The Moral Law Argument For Gods Existence (Short) | Morality Is Objective: God Exist

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Peace and Blessings from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord Hallelujah!♥️✝️
I thank you all for watching today’s video. My Desire is to share the Gospel of Salvation and Preach the Truth. I want all lives to be saved just as Jesus saved mine. Jesus called us to be the light of the world and Salt of the earth. We are to make disciples of ALL NATIONS!
God has allowed me to start my Ministry for Jesus Christ and i want to grow with you all. Being one body we can reach so many ears and share the Good news to everyone.

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Yes these arguments are irrefutable in the sense that they cannot be torn down or proven wrong by plausible arguments against it.
If you have an actual valid argument against these points please let us reason.
Defend your position with a sound argument. One that can be observed and counted as logically acceptable 👌🏼📖
