Jocko Exposes Gen Z and Millennial's Issues

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From Jocko Underground 122.

Why we blame this generation.
I have evidence that I'm right the they are wrong.
Jiu Jitsu competition? or just train? Or skip?
Jiu Jitsu with Diabetes?
Should I make more money? Or begin to help the world with my current riches?
My older co-workers are giving me their work... and it's working for them.

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The fact young people are priced out of home ownership, in a way never experienced by the previous generations, has such a damaging effect on their outlook of life.

When you are priced out of having a family, and a future, it's little wonder why materialistic nihilism fills the void.


-My parents bought my childhood home in 1996 for $110k. Adjusted for inflation, that’s $224k. That home is currently valued at $485k on Zillow.
-I work almost the exact same job that my dad did back in the 90s (web development). Adjusted for inflation, I earn roughly 1/3 what he did.
-almost everyone in my parents generation payed their way through college with minimum wage summer jobs. Almost every one of my peers worked all through college, and still graduated with massive debt.

Life is objectively much, much harder for millennials and Gen Z than it was for earlier generations. That’s not an opinion, it’s a fact that is consistently supported by real world data. The older generations can spew their ignorant negative options about the younger generations, but the facts don’t lie.


I'm 28yrs old, college degree (loans paid off) and working 60hrs a week as a fiber optics technician and part time on the weekends as a firearms instructor at my local range. I get ghosted by girls my age because I'd rather go to dinner than sleep with them (true story). Can't figure out how I'll ever afford to own where I live, a reliable car to get to work in the snow or how to retire in 30-40 years. Instead of blaming "they, " or accepting "them" saying my generation is lazy and doesn't want to work, I get up and go to the gym in the morning, read books at night and build people up around me struggling with the same problems. The truth is, I'm exhausted and sick of the older generations blaming us for the mess we are inheriting. Future looks bleak but I'm doing my best day in and day out. Really glad Jocko addressed this. Anybody else relating to this, please stay strong. Hard times create strong men.


Hearing people bitch and moan about the kids they raised is hilarious


Older generations, who are leading the country and workforce, should embrace being responsible for their mistakes. Here in Italy companies blame they cannot find blue collar skilled workers because "everybody went to university" except it's a lie. The old generation keep their knowledge to themselves because they strongly believe that teaching youngsters is creating a new competitor and that one would "steal their job", so companies (who do not want to train people) suffer of generational change in the workforce Also I heard from old people in their 70s, 80s conversations that can be resumed like this: they are glad they are old, that they do not have much to live because if they were young they would not know how to survive this era.


Great podcast. As a true boomer (age 73) I’m glad to have the opportunity to meet and share experiences with Zs and millennials. Zs have fresh ideas and long for kind wisdom, millennials are realizing that they are more responsible than they imagined. Both groups are stepping up and as a FOG I love that. They are not the future, they are the present, and are present.


This badly needed saying. I’m in my mid 40’s and I teach young adults and many of them are wayyy more clued in and savvy than many of us were 20+ years ago. It’s too easy to label younger people in this way. Are they annoying or unfocussed at times? Of course, but so was anyone in the entire history of humanity at 19 or 20 years of age.


As a millennial, I want to work. I want to prove myself. At my current job of 4 years, I spent the first 2 years trying to learn everything I could and being as helpful as possible. I was also severely underpaid for what I did, but in hindsight that's partially my fault for not putting my foot down and making them give me a higher starting pay since they were desperate at the time. 2 years go by, they give me a pay raise based on "surrounding businesses with similar titles". Another 2 years have gone by and I have been told there will not be any pay raises for X, Y and Z which everyone knows simply aren't true. Hard work is not respected anymore. When I try to do the right thing or fix problems at work, I am met with resistance and apathy from my bosses, there just isn't a reason to try anymore.


I struggle with this. We have a bad shortage in my trade and we are underpaid. I regularly hear "young people don't want to work" while they lose employees who look for better incomes


Thank you, Jocko! I've been working hard lately to break the habit of complaining and blaming. Instead, when challenges come my way, I'm training myself to say, "Good."


Just really a lack of mentorship, especially for young men. A lot of society just thinks that other people should be raising their kids instead of themselves. People aren't being responsible for their kids and it is incrementally having negative repercussions on a societal level with each passing year. Not to mention divorce rates and an overall lack of family unity.


I'll be 40 in a few months. I've always worked 80-100 hours a week in the oilfield since I was 18, the last 5 years I started going to the boxing gym, to the yoga studio, and am active in the community. Work life balance is very important to me. Life is better than ever, even with less money....


I’m solid GenX.
I wish I had quit jobs sooner when I was younger, rather than “toughing it out”. Just wasted time with the same outcome.

Young people SHOULD “question everything”. The biggest reason being- you’ve mostly been lied to or ill-advised your entire lives.
So I understand the youth perspective on those parts.

They should be teachable in their areas of ignorance- and those are many when you’re young… IF the knowledge you’re getting is good.

Bunch of kids raised by single moms, women school teachers, and now female bosses and people wonder why things are falling apart.


This is why I think “The Dichotomy of Leadership” was the superior work. It offered some much needed nuance.

In my experience “They” are often those coming into the workforce from a specific education and they are not only completely unprepared they are unmanageable.

Leaders do not have the time/resources to offer a full education and teach employees how to be a decent human being/ co worker.

The education system and culture has failed.


Appreciate this Jocko. Life is difficult for all of us and we should take ownership over our circumstances and persevere.


Our parents generation betrayed us. It's time we aknowledge the truth and reject everything our parents generation did. They did not hand down traditions, culture, values, patriotism., dignity, morals. They only lived for themselves and now we suffer. May we never recreate their misstakes and let's instead build a bright future for the next generation.


The fact younger people want "work life balance, " and it is somehow an issue even though we supposedly live in a free country is insane.

I'm a millennial, had a boomer tell me yesterday I'm not doing well because of video games.
I kindly pointed out were both truck drivers for the same company and I have been here 12 years doing the exact same job...


Sometimes people with different personalities clash from different generations. My issue with older generations is that it's always "their way or the highway" which is so selfish and shallow. But I stopped caring and am better for it


Following these principles over the last few years has removed so much stress in my life. Understanding then accepting ownership/responsibility means I have the control to change the situation, no more impotent rage, but a pathway to change. Get his books (I recommend the audio books since he reads them)


As a high school special ed teacher… I rely on Jocko to guide me when I’m working with a difficult student. As a matter of fact I keep a 3x5 card with “Extreme Ownership” taped to my computer monitor.
