Top 10 Ways to Stop a Cough from Postnasal Drip

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How can you stop a cough from postnasal drip? What are the best methods and home remedies? Watch this video to find out!

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➡️ Stay Hydrated
More than 70% of the human body is made up of water which is why it’s always important to stay hydrated. This is especially true if you're sick with a cold or certain type of infection. Dehydration causes mucus and secretions in the lungs to thicken up which makes it more difficult to cough up for removal. 

➡️ Rinse Your Nasal Cavity
Rinsing your sinuses is a simple and effective way to alleviate the symptoms of postnasal drip. This is especially true if you think the symptoms are allergy-related. A simple rinse with a squirt bottle can wash out the allergens and irritants from your nasal airways.

➡️ Nasal Steroid Sprays
An intranasal steroid spray is an anti-inflammatory type of medication that is effective in treating a stuffy nose and postnasal drip. It comes as a small bottle with a corticosteroid solution that can be sprayed directly into your nasal passages.

➡️ Medicated Nasal Sprays
Similar to the nasal steroid sprays that we mentioned, these are also effective in treating a runny nose and unwanted symptoms. These cannot be purchased over-the-counter so you have to see your doctor first.

➡️ Oral Antihistamines
These drugs are available both over-the-counter and by prescription. They are effective in providing relief for a runny nose, watery eyes, itchy throat, and other allergy symptoms.

➡️ Pseudoephedrine
It's the active ingredient in a drug known as Sudafed, which is a decongestant that can provide relief for sinus congestion and postnasal drip due to allergies. It works by restricting the blood vessels of the nose and sinuses which can reduce the production of mucus in your nasal airways.

➡️ Oral Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists
These are anti-inflammatory drugs that help open up your airways to make breathing easy. These are prescription-only medications that are used for the treatment and prevention of asthma, however, they can be effective in treating the symptoms of allergies and postnatal drip as well.

➡️ Natural Essential Oils
Using naturally extracted essential oils such as eucalyptus, lemongrass, rosemary, and sandalwood can be effective methods of treating a chest infection. You can use these oils either by inhalation via diffusers, vaping, or by topical application in the form of natural vapor rub.

➡️ Gargle Warm Salt Water
Not only does it help get rid of phlegm, this method can also eliminate germs and soothe a sore throat. All you have to do is mix one cup of warm water with half a teaspoon of salt. The reason that you need to use warm water is because it helps the salt dissolve more quickly.

➡️ Try the Classic Lemon and Honey Solution
Sipping on a solution of lemon, honey, and warm water is a classic home remedy that is widely used across the world. It’s useful in alleviating sore throat symptoms that are caused by repeated coughing and can also alleviate postnasal drip.



This content is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with a physician with any questions that you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you watch in this video. We strive for 100% accuracy, but errors may occur, and medications, protocols, and treatment methods may change over time.

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0:00 - Intro
0:52 - Stay Hydrated
1:48 - Rinse Your Nasal Cavity
2:30 - Nasal Steroid Sprays
3:05 - Medicated Nasal Sprays
3:42 - Oral Antihistamines
4:15 - Pseudoephedrine
4:44 - Oral Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists
5:11 - Natural Essential Oils
5:51 - Gargle Warm Salt Water
6:41 - Try the Classic Lemon and Honey Solution



#PostnasalDrip #HomeRemedy #HomeRemedies
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I had this for over 10 years. It went completely away when I finally made the decision to quit my job, retire and move to Florida from the NYC metropolitan area. One day I just noticed it disappeared……………with the STRESS 😳😄


I’d suffered for years with this, constantly clearing phlegm from the back of my throat. Then my wife was diagnosed with t2 diabetes, so we both went on low carb diet, cutting out as much sugar etc as possible. After a few weeks I realised the problem had gone!


I had post nasal drip for decades. Then I quit eating wheat and most grains. I was shocked to find out that my problem had been caused by wheat and grains. Huge relief for me!


