Major Psychological Shift Required to Allow We are NOT the Pinnacle⚡️

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I’ve never heard it put any better than that! Keep it up RC!


In many ways I think OUR ancestors were much smarter than us.


Wow! This is incredibly intuitive. Randall Carlson just psychologically diagnosed society.


Make sure you go support this man on his new channel, squaring the circle


Randall is on the spot
The arrogance of the dominant powers of the past centuries has sold that idea that we are the best version of humanity


Hubris is to modernity what ingenuity was to antiquity.


Truth being disseminated in epic fashion!!! By two Brilliant individuals who extol wonder upon us basic individuals, but who simultaneously as re being excoriated simply because those who exercise dominice in the supposed fields of simply can't handle a dose of both sane reasoning and logical truth!!! Thank You Graham and Randall!!! You two gentlemen are single handedly changing the perspective of our incredible history!!! And we all know, those we ho ignore history are doomed to repeat it!!!! So, please keep sounding off in this world as perhaps more of us than you realize are tuning in!!! Thank You Both!!! And Thanks to Joe for having the courage to air this real information that the powers that be don't feel comfortable about us populace knowing !!!


2 of the brightest minds of the century


Are the people who need to make this shift the so called experts? I think everyday people would have no problem accepting any new information in understanding our past. The people in denial are the ones who built their careers on false information or invested in keeping up a narrative.


They were smarter than us. With what they had to work with, they built civilization. We have air conditioning and are stagnating. This major shift only started happening a few decades ago. The last major advancement for humanity was the creation of the internet. The rest of our recent modern advancements are for our comfort, not the expansion of our species. We should have already been to Mars and multiple other planets in our solar system. We've had the technology for years but there isn't enough money or influence behind it. We'd rather fight over oil in the Middle East. We've stagnated so bad that people question our prior achievements, because the people of the modern era could never have completed such tasks.


It seems when you post something important, the algorithm mangles up what you are trying to convey!


Well if 13, 000 years ago they had the capability of sailing to the Azores/Atlantis which is about 1000 miles from the nearest land mass. Then that requires some sophisticated engineering and balls.


The "Primordial Organizing Principle of Civilized Beings" was first relayed to us 16 to 17 "Great Years" ago by "Civilized Beings" (not gods) from the "Sah" (Orion and Sigma Constellations), embraced by the Sacred Scientists of the "Previous Worldwide Civilization" and the builders of the "Next Level of Civilization" is, "Collective Empathy for ALL Spirits based on Expanded Perception of the One Law." Knowledge of which is expressed through the "Sacred Science."
We have entered a New Age, the "Age of Civilized Beings." The "Dogs of War" and their murderous followers, cannot stop the Time. Like us, they also must transform or imminently self-destruct.
The difference between a "Technologically Advanced Savage" and a "Civilized Being" is the latter embraces 100% of their genotypic self (not merely the 1 to 2.75% Neanderthal alleles many carry), and the Primordial Organizing Principle...
We have little time left to transform. Under Universal Law, whether one transforms into a Civilized Being or self-destructs as a Technologically Advanced Savage, all other lifeforms will ultimately benefit.


So true, treating the Ancestors of mankind as children is utterly preposterous, regardless of their tech and science development. Even if they were Stone Age people and not the most credible possibility, a "Advanced" Lost Civilization, they would still need to be respected as Elders, not as Children.

Total disregard to the people living in those times that survive and pass their genes on for generation to come along a group of snobs and say, "actually, you're all children to us.", the level of ego.

I blame the Scientists of Academia trying to draw a picture for the Media over the years of our relation with a hypothetical (for them) alien civilization interacting with humanity, specially the conquistador in the America's example that they make every time now.

Not even blaming the one that coin this phrase, Stephen Hawking since his statement was specific and a legit worry for a very possible inter-stellar threat.
But that was his example, these hypothetical villains of the cosmos don't need to be more evolve than humans, just having more accumulated technology and science and we are subjective to their will, as a planet.
I run off topic but the true remains, the Ancient People were people just like us, sure some were children, but they had adults and even a few elders too if you take the mainstream science narrative that they were ALL stone age people.


Society won't fall yet because we have a long way to go before we reach the pinnacle.


The sun could drop us back to the iron age in an instant.


I had a nightmare where we had a time machine and we brought back our ancestors to check things out in 2024. Then they killed us all cuz we are so far fallen, the didnt regonize us or whatever.


We are much more advanced than our they couldn't even forge let alone


If they were thst much advanced they would still be around.
Their advanced killed them..blew them up ???
Or did the escape through
portals yet to come back after everything was destroyed in past .


Maybe if we as society were to adopt the Holocene calendar ppl would be more interested in understanding more about where we’re coming from and how we got to where we are now
