Make Your Own Seed Mix for Small Parrots | (Sharing My Recipe!)

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ATTN: Small birdies!!! I've got a yummy recipe just for you!

Many small bird owners struggle like crazy getting their birds to eat anything BUT a 100% seed diet. If your bird is going to consume seed, make it one worth consuming. Ensure it's organic, and that you are using human grade grains.

Here's my recipe:
1/2 lb millet
1/2 lb quinoa
1 cup oat groats
1 cup hemp seed
1/2 cup whole brown flax seed
1 cup chia seed
1/2 cup rape seed
1 cup rolled oats



MY BIRDS (Oldest to Youngest) 🐦❤
BONDI 💗 Galah | hatched 2005
CRESSI 💗 Congo African Grey | hatched 2007
BANDIT 💙 Galah | hatched 2008-2019 💔
JINX 💙 Blue Throat Macaw | hatched 2008
COMET 💙 Yellow-Dominant Camelot Macaw | hatched 2008
TUSA 💙 Blue-Green Dominant Camelot Macaw | hatched 2008
ROCKO 💙 Toco Toucan | hatched 2011
LILY & PHOEBE & DETKA 💗 Sun Conures | hatched 2011
BLUEBERRY 💗 Budgie | hatched June 2019

BirdTricks is a husband-wife team; Dave and Jamieleigh Womach specialize in parrot training and companionship.

#birdtricks #birdtraining #parrottraining
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If anyone needed to see it written out:

1 pound of millet or 1/2 pound millet and 1/2 pound of quinoa as the base

1 cup of oat groats
1 cup of hemp seed
1/2 cup of brown flax seed whole
1 cup of chia seed
1/2 cup of rapeseed
1 cup of rolled oats


I love that you have a budgie... a lot of people don’t think they are part of the parrot family coz they’re so tiny, so glad you’re educating them!! 💙


I can't tell you how timely this is. I have watched you for years without owning any birds, and today picked up a group of 3 budgies who were in a tough situation. Immediately I thought, "I know this diet is crap! Let's check bird tricks to know how to fix it!"

And here I am 10 minutes after they're home ordering their conversion mix. Thank you!


Absolutely love how attentive and ready Blueberry is at the beginning of the video! They're like "oh another video about me???" So cute!


I was able to convert my bird to pelets, with the help of a mirror on the floor of the cage ;) I saw it on YT somewhere and I put a mirror on the floor and the pelets on the mirror. He is very keen on reflections on ANYTHING and it tempted him right in. Its like when he sees other 'birds' eating it the competative lets eat what they eat and it worked.


Yay, i got my dove to target train!!! TY so much!!!


I love watching all your flock, but there's something especially endearing about Blueberry!!!


To anyone cooking for their birds make sure its cooled down before serving it to them.


New videos on blueberry helped so much. Thought I was a total failure. I have a galah I’ve been trying to step up for a month. Watched you work with ruby. Kept on trying and got him to step up today. Many times. Oh, joy!


We have 1 budgie we bought from a breeder and he loves fresh mix. We ended up getting 2 other budgies as rescue budgies a few months back because the owners were going to just "let them out in the backyard and they can fend for themselves " 😡. We took them in and poor buddies had a rough start and we are trying to get them to a fresh seed mix. They are quite nervous and timid, but this recipe is awesome. Thank you for sharing.


I started using this mix as part of my birds diet. They primarily get pellets and veges when i can convince them it's food. Their diet is about 25% seed. I got tired of. Buying the crappy seeds (i.e. Kaytee) so i decided to do your mix. Omg they love it!! It did not take any convincing even with my budgies! One of my tiels came from an abusive home (tail feathers cut off, wings all trimmed including secondaries, kept in cage all day, only attention she got was being yelled at. You know, all of the best stuff to make a terrified bird. Even with the new home, new flock (she was quarantined), new mommy, new cage, new toys (she had like 1 or 2), new perches (again she had like 2..and they were dowels) and she just dove into that food right away! Only took maybe an hour or so for her to acclimate to it. Also told my vet and she loves your mix!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart ♥ and feathers 🦜!


Bought all the ingredients Friday at my local Bulk Barn, expected a month trying to get him to eat it. Nope, mixed some with egg and his regular seed and he went to town on it. Now his bowl has just your seed mix in it and he's eating it just fine. Went much easier than I expected it to.


This video is gold!! Thank you! I just got my first budgie and the pet store forgot to give me the seed the bird was on and they were over an hour away! I used whatever I had from your seed mix and BAM, baby boy was hustling to eat that seed! Thank you!!!


I use organic, no-salt baby food as a binder -- they love sweet potato, mango, banana.


I’ve been trying to convert my fussy Jenday Conure, Punch, to the Seasonal Feeding System for weeks. It’s been brutal. I was SO happy to see this video today. I ran out to buy the ingredients at the organic grocery near me and was able to find everything but the rape seed. That said, I mixed everything together (other than the rape seed) and Punch dove into it like a crazy bird. I think he indeed missed the crunch in his diet. Tomorrow we will add the sweet potato to the chopped diet and the seed mix and see how we do. Thanks, Jamieleigh for this recipe. I’m thrilled to see Punch happily eating his food. 🙏


We just got our birdtricks pellets!! Whoop whoop! Yay for healthy birdies!


Love you guys, I use a weird, good smelling pigeon food, Scooter my pigeon doesn’t really like greens but LOVES egg/grit


My budgies love this!!! Just wanted to update and say that when we got them after being rehomed three times they were on an all day seed diet that were store bought and just not healthy. Feathers showed poor colors.. they didn't seem happy and now... they climb the cage for the fresh food in the morning.. they are singing and talking while eating.. they love the fresh food and the chop gets their beaks covered in the food.. it also makes the spray millet so much more valuable when training and playing with them. Thank you!


Dear little Blueberry is very cute. It's actually also helpful to put the food in a saucer. Being so small, budgies can then see the food without having to perch on the edge of the bowl to eat it.


Your budgie is so cute!!! Thanks for taking the effort to educate people more about parrots 🦜 Some people thinks that budgies can be a beginners pet but all animals are equally important.I love your content and parrots!