What I do with a cold or nasal drip is appling some old Belgian trick : I boil water put it in a bowl, some drops of eucalyptus and some salt in it. Put it on the table andI hang over it (not to close!!! ) and cover my head with a kitchencloth or bath towel over that bowl. So the steam can't escape and I breath it in slowly...couple of minutes. Repeat if nessessary. Mini sauna at home. Works very good🍀


I mix 1oz of water with 1 drop of peppermint oil and 1 or 2 drops of frankincense and spray that in my nose. Helps so much.


Lemon and honey in warm cup of water work wonders. Thank you so much.


My son was forever clearing his throat and horking I drove me absolutely crazy. This went on for years we tried everything and suddenly he figured it out. He tried apple cider vinegar for a week and it got rid of the acid reflux and gerd that was causing the constant throat phlegm.


Another consideration is the filtration in your home. Be sure to change the filters in you heat/ac system. Consider upgrading to a higher MERV rating. Not more than an 11 MERV


Hi. This is Korea. I suffered from this problem for 20 years. I found the cause and now I'm much better. First, if you have a nerve-treated molar, check xray for root inflammation. The root of the tooth is connected to the sinus, which can cause post nasal drip. Second, xylitol gum has a very good effect on oral cleanliness and sinus. Chew gum all day long. Third, examine the upper gastrostatic series and check if the stomach acid is refluxing. And if stomach acid flows back, the esophageal sphincter is often loose. For those suffering from postnasaldrip, sticky gastrointestinal fluid without stomach acid flows back to their eyes. The cure is Stretta and fundoplication. Follow the doctor's instructions.


I've have had postnasal drip for about the whole winter this year since I caught a really nasty cold at a Christmas party (And possibly an ear infection) I've tried almost all the 𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒍 ways in this video and several others to help stop it! And I've been feeling a lot better yet I still may have it (I probably will until the winters over) it has died down! So I just wanted to say thank you for helping me! And several other people!


mine was awful couldn;t sleep as it made me cough so much, I now use a saline nasal spray every night its helped a lot.


Please god jus make it stop I've been coughing for 18 hours straight now because of this. It's 4 in the morning


Although this won't be the course for everyone, please consider food allergies. Once I stopped consuming dairy and grains ( I know a hard ask) all these symptoms went away, it's a matter of testing out different foods to eliminate from your diet.


I’m here to tell you all to take daily vitamin C (like a good 1000 mg tablet or more, don’t be taking 200 mg gummies that are 20% sugar) and put some vaporub ointment under your nose or even a bit inside. I started getting this very annoying postnasal drip a couple of months ago, I’m pregnant so I couldn’t try nasal sprays or anything, and then I realized i had stopped taking my vitamin c around the same time it started. Also one night we had a paint smell in the house and being pregnant it was making me nauseous and my husband said to try the vaporub in the nose, it greatly decreased the thick hideous phlegm i used to wake up to. This is just from personal experience, hope it helps


In my practice (ENT) I find GERD is by FAR the most common cause of this symptom if it has been present more than a couple mos.


I do nasal rinses and drink ACV diluted in water and a bit of honey and it works!


I had CONSTANT post-nasal drip for several years. Long story short, I'm allergic to dust mites. If you were to come into my house you would see that I haven't dusted for months. I have Zyrtec and Flonase, and using them daily has made me a much happier person. I went through every other thing I could, including a Neti pot. They help but it's only a temporary fix.


Thank you for all the wonderful information you give us. It helps more than you will ever know.


Cured myself of a sinus infection with saline solution and all I did was lean my head back and apply one or two drops to each nostril, allowing it to run all the way back and down to my throat. After about a week or so of doing this 2-3x/day, it went away and never came back. Have only had one sinus infection in my whole life, it was awful. I'm going to try ACV and see if it helps my digestive complaints and respiratory allergies.


Great video!! I suffer from post nasal drip due to allergies. I am already taking Zyrtec and using the fluticasone spray. I also use a natural saline nasal spray. I also use the water with salt. Thanks so much for sharing this video with us !
