Sims 5 Isn't Happening.

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So.. Sims 5 is not coming. Project Rene is not cancelled, but it seems like we're in for endless new dlc/ packs for sims 4 and no Sims 5 for the foreseeable future. How do you like that?

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I don't think a new version of the Sims was ever about resetting progress, it was about updating the game for the new technology, programming and game development. The Sims 4 is especially an example of how badly that's needed right now.


They really choose the worst sims title they ever had and made it immortal. That’s wild.


no matter how much they update and “fix” the sims 4, those updates are being built on a foundation that was rocky from the very start. i bought sims 4 from day 1 and its packs, and i dont think a new game would take that away or be a replacement. i still play sims 3 as i do sims 4. sims 4 is a big improvement to the other games, but even those improvements are really showing their age now. they can only innovate this game so much before they break it even more. i’ve never seen so many people say they wanted a new game in a franchise more than i do in the sims. they had such a huge chance to make a “the sims 5” and make it big, and theyre just making it a side game? all the things we want from a 5 so we are never gonna get a 5?

overall i think theyre partially using the “we dont want you to lose your progress by moving onto a new sims title” as an excuse for “we dont wanna move on because we are still raking in millions from sims 4”


"You don't want Sims 5. You want to keep all your "progress" in TS4! Got some new packs for you to buy." I have to hand it to EA! They do an excellent job at gaslighting Simmers.


A new game doesn't mean your progress gets reset, it still exists in that game and you can play more than one sims game if you want. It's how simmers can still play the Sims 2+3. They really do not understand gaming at all, not one bit, not even their own games. I've said all along that Rene won't be the Sims 5. It'll be called The Sims and effectively a Sims online and maybe a replacement for the mobile games.


Unless they remake the entirety of Sims 4 from the ground up, it’s overstayed its welcome. It’s not even fun to play anymore; unless you’re a builder. Everything else just feels like a chore.

EA consistently doesn’t understand why people like The Sims and refuses to listen to its audience. The Sims doesn’t fit into their multiplayer, microtransaction hell of a company so they’re going to keep beating a square peg into a round hole until they can get what they want out of it or until the franchise dies. Whichever comes first.

If we’re lucky, things will go so poorly they’ll sell the IP off to a better developer that understands the value of single player games. But that’s extremely unlikely.


Yeah what they describe just isn't feasible. New games aren't simply about resetting progress. There comes a point where you can only build so much on the existing foundation and try to patch existing issues before you just need to call it a day and move on to making a whole new game if you want to actually take advantage of new technological capabilities or make something better. There's only so much you can tweak and patch up before you just have to face reality that it's time to start from scratch.


Their reasoning makes no sense - especially considering that long-running save files like they seem to be referencing often become corrupted or broken with how unstable the Sims 4 is.
I don't see how they could repair such a flawed and aged foundation at this point to allow it to continue in the way they want it to...


As a massive Sims fan since the first iteration; this news is probably my clue to pivot away from future EA life simulation products.

For the Sims 4 to have 10 years of mediocre longevity is actually insane in the first place; and to say that there is no new sequal planned at all is nuts.

I'll just keep playing Sims 2 and 3 for the foreseeable future it seems. This honestly makes me even more excited for Paralives and Inzoi.


Years later and I still prefer playing the Sims 2 or Sims 3


These press releases read like alphabet soup. Full of corporate buzzwords intended to make it look like they're doing something but actually are completely devoid of meaning


Jesus! What a disapoiting decision .. the sims 4 is already 10 yo. I am dying for something new and fresh, ngl. Hoping paralives and/or Inzoi will be able to scratch that itch. Thanks for the update, Erin


Shocker. Soooo, one of the greediest developers in the gaming world has realized that alternative much better made simulation games are out or coming out in the near future, and realizing that simmers WILL keep paying for continued packs, they've opted to keep taking our money. That sounds like a solid plan. I stopped buying ANY packs whatsoever after For Rent. I'm certainly not the only one, but there are so many people still buying packs, still putting up videos, still following and generally licking the boots, that EA will just keep on keeping on with constant costly broken DL content. Shame.


Sims 5 not coming means I'll be ignoring whatever EA comes out in the near future. Not that I will be super excited for. Plus, Rene is not even captivating as of now.

With Sims reaching 25 years old, Sims 4 hogging for more than 40% of the Sims timeline is insane. Sims 4 DLC ideas are already running thin as it is. Seriously a new version way past it's due.


We had a 10 year anniversary and they gave us nothing The Sims four is like a future ex-husband that you didn't even like that much


I never saw it as starting over, just really making a game that is actually "modern" when it comes time for it. I am very attached to my families, but I would love a more modern take on the franchise not trapped to (bad) decisions made in 2014.


Wow, this is really disheartening. Words cannot express the disappointment that I have felt with this series in the last 5 years. I understand the reasoning that EA has provided as to why we won’t be receiving another Sims title, however, it just doesn’t make sense to me. What do they mean by losing progress? I get what they’re saying, but any person who has played more than one game in the franchise at a time knows that simply doesn’t happen. You just play both games at once. I truly believe that by losing progress, they mean their own. They’ve invested so much into this respectfully, mediocre game over the last 10 years that they won’t do the playerbase right by starting over and creating a new title starting fresh.

I have been waiting patiently since 2019 for a new single-player Sims title to be released and the fact that this will never happen makes my heart break. The way this series has fallen from grace… This game was built upon sand from the beginning, yet they choose to add more and more pressure to the foundation. In a few years, the house will fall and the game won’t be able to take anymore additions. I will never give EA another dime for the rest of my life. I’ve been playing the Sims 2 for years anyways. This is heartbreaking.


Did they ask players if they cared about having to “start over” with a sims 5? It would be a fair trade if the game runs better and has more features than the sims 4….obviously. Don’t really understand EA tbh.


I really don't know about this. Sims 4 was built on questionable foundations from the start (Olympus) and this late in its lifespan its engine limitations are really showing. And it seems like the trajectory recently has been to move more and more devs away from engine, to cut QA, etc., and to basically run Sims 4 on a skeleton crew focusing on lavish 3D models and animations but with limited gameplay functionality and many many layers of shallow systems that don't interact with each other - new systems siloed away from each other (perhaps as a strategy to prevent bugs and reduce testing required) and never expanded after their initial introduction. How many different social media platforms are our Sims 4 Sims going to have on their phones in 2030? How many different weird non-communicating layers of relationship widgets will they pile onto the code? How many more riffs can they do on the Emotions gimmick at this point? Egh...

Maybe this will make money for them but I think that the Sims 4 is already groaning under the weight of its expansions after 10 years. I think it requires more than "support" at this point, it needs CPR if they really want to keep it going as their flagship Sims game.


The least they could of done was a spin off Medieval Sims 4 game.
