30 DAYS BEFORE GCSES 2023 | 4 Week Revision Plan for GCSES, motivation, A* revision tips

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"try to be the rainbow in someone's cloud" - maya angelou

🌿 m u s i c
i do not own any of the music in this video

💌 f a q s
» how old are you? -- 17
» where are you from? -- hong kong
» what subjects did you take at gcse? -- chem, bio, physics, eng lit, eng lang, maths, further maths, history, german, chinese, geography
» are you doing a-levels? -- i'm taking the ibdp! (HL: chem, bio eng lit; SL: history, maths, Chinese)

t i m e s t a m p s
0:00-02:01 What to do right now
02:01-04:58 How to revise (top 5 methods)
04:58-06:22 Motivation & knowing your why
06:22-7:41 Implementing systems & discipline

t a g s
30 DAYS BEFORE GCSES 2022 | 4 Week Revision Plan for GCSES, motivation, A* revision tips, ONE MONTH BEFORE GCSES 2022 | 4 Week Revision Plan for GCSES, motivation, A* revision tips, revision plan, how to get a 9 in maths, 4 week revision planhow to get a 9 in GCSE CHEMISTRY 2022 | memorisation techniques, how to use past papers, get an a* in gcse chemistry, chemistry, redox, gcse y11 chemistry, gcse chemistry 2022, GCSE Advice 2021: Things I wish I knew before Year 10 + Year 11 *Tips from an A*/9 Student* year 10 advice, gcse advice, advice for gcses, year 11 advice, year 10 gcse advice, year 11 gcse advice, all a*s at gcse,how to get all a*s in gcse,how to get all a*s in gcses,all a*s,how to get straight as,how to get a* at gcse,how to get a* in gcses,how to get all as in gcse,how to pass gcses,gcse all a*s,gcse all as, gcse all 9s, how to do well in gcses,how to do well at gcse,school advice,exam tips,revision tips,all a* gcse,gcse results,2021, 2022gcse revision tips,gcse advice,all 9s at gcse,how to get all 9s at gcse, gcse,gcses,a*,all 9s,how to get all 9s,year 11,how to revise for gcse,how to revise gcse science,how to revise chemistry gcse,how to revise physics gcse,how to revise effectively gcse,how to get all 9s at gcse,all 9s at gcse,how to get 9s at gcse,how to revise effectively for gcse,how to get all a*s,how to get a*s at alevel,how to revise alevels,how to revise for alevels,best revision method for alevel and gcse, year 11 advice, year 10 advice, prepare for gcses, new revision method for gcse

s u b c o u n t: 2,998 (THANK YOU GUYS i love u all sm!)

you are loved. you are valued. you are enough. 🦋

p.s. dm me on insta if you have any questions or just want to say hi :)
Рекомендации по теме

0:00-02:01 What to do right now
02:01-04:58 How to revise (top 5 methods)
04:58-06:22 Motivation & knowing your why
06:22-7:41 Implementing systems & discipline (MY FAV PART)

**CIE 0610 Biology: Chapter 14 coordination and response comes up A LOT (not chapter 15)


i am in year 13. Looking back, the GCSEs are not the end of the world. Trust me. you'll look back and think they are the easiest things ever. I went from getting 3s and 4s to 8s and 9s in literally TWO weeks. My tip is dont bother rewriting notes, find summarized info online (theres so much available) then solve past papers. seriously do every one you can.


I remember watching this in year 10 thinking "I'm not going to need this since I won't leave revising to the last minute" and here I am 🤡
ty for the tips


I literally saw this video last year and was like “I’ll be prepared before then!” 😭😭😭😭😭


Remember don’t stress about GCSEs they aren’t too important, as long as you get what you need for college/sixth form. I came out of school with nothing, re sat my English and maths got 5s and now I’m on my way to becoming a teacher.


What I got from this video:

Full pass papers, mark schemes: keywords, timing, time practice : give yourself less time to train and encourage yourself, blurting, do not re read notes so many times, use flash cards, motivation, intrinsic motivation! Doing something becomes you want to do it and enjoy it: from within, fall inlove with learning and tell yourself you are lucky to be able to learn, stop focusing on future rewards, prioritise learning, eat healthy, wake up the same time everyday, have a routine, stay productive, workout, to do list, take walks etc, discipline


I am currently in year 11 and I am about to take my gcse's in 4 weeks time and I feel so stressed and pressured but after watching this video it has motivated me to become more optimistic in my studies and how I should study.

(I did pretty well for my gcse's and I am currently in sixth form, good luck to those who are about to sit their gcse's)


Girl just now I was crying because of the stress for doing my GCSE when I haven't barely study at all and my grades are always 3-5, but this video has motivated me a lot!! I'm thankful that I found this just after crying lol, is like a way of telling me to not give up! So thanks for uploading this video!! 💞


I have about 6 days left in my April half-term holidays and have done pretty much no revision for the past 11 days. I told myself before the holidays that I would revise every day and printed a bunch of past papers that I haven't done. This video made me realise that GCSEs are a lot easier than what people make them out to be, and that you don't need too much effort to get 8s and 9s. I'm gonna try to do my best in these exams by doing past papers, and I will come back to this comment when I'm either doing my exams or when I'm done with GCSEs. Good luck to everyone in their revision!


I literally found your channel about less than an hour ago and I just wanted to say that all the videos that I have watched so far actually really helpful and actually give me the tips and hope I need!! I was a little stressed about my upcoming chemistry exam since it's not one of my best subjects but after I watched your chemistry video I felt motivated! thank you so much and you just turned a subscriber, I appreciate you ❤️


I am in year 11 at the moment and have only a few weeks until I take my GCSEs and this video has helped me think about why I am trying and what I should be doing more of. My problem is I get distracted so easily and find it hard to concentrate. I will try studying properly again tmrw bc I am only a grade off of what I need for college in my subjects. Thank you for this motivational video 😊


i have my gsces in 1 month and i’ve been spending wayyy too much time stressing abt it rather than actually studying 😭i feel so overwhelmed with work and i’m scared that i won’t get enough time, but this video really helped ty!!💗


Note: make sure to take into account topics that will and won’t be included in your exam when looking through which topics were most frequent, you don’t wanna heavily revise something then figure out it won’t be in the exam last minute


I’ve got my GCSEs in only a few week and I am so stressed cause I’ve barely even started revising. I just get distracted so so easily but I will give these methods a go, thank you!!


Got most B's and a couple A's in my GCSEs, used them to get into A levels and never showed them to anyone since. They're important for A levels or college but not really anything else so while its nice to have 8's and 9's don't feel bad if you get a 4 or 5 because that's really all you need.


I have my GCSEs in roughly 7 weeks, I have just started revising (yes I know it's late but better late than never) and I am aiming for grades 5-7 in all my subjects other than maths, english language and my chosen options in which I want to get a 7-9. This video was very helpful so thank you!


currently in my fourth year (year 11 in england) of highschool and my first two exams are in THREE weeks. I'm so glad I've found this video because I had been taking notes for about a month now and I've finally come to the conclusion that it's not doing anything to better my learning.


how do you remember 2 years worth of knowledge in so many subjects? i feel like i would explode already... i feel stressed whenever i think about my exams honestly...


This is the most concise, legit and genuinely helpful video, I've seen on IGCSE preparation till now. Thanks for the effort you put in to it!


This is so inspiring for young girls everywhere including my daughter, you are an inspiration to all young people who want to achieve the best they can.
