CHEAP vs EXPENSIVE Guitar Pickups! - Can You Hear The Difference? - #197 Doctor Guitar

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In this episode I show you the difference from the Korean made pickups that came in my Line6 James Tyler Variax JTV69 and a new set of boutique pickups made by Lindy Fralin: the Twangmasters.

Can you hear the difference of the cheap vs expensive Guitar Pickups?

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Budda. my Brother. I try to make all your episodes. I greatly enjoy your demeanor. I don't know you personally, but I feel a good energy from you through the camera. It reminds me of me in a lot of ways. I get this feeling that, like myself, you wake up everyday trying to learn something new. Doesn't matter what it is. Also, try to help someone everyday. I think you, like me, enjoy sharing knowledge, and genuinely like helping people. I can dig it.


I really enjoy your channel Budda, keep up the good work. I have the JTV 69S (I think you have a little misprint in the description / looks like you have the JTV 59?) so I already have the Strat-style single coils for the magnetic pickups on the Variax. Your choice of replacement pickups sounds great. My question to you is - don't you like any of the single-coil options on the Variax selector wheel or maybe you just wanted the real pickups vs the virtual ones?


i really enjoy your channel. always fantastic content.


Love your enthusiasm. Could you please do a review on your Tech21 Trademark 60?


Saw you on Addicted to Gear, and now Subbed on your channel. Great tones on that Variax.My brother had one but it always had problems. 👍🎸


Olá Budda, desde já parabéns pelo canal e pelo fantástico conteúdo.
Tenho uma dúvida que gostava de tirar...usas a variax ao vivo unicamente com a baterias da guitarra? Se sim quanto tempo por norma costumas durar a bateria?
Tive uma guitarra precisamente igual á tua que acabei por fazer uma troca com o teu amigo e guitar tech o Miguel :) e na altura que usava a guitarra ela era sempre alimentada pela pedaleira da line6, visto estar a pensar comprar outra vez uma Variax e não estou a usar multiefeitos line6 gostava de saber se a bateria é uma cena em que podemos confiar.
Abraço desde Guimarães.


Budda, have you thought about Seymour Duncan Phat Cats? I've got a set in the mail so I'm not completely sure about what I'm going to get. I just want to brighten a humbucker equiped guitar.


Nutty concept for a guitar that Variax. Had never heard of it.


Great upgrade Budda! Are the Twangmasters hum-cancelling?


Wow, man, that is quite the difference! As you know I'm not a guitarist but I can clearly hear the difference in sound there. I agree. At first I thought "why does he want to change the pick ups? They sound awesome!" but then you played the new pick ups and man, I get it haha Also WTF is that guitar??? That is awesome!! I didn't know something like this exists. SO cool. I'll check out the episode with that guitar now. Cheers brother. All the best :)


Os humbuckers antigos até tinham um um bom tom, mas esses novos single coils sem dúvida que melhoraram o tom, os graves não são tão presentes e os médios e agudos são mais doces, bom upgrade!! A guitarra já soava bem, mas agora ela canta


sweet channel new subber seen you on addicted to gear.. first time... graeat tones got going on there


Aqui vem mais um assunto fantástico no canal....
cumprimentos e obrigado


Don't waste your time, this is not cheap vs expensive. These are completely different pickups meant for different sounds.
