Tim Dillon Schools Lex Fridman about Stupid People

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Tim Dillion's job as a comedian is to make people happy, and not everyone is meant to live a meaningful, examined life. Some people are stupid, and find deep happiness in simplicities like eating Buc-ee's nuggets on their couch lol

Taken from Tim Dillion 282

“(Tim) Part of what I like is problems, problems are essential for my business … making people happy … and if there are no problems there's never going to be a reason to make anyone happy, that's why utopians hate comedy, because they think you can create a world in which there will be no pain, so if there is no pain there's no reason to alleviate that pain through comedy, but I'm someone who realizes that no matter how great you make the world, you're gonna have pain, you're gonna have problems”
“(Tim) one of the things where me and you have a disagreement is this very vague and general advice that we give to people … we tell them your life is not valid or meaningful unless you have this dream, this deep love of something that you have to pursue, and you have to be on this journey, and I know people that derive a lot of happiness from the greatest simplicities in their life”
“(Tim) not everybody is meant to live this fully examined life”
“(Tim) Haven’t you ever met stupid people? You’re a guy who, because he's very smart, has had the privilege of speaking to some very very intelligent people … you’re not a simple person … you've got a robot on your floor, you interview the richest man in the world yesterday, you're wearing a suit … Rogan thinks he's a simple man too and he owns the Colorado River, can we stop?!”
“(Tim) I was in Buc-ee’s yesterday … people go to Buc-ee’s and they buy the nuggets and they eat the nuggets on their couch … don't you understand that those people fundamentally have some differences with you?”
“(Lex) no … I think they appreciate life more than the people who are in this rat race of quote-unquote smart people who are climbing some kind of career ladder”
“(Tim) you might say to those people, do what you love, and they might say … I'm doing what I love, I love Buc-ee’s nuggets, and I love my couch”
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"Rogan thinks he's a simple man too. He owns the Colorado River..." Funniest line from Tim in the clip and props to Lex for reacting accordingly!


Lex wears a suit 24/7, works at MIT, is well-versed in 20th century Russian literature, and eats one meal a day. Totally normal dude


“do what you love”
“I AM doing what I love. I love Bucky’s nuggets, and I love this couch.” 🤣🤣 there are some things that can’t be said any better than Tim Dillashay does


Calling them a Walmart competitor is an underrated joke, lol


Tim smashes people over the head with truth, slowly, sensually. I love it.


Tim's ability to come up with funny lines & deliver them spontanuesly is master-level


Tim is spot on as usual. 😂
The "simple man" routine is horse sh#t.


One of the worst things we do as a society is denigrate people who never leave the town they grew up in to "pursue their dreams." Those people are often leading the happiest, simplest lives while people who are trying to find fulfillment in some big, complicated plan for life are often the most miserable


0:23: “That is why utopians hate comedy, because they think you can create a world where there is no pain” Shockingly profound.


I feel like listening to this as a huge relief for me. I’ve put so much stress on trying to have an fulfilling life and and to have someone say there’s nothing wrong with you for having a simplistic lifestyle feels like a breath of fresh air. Pass me those beaver nuggets.


I love this pairing because it's a lovely set of extremes. Tim might have a slightly narrow view of a certain subset of people who he deems to be simple/less intelligent, whereas Lex likely overestimates the everyday person. As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle. XD This comment section is gold as well.


Lex thinks he’s Joking, but those who know the couch types know this is a serious thing


"you have a robot on the floor" LMAO


'Utopians hate comedy because they think you can create a world in which there will be no pain'. Tim Dillon is one of those people where they're not a scientist or anything so it may take you a while to realize how brilliant they actually are


I'd love nothing more than to run into Tim Dillon in a Bucees.


"don't you understand that those people fundamentally have some differences with you?"


tim's analysis and perspective is so spot on


Tim is on a different level of smart. He gets people, Lex is a robot….an emotional one, but still a robot though


when successful comedians realize they're modern nobles too


He's wrong about Buc-ees though. LOL it's a rest stop in Texas with cleanest bathrooms in the world. 😂
