5 Signs And Symptoms Of Anxiety & Panic Attacks

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Over 40 million adults in the United States have some kind of anxiety disorder with 6 milllion of them having a panic disorder. It's without a doubt one of the most common mental illnesses.

In this video we'll go over five of the biggest signs and symptoms of an anxiety and/or panic attack so that you know what to look out for. When you know what triggers you should be looking out for you can then proceed to try to combat the anxiety by using breathing techniques and other calming tools.

Here are five of the biggest signs and symptoms of anxiety:

1) Sudden Temperature Change. When the body is struck by the onset of panic it also changes temperature from both chills to really hot flashes.

2) Chest Pain. Chest pains are often mistaken for heart attack symptoms when in fact they are a result of an anxiety or panic attack. The biggest difference is that with a panic attack the symptoms will begin to clear as you calm down. If you are unsure if you have anxiety or not then it's a good idea to schedule a meeting with a doctor to check for any underlying heart conditions.

3) Nausea And Dizziness: You may find yourself spinning and tilting right before an anxiety or panic attack and for some people they can also have very bad stomach problems too.

4) Overwhelming Feelings. Usually panic attacks are accompanied by an extremely overwhelming feeling and it's often a symptom that only the sufferer themselves can see.

5) Shortness Of Breath: The last symptom and sign of anxiety and panic attacks to look out for is shortness of breath which can happen as a person is getting anxious and right before a panic attack.
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I could remember several years ago after divorce with my wife, i suffered severe anxiety and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with cptsd. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.


when you're too scared to tell your parents :))


they forgot feeling like you're dying lol


people be like Oh You Are JUST OVER THINKING...😒😒


I was always scared people would think I was faking it so I never say anything especially now days people a faking it for attention and you can't really say anything.


I have anxiety but no one takes it seriously... When I have panic attacks, people around me just brush it off and it just makes me feel worse... 😥


A piece of advice for people, don't talk about your panic attacks to people who never experienced them. All they will tell you is "calm down" or "dont think about it" or "you're doing this to yourself " talk to people who have the same experiences as you


everytime he says anxiety, i feel very anxious.


I literally just start crying when I have panic attacks like no control over my tear ducts, just a waterfall of tears


i just had one yesterday and when I told my parents they just fucking ignored me.


nobody would take me serious. So wth..



This happened to me last week, I am 14 years old and when I was grabbing a drink from a store at my local shopping mall, I hit my middle finger on the "plastic price tag plates" so hard that I actually broke it. After this, I told my parents what had just happened, and they told me to sit on a bench while they went and looked for my brother. So my parents walked off, while I lay and sat against a store window where the horror started... My eye vision went blurry, I felt sick, I could hear ringing in my ears and I couldn't see anything but could just hear the echoing of the number of people walking around the centre. Don't forget, that I am 14 years old (LITERALLY...) so it scared the shit out of me I honestly thought I was gonna die... After that though I told my parents everything and they took me to A&E, but after that I made a full recovery and still living now :)

Thank you for taking your time to read
My comment :)


my anxiety makes me get butterflies in my stomach and feel sick. thats when the thoughts start kicking in like `oh my god everyone's looking at me`


At least someone understands me. Only, Im not an adult


dizziness and nausea, blurry vision, then overwhelming feelings of doomed, I'll then either pace or curl up and wait for it to be over... I've gotten better at understanding that it will pass. However I had a really rough January and I couldn't identify any triggers. I felt I had anxiety attacks under control, understanding my triggers and talking kindly to myself through the episodes and then they, the anxiety came back with a vengeance without any conscious triggers. It felt like a relapse... I don't know why I feel so guilty after getting panic/ anxiety attacks


Lol my parents know I have these symptoms but then they're like 'you have nothing to worry about!' Thanks mum my anxiety has gone.


I live with anxiety everyday . I don't panic unless I'm out in public. Everyday is a struggle . I never feel normal. I feel like
I'm under a dark cloud . Everything seems so dark, sad, and unreal. Like I'm in a dream. I walk around and I can't really see everything. I walk around with chest pain and dizziness. Sometimes it's blurry, sometimes it's just a weird feeling. I forgot how to feel normal . What sucks is that whenever I have a panic attack my family just likes to say that I'm overreacting. I have gone to the hospital too many times for this so to them it seems old now. I just need major help and I'm in the process of it. I hope someday I feel normal again 😢


i almost passed out from having a panic attack


I suffer of all these symptoms and have constant panic attacks


I completely lost my hearing to one of my first ones ever when i was a teen...there truly is nothing more scary and horrifying than experiencing something like that..
