OpenLDAP Server & Client Configuration in RHEL 7 | How To Setup OpenLDAP Authentication in Linux

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Install & Configure Openldap Server & Client in Redhat Enterprise Linux 7:
Server Configuration:
1. Install the required LDAP Packages.
2. Create a LDAP root passwd for administration purpose
New password:
Re-enter new password:
3. Edit the OpenLDAP Server Configuration
4. Provide the Monitor privileges.
config file testing succeeded
5. Enable and Start the SLAPD service.
6. Configure the LDAP Database.
Add the following LDAP Schemas.
7. Create the self-signed certificate
Verify the created certificates under the location /etc/pki/tls/certs/
8. Create base objects in OpenLDAP.
$DEFAULT_BASE = "dc=nehraclasses,dc=com";
10. Create Local Users.
11. Import Users in to the LDAP Database.
12. Test the configuration.
13. Stop Firewalld to allow the connection.
14. NFS Configuration to export the Home Directory.
/home *(rw,sync)
Enable and restart rpcbind and nfs service.
Test the NFS Configuration.
Client Configuration:
1. Ldap Client Configuration to use LDAP Server.
2. Start & Enable the services.
# systemctl start rpcbind
# systemctl start nfs
# systemctl enable rpcbind
# systemctl enable nfs
3. Mount the LDAP Users Home Directory.
# vim /etc exports
/home/ *(rw)
# showmount -e localhost
4. Configure LDAP Authentication.
# authconfig-tui
5. Mount the /home directory.
Make the entry in AutoFS.
6. Test the Client Configuration.
7. Switch in the account of ldap user and create some files.
# su - ldapuser1
Now go to the Ldapserver, and verify the files for ldapuser1 in his home directory.
# cd /home/ldapuser1
# ls -lh
You have successfully configured the LDAP Server & LDAP Client in RHEL 7.
Server Configuration:
1. Install the required LDAP Packages.
2. Create a LDAP root passwd for administration purpose
New password:
Re-enter new password:
3. Edit the OpenLDAP Server Configuration
4. Provide the Monitor privileges.
config file testing succeeded
5. Enable and Start the SLAPD service.
6. Configure the LDAP Database.
Add the following LDAP Schemas.
7. Create the self-signed certificate
Verify the created certificates under the location /etc/pki/tls/certs/
8. Create base objects in OpenLDAP.
$DEFAULT_BASE = "dc=nehraclasses,dc=com";
10. Create Local Users.
11. Import Users in to the LDAP Database.
12. Test the configuration.
13. Stop Firewalld to allow the connection.
14. NFS Configuration to export the Home Directory.
/home *(rw,sync)
Enable and restart rpcbind and nfs service.
Test the NFS Configuration.
Client Configuration:
1. Ldap Client Configuration to use LDAP Server.
2. Start & Enable the services.
# systemctl start rpcbind
# systemctl start nfs
# systemctl enable rpcbind
# systemctl enable nfs
3. Mount the LDAP Users Home Directory.
# vim /etc exports
/home/ *(rw)
# showmount -e localhost
4. Configure LDAP Authentication.
# authconfig-tui
5. Mount the /home directory.
Make the entry in AutoFS.
6. Test the Client Configuration.
7. Switch in the account of ldap user and create some files.
# su - ldapuser1
Now go to the Ldapserver, and verify the files for ldapuser1 in his home directory.
# cd /home/ldapuser1
# ls -lh
You have successfully configured the LDAP Server & LDAP Client in RHEL 7.