Jordan Peterson wrestles for 3 years with the Resurrection of Jesus

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These videos are clips taken 3 years apart from two separate interviews. In the first interview, Jordan says he needs about 3 more years to ponder and look into the resurrection claims before he can make a determination or even comment. in the second interview (three years later) Jordan says that he probably believes that Jesus did rise from the dead. He says it seems oddly plausible. Pray for Jordan Peterson as the holy Spirit is working in his life to lead him to the truth!
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"Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed."


I’m nearly 30 and struggled with my beliefs all my life. I was involved in the occult and thought about Islam also. My life changed when my mom passed away from Covid and she had recently became a Christian. The last words she said to me was “do not be afraid.”


He takes Christ more seriously than many Christians.


Not by human power or knowledge, but only by the Grace of God through His Holy Spirit...


Once Christ touches your heart, you can't doubt Him.


"And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 18:3 NIV

I remember being a child who believed in the Bible wholeheartedly. Then adulthood came and along with it doubts. Many deep thinkers struggle with faith for the reasons JP laid out. May we rekindle the childlike faith from before, but have it built upon a solid intellectual foundation.


"And when you believe they can actually touch", is the moment you become a conductor of and a conduit for God's love, and it is overwhelming in every sense of the word. A simultaneously fearful and wonderful fulfillment of our purpose in existence. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus


The part Jordan is missing is the grace of God extended to humanity.


His sincerity and honesty are so powerful. I believe many, many Christians are praying for Jordan to come to know and accept our Savior.


I love Jesus because he didn't leave me in my sin.


When the narrative and objective touch....the word becomes flesh.


God is the ultimate storyteller. He is telling a story through creation.


So awesome that Patrick Coffin got to interview Jordan.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your spirit Lord and we shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth.

O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of your faithful, grant that in the same spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolations, through the same Christ our Lord.


God is working on him- just like he did with C.S. Lewis.


Every time I see this I pray for the Lord to help him with this struggle 🙏🏼 Jordan is unaware that there's possibly thousands of believers around the world that pray for him to see and comprehend the truth 🙏🏼


When he starts crying, is the part Jordan can’t understand but it’s Christ’s presence. I’ve felt it many times😊


So interesting seeing Dr. Peterson actually personify and try to articulate with words what is so simply explained in the Bible. That it’s by Grace through FAITH we receive and commune with Christ. No matter how much you study it psychologically and scientifically, it will always require faith 😊😊 God bless him 🙏

“the narrative and objective touch”……you mean “on earth as it is in Heaven” 🙌👌 exactly what we’re told to pray for. He’s having a hard time believing that God actually listens to and cares for humanity. But you can tell he really wants it to be true!! He’s a true scholar but still manages to retain a childlike heart in some ways. It’s amazing and not something we see often. I respect him for his honesty and vulnerability. He reminds me of Nicodemus in a way. It’s like.. “born again?…hmmm How does that work?” 🧐


To my overall detriment, I have always needed things to make logical and objective sense to my brain before can understand, agree or believe. Goes for anything and everything in my life. Much like it seems with Dr Peterson. For so long it’s kept me from opening my mind and waking up. This is powerful beyond words to me in my journey to find Christ again. I want to awaken. Thank you Dr Peterson.


Read “Mere Christianity” and “The Great Divorce” by C.S. Lewis. Those books convinced me when I was doubtful.🥰


Arguably the most important thing on YouTube. Mr Peterson is trying to give logic to his belief system. But believe like faith is a knowledge of the heart. It's not susceptible to usual forms of logic. This man is precious and I am thankful for all his work.
