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It can be so annoying when you've spent hours and hours memorising content, for you to only forget it all before the exam. Why does this happen? What can we do to prevent this? In today's video, I'm going to be giving you evidence-based advice on how you can memorise everything you study for the long run and get amazing grades in your exams.

0:00 Intro
0:57 The forgetting curve
2:05 Active revision
4:43 Flashcards
6:08 Retrospective timetable
6:53 Blurting
7:52 Exam questions
9:18 The importance of nourishment
10:20 Outro
👩🏾‍💻 Get to know me: I'm Sola and I'm a third-year dental student studying at Barts & the London (QMUL)! This channel is for all things productivity, lifestyle and technology! I will hopefully be providing you with motivation as well as tips and tricks to improve your day-to-day life! Follow me on this journey through dental school! 💕

FAQ ✨:

How do I find the specification? Search it on Google e.g. AQA GCSE Biology Specification

How do I edit your timetable template? File → create a new copy → edit that copy

What extra subjects did you do for GCSE? Triple science, Computer Science, History, RS

What did you do for A Levels? Bio, Chem, RS

What were your results? GCSE - 99999998, A Levels - A*A*A*

Subscriber count at the time of upload: 31,757
🎶 Music:
- epidemic sound
Рекомендации по теме

I'm failing all sciences (I do triple science GSCE) :( i only have about a month or so left, thank you for your advice it's genuinely so hard getting into it and starting from scratch to learn 3 separate subjects in a month..


Still trying to get a grade 9 in some subjects
But sometimes when I revised I ended up forgetting things
Really needed this today 😊


good luck for gces may god help us all guys #classof2023


Watching this before my last exam and im so confident to say I’ve been doing these methods for all my other exams and they helped so much.


You deserve every success in the world.Thanks for the wonderful advice.👍🏾🥰


I'm a first year studying Oral Hygiene and I recently wrote a test and forgot everything that I studied. It's recess right now and finding this video today is what I needed. I plan on improving my learning and studying skills while on break before block 2 starts. Thank you for the advice and tips💗


YES I need this video i suffer from ths everyday ;-;, cant wait tyy!!!


hi sola, i’ve been watching ur videos for quite a while and i wanna thank you for such amazing tips, i was able to increase my chemistry grade from the start of year 10 from a U to a 7 with your tips and consistency!! chemistry is very important to me so i’m aiming for 8/9!! i was wondering if you’re able to do a video managing the stress of GCSE exams as im getting anxiety just thinking about it and if i get very anxious my productivity comes down a lot and what to do the night before exams to manage that stress if u are able if not that’s totally fine!! i hope ur channel only continues to grow!! thank you for everything sola ur the best and keep up the hard work!!💗


Don't forget ANKI for gsce love it so much for flashcards. So helpful and saves so much time as you can just type them out!


This is so helpful I’m gonna go to year 10 in a few days and start my gcse prep and this is honestly so helpful for any exams in general!


Great video. Super useful for students 😊


Please keep uploading... your so underrated you deserve more subscribers for making such amazing content, truly appreciate it❤ thank you sis🙏


thank you for this video, I'm currently getting distracted and I fell that I am ready though my post mock results have not shown this. you are really helpful. thank u once more


Hey Sola,
I am currently in Year 11, and have my GCSE'S next month. I am terrified. My maths and english grades from my recent mocks are good. However, I am not happy with my science grades. I am studying Higher Separate sciences and from my recent mocks l(ast month) I received a 6 in Bio, 6 in Chem, and 8 in Physics. I just don't know what to do, because I really want to get 9's across all of my sciences. Science is holding back my attainment to pursuing good grades. I only have a month left, and am genuinely lost. Also, I am really struggling in History. Like I genuinely hate History with a passion. I have improved though, as I moved from a 4 to a 7 in my mocks. I just really can't pay attention in lesson, as I feel like I learn better at home. Please give my advice Sola. You are my only hope💕!


For Flashcards do you recommend using the box method? This is were you have a box with a certain day or days and everytime you get a flashcard right you move it up a box if you get it wrong you move it down.


I have year 10 mocks in a week. This is helpful. Thank you ❤


i feel like i won't achieve the grades i want in time for the exam, i feel like time is running out and i haven't revised enough and it's stressing me out. im on 6s/7s/8s and just want to reach stable 9s/8s/7s. your videos are so helpful, where do i find past papers or practice questions?


I am doing my Scottish National 5 exams in a couple of weeks which is equivalent to a GCSE, this Video helped a lot thank you so much ☺❤


Hi Sola, your videos are so helpful, but for some reason I just get so scared and don't think I can achieve the grades I want so then I give up with revising. I think it's to do with the time left until gcse's that pressures me into revising but none of it actually works/sticks as I always seem to forget. Do you have any advice for this or like how to stay motivated?


Hey Sola,
I’m in year 11 and this video has been really helpful so far, I was hoping if you could give me some advice on how I could get my grades to go up by 2 I’m currently achieving grade 6 for biology and 5 for both chemistry and physics (separate sciences) I want to do really well and get 7s or 8s across my science but I barely know any content in my physics paper 2 and Biology paper 2 because the information I remember I keep forgetting and I feel like I have no more time left. Is there any advice you could please help me with?
I also keep getting a grade 4 or 5 in English language and literature and I really need a 7 or 8 can you please help me with some advice to improve these within a month? 🙏🏾 I love your videos and the study tips you give you’ve helped my grade in science go from a 3 to a 5 and now I need some more advice to get better for the final exams. Thank you so much, I hope you can give me some advice! 🫶🏾🙏🏾
