How to make your own rose water at home

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Rose water has a plethora of health and beauty uses, from soothing irritated skin to treating infections. Beauty brands have banked on the trend, and now even sell spritzes and sprays featuring rose water for a calming treatment.

But you actually don’t have to splurge on a name-brand bottle to reap the benefits. In The Know’s Phoebe Zaslav decided to test to see how easy it was to make rose water herself.

You only need two ingredients:

1 1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup of fresh rose petals

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Thank A lot of people doing rose water videos talk to long and then don’t mention or show how high on burner or even for how long !! Thank you girly!!! I’m on my face rejuvenation phase!!! You were quick and to the point ❤


This deserves more likes! Great video thank you ☺️


I like watching pleasant normal people do pleasant beneficial things. Sometimes I need a break from all the junk in the world. I would've never thought to do this in a million years, but I've added it to my list of things to do. The reason I looked up rose water is because I was reading about Miron Glass. "What is Miron Glass?
It is glassware with a dark violet hue, which through the biophotonic effects can greatly enhance the lifespan of any active substances stored within it. For example, rose water stored in an air-tight glass Miron bottle can stay fresh for years, which otherwise has a very delicate chemical structure and like fresh tea, would go bad in just a few days." I hope you find this useful. At least you are using a bottle that keeps the sunlight out. When I was a child, I had just finished watching the original Star Wars movie at the movie theater with my Dad. After the movie we went to a stained glass shop and I picked up this piece of dark violet glass that was beautifully shaped and small enough to put in my pocket. My Dad freaked out and told me to put it down while the owner of the store said I could have it and told me to put it in my pocket for good luck. I still have it! Word of advice, if your children rarely ask for anything and decide they really like something, give it to them if you can afford it. Don't be a dick. #lastingimpressions


You could probably freeze it into cubes for recipes, too.
