER many times. In 2018, I started to realize how unreasonable she was and last June cut ties with her completely. No visitation, calls, emails, nothing. I gave her so many chances to recognize and change her bad behavior and she just wouldn't. If anything, she's gotten worse. She's told me since I was little she never wanted to see me again and as an adult, she said if I ever came over, she'd have me arrested. Guess she got her wish 🤷So, enough was enough and I walked out of her life permanently. I have no need or desire to ever reconcile with her and other toxic relatives, past toxic friendships, etc. It's 100% on her that she won't change for the better. She's almost 50 years old, if she hasn't changed by now, she never will. The crazy part is, she's the one who introduced me to Jesus and made fun of me for continuing to follow Him as an adult! She makes absolutely no sense and is the most unstable person I have ever met. I've been reparenting myself since before I cut ties. She hasn't felt like a mom for a long time. I honestly wish I never met her. No mom is much better than a toxic one. Not sure if God is ever going to answer my prayers to bring her back to Him, but I have peace knowing I did everything I could and it wasn't my fault. I don't have to keep blaming myself. My life has immense peace since I've left 💕🕊️


It’s the draining me for years. My whole life is was surrounded around taking care of her.


Psychological damage to a child from a toxic parent or parents is significant and CAN be addressed by a professional if recognised by the affected individual. If not, the damage remains and spills into personal relationships outside the family. Friends, relatives, co-workers and future partners can all be affected by an individual who has unresolved toxic parental damage.


Mines a stalker, bully, cusses people out without cuss words. Narcissistic, jealous. Tried to be nice and deal with her. But not worth it. Everything goes wrong when shes near. Never knew a more gossiping bitter person. Too toxic. She's not rational so it's not the kind of person you can work with. She likes to cause problems on purpose something is wrong.Not only does it affect physically but it has become a spiritual attack. There's something demonic now moves through her. When a parents like this sometimes God's saying just get away
