Film cost saving tips $$$

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save your money, maybe some of these can help you with the stress of rising film prices

Valoi film holder - pushing film review
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Solid advice man and good to see you back! It always amuses me when folks complain about the cost of shooting film but keep bringing it in to a lab. I mean, you can complain about the cost of purchasing a vehicle when you try to buy one at a Ferrari dealership. Developing at home is the way to go. In my opinion you’ll create a better appreciation for your own work as well.


Good to see ya back. Good points on all fronts. I've started bulk loading Foma 100/400, since it works well with my foma paper for enlarging.
And also got to meet the guys at Silver Halide after many orders mailed in from up north, they are great!


So great to have you back mate! I've been keeping up with your work and videos over the years and it's always a pleasure when a new one goes up. Great tips as always!


The last tip is the best imo, i sold most of my more expensive analog cameras and focused on getting cheaper SLRs but in great condition instead, now I shoot a brand new Ricoh KR-5, a camera no one really knows but it takes all my sharp pentax glass and the mechanics are great! Got it of kamerastore in Finland for 70€! For point and shoots I just thrift and repair cameras and I’ve found steals!


I learned my lesson the hard way, buying all the expensive cameras the YouTubers had only to find out my favorite ones to use were a $20 point and shoot and a $10 Nikon n60 slr that I have taken some of my all time favorite photos on. It’s more of enjoying the process instead of brand. Now days I just buy different formats and lenses that I need for certain projects I’m working on.


Glad too see you back. I made the switch to bulk loading and currently looking to make a 400f to 100f reel converter to use motion film rolls so to bulk load colour. I am thinking it might be easier to just do black and white atm.


Great to see a video from you again!! Cheers!


Wellcome back. Was wondering what happened. Agreed with all points - bulk loading black and white, developing at home and scanning at home. Regarding the scanner - I've been reading a long technical thread on DPReview comparing Epson vs Optifilm vs DSLR etc. scanning and the Optifilm was very good. I've got an Epson V750, but shoot more 35mm vs 120 and whilst there are better 35mm scanners, an Optifilm scanner is very good for pretty cheap. Unless you've already got a DSLR, macro lense and copy stand, the price/performance is hard to justify (and not necesarily any better). Regarding colour, Kodak Vision isn't a bad idea - they can be bought in very large tins which would be pretty ecconomical. Another suggestion would be to make more out of every frame - It's too easy to waste film due to incorrect exposure, specifically in older cameras. An external light meter could be very usefull in ensuring optimal exposure. Keeping gear slimmed down - whilst everybody lusts after a Leica M3-M6, Nikon F etc., realistically, a late 90's/2000's SLR probably performs better in many regards and is dirt cheap in comparison. A Canon EOS 300 with a 50mm f1.8 at $50 would probably be a better than a Canon AE1 with a 50mm f1.8 FD at $250. Lastly, I'd suggest with whatever gear you've got, run some tests to figure out what actually works well to get the most out of what you've got. If you've got slow shutter speeds a poor light meter, light leaks etc, you're just wasting film.


I'd love to bulk load, but I mainly shoot 6x6. I might consider re using backing paper, making a guide and cutting Astrum 65 mm to length. X-ray film may be my go-to in 4x5 presently. You can roll black and white developer from coffee tea, etc, washing soda and vit. C.


Welcome back, man! I missed your videos.


Lomography digitaliza works really well - light source and carriers for £90. Up to 6*7. Good video buddy…….looks like back to bulk for me……


Here's hoping supply+demand leads to more film being made, costs coming down and all the good things!


The other day I grabbed a Canon T2 with a 28-80mm zoom for like 80 bucks and the camera and lens both were in mint condition 😍 It is a very capable and fun little camera, not to mention how light weight it is.


Funny enough I sold all my medium format and almost all my 35mm camera gear this last 12 months. I currently have 6 rolls of Kentmere Pan 100 film left and after they have gone, I'll also be selling my Minolta X700 and Praktica Super TL3. I'll be sticking with digital from now on having been shooting film for over 40 years, I can't justify the cost any more. It's a shame as there is always something exciting when you see your negatives for the first time.


The Nikon FE2 actually goes up to 1/4000 😉


just gonna skip over the surfboard part?!? C'mon, spill the beans! what board did you buy with all the savings!??


I’d love a separate video on a vision 3 :))


Where can I buy that Colour negative bulk (100ft) rolls you were talking about in Australia?
