Havening Technique to Release Emotional and Mental Clutter & Declutter

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What is the Havening Technique and how can it help you declutter? f we aren't aware of emotional or mental clutter, it can affect our daily lives. If we become aware of it, we can release it.

What is the having technique? How can it support you in letting go of emotional and mental clutter? Learn how it helped host Julie Coraccio.

About Clearing the Clutter Inside & Out Declutter Podcast

Clutter is stuck stagnant energy and can prevent you from creating the life you choose, desire and deserve. We discuss clutter in all its forms: spiritual, emotional, mental & physical and provide tips for clutter free living and how to organize your life. We're thinking outside the box on areas where people might not realize where clutter is blocking them. When we remove clutter from our lives we can discover our passions, lead the extraordinary lives we are all meant to live and share our gifts with the world.

Declutter Your Life with Julie Coraccio
Declutter Your Life Podcast

#declutteryourlife #howtodeclutter #emotionsandfeelings #clutteredthoughts
Рекомендации по теме

HAVENING TECHNIQUE helped me grow strong through a challenging divorce process. It released my fears, confusions and emotional blockages. Now I use it for self-empowerment, bravery and a positive outlook.


This process releases or processes the anchor feeling, , , , when we "feel" or process these feelings the whole thing goes away....we are releasing that suppressed feeling that energizes PTSD, shildhood traumas does this as well, but havening goes much deeper
