Statistics - A Full Lecture to learn Data Science

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Welcome to our full and free tutorial about statistics (Full-Lecture). We will uncover the tools and techniques that help us make sense of data. This video is designed to guide you through the fundamental concepts and some of the most powerful statistical tests used in research today. From the basics of descriptive statistics to the complexities of regression and beyond, we'll explore how each method fits into the bigger picture of data analysis.


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0:00 Intro
1:25 Basics of Statistics
21:29 Level of Measurement
34:26 t-Test
50:53 ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
59:55 Two-Way ANOVA
1:16:47 Repeated Measures ANOVA
1:31:15 Mixed-Model ANOVA
1:42:56 Parametric and non parametric tests
1:50:37 Test for normality
1:58:41 Levene's test for equality of variances
2:02:54 Non-parametric Tests
2:03:29 Mann-Whitney U-Test
2:11:46 Wilcoxon signed-rank test
2:22:03 Kruskal-Wallis-Test
2:32:01 Friedman Test
2:42:30 Chi-Square test
2:53:02 Correlation Analysis
3:20:19 Regression Analysis
4:06:45 k-means clustering
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I still can't believe material like this is available for thanks a lot from Chile!!!!


00:02 Statistics deals with the collection, analysis, and presentation of data.
02:48 Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
08:08 Understanding the difference between standard deviation and variance
10:47 Contingency table helps analyze relationship between two categorical variables
16:01 Hypothesis testing and P value
18:28 Interpreting P-values and Types of Errors
23:16 Understanding levels of measurement is crucial for data analysis
25:43 Different levels of measurement in data science
30:37 Measurement of interval level and true zero point in statistics
33:08 Levels of measurement in statistics
38:24 Understanding the T Test in Data Science
40:52 T Test answers if study duration of men and women is significantly different
45:37 Determining if null hypothesis is rejected using critical T value
48:03 Interpreting t-test results for independent samples
53:03 Using ANOVA for analyzing differences between groups
55:27 Understanding null and alternative hypothesis in population mean comparison
1:00:31 Two-way Anova tests the effects of two independent variables on a dependent variable.
1:03:03 Two-way Anova can answer three main questions about the factors' impact on the dependent variable.
1:07:49 Conducting two-way ANOVA for testing the influence of drug type and gender on blood pressure reduction.
1:10:10 Variance in a Two-Way Analysis of Variance
1:15:12 Calculating F values for factor A, B, or interaction
1:17:40 Repeated measures Anova tests for significant differences in dependent samples
1:22:29 How to calculate and interpret analysis of variance with repeated measures
1:24:50 ANOVA with repeated measures and Bonferroni post hoc test
1:29:44 Calculating F value and P value in ANOVA analysis
1:32:13 Comparing cholesterol levels across different diets and time points
1:36:57 Testing assumptions in ANOVA
1:39:20 Understanding hypothesis testing in Data Science
1:44:12 Nonparametric tests have fewer assumptions than parametric tests
1:46:47 Using rankings for Spearman's correlation and conducting T tests for independent samples
1:51:41 Analytical tests for normal distribution involve several procedures and interpreting the P value
1:54:16 P value is influenced by sample size
1:59:27 Lavine's test is used to test assumptions for hypothesis tests.
2:02:08 Testing for Equality of Variances and Nonparametric Methods
2:07:00 Interpreting Mann-Whitney U test results
2:09:36 Calculating man with U test and P value calculation
2:14:39 Wilcoxon test compares ranks of dependent samples
2:17:13 Calculation of Wilcoxon Test for rank sums
2:22:26 The cral Wallis test is a non-parametric counterpart of the single factor analysis of variance
2:24:47 Usage and assumptions of Crosstab Volis Test
2:30:05 Friedman test for analyzing differences between dependent samples
2:32:34 Dependent samples in statistics
2:37:28 Performing nonparametric test for analyzing response time differences
2:40:08 Analyzing response time differences at different time points
2:45:17 Kai Square test measures relationship between variables
2:47:44 Understanding Chi-Square Test Results
00:00 Understanding correlation analysis
2:55:39 Understanding Pearson correlation coefficient
3:01:01 Understanding Pearson and Spearman correlations in Data Science
3:03:28 Explaining the calculation of Spearman correlation using ranks
3:08:43 Correlation coefficient analysis and testing
3:11:14 Calculating Pearson correlation for nominal variables
3:16:04 Causality vs Correlation
3:18:39 Negative correlation implies lower body temperature with more head lice and higher body temperature with fewer head lice.
3:23:44 Regression analysis is crucial for predicting outcomes based on various factors.
3:26:17 Logistic regression is used for categorical dependent variables like yes or no.
3:31:16 Linear regression models help estimate relationships between variables.
3:33:44 Understanding error in regression models like Epsilon
3:38:51 Understanding the correlation in linear regression
3:41:21 Understanding F test in data analysis
3:46:23 Check for linear relationship and normal distribution in regression model
3:48:45 Multicollinearity can lead to unstable regression models
3:53:49 Interpreting regression coefficient for gender
3:56:30 Creating dummy variables from categorical data
4:01:28 Logistic regression estimates the probability of occurrence of a particular characteristic
4:04:02 Logistic Regression ensures values between 0 and 1 for predictions
4:09:17 K-means clustering algorithm steps
4:11:45 Determining optimal number of clusters using elbow method


The world is still exists because of people like you. Thanks a ton for this lecture. God bless you.


It is something very special that you have created to educate us. Absolutely Great Efforts. Thank you very much.


I just compelted less than 4 minutes of the entire 4 hours video and found that I'm already in love with the trainers explanation, classification of learning and the courage she gave before hand. I love this and will watch for the NeXT 2 years in my M.Sc (Applied Statistics). More comments on the fly. I love Statistics.


I finally finished it it took me 3 days, on an off. Comprehensive enough for my doubts.


Splendid, I'll save this video in my playlist and share it with friends.
My plan 30 mins per day till I digest and understand all statistics


The lecture was really very organized, and it even seemed that every single item of information had been put in place with great thought. What's more, the high level of engagement has captured viewers by making difficult concepts easily apprehensible, thus encouraging active participation. Thank You!


I am preparing for CHDA (Certified Health Data Analyst) certification and I found this is most useful for me to prepare for the exam. Thank you so much! It was we presented and explained very well.


Right now I'm at the reading 15 minutes and 41 seconds. The trainer is saying about Hypothesis Tests and Various types of Hypothesis tests. I love this video.


Outstanding work! Absolutely to-the-point and simple to understand. Grateful!


You just saved my master thesis, this channel is amazing


Not gonna lie, just trying to refresh some stuff and ive been on ur channels all afternoon! take my upvote


THANKS A MILLION🌟🌟 ...sending love and appreciation from a second year psychology student❤❤


you are one of the best teacher on internet


A comprehensive and clear concepts illustrated teaching video of statistics. Thank you so much for producing it.


Hello, Dear, I joined your channel recently and your videos are helpful for statistics. I love your brief description with great examples and clear explanations.
But now I want to ask one question and I hope, you will clarify it. The question is "What is the difference between multivariable and multivariate analysis".


I am a statistics student, and I learned a lot of info thinks ❤❤


This is the best statistics class I have ever sat in. There is something about the crisp graphics and your reassuring voice that helps learn stats in bite-sized sessions. Thank you.


it is so easy to understand the complex terms and equations...great help..thankuuu
