Beverages to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

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Beverages to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

An enlarged prostate (also known as Benign prostatic hyperplasia) is a relatively common condition that increases in prevalence as men get older. Certain foods and diets can influence the growth of the prostate and worsen associated symptoms of an enlarged prostate. In this lesson, we discuss the best foods to eat in order to prevent and reduce prostate enlargement and reduce symptoms of an enlarged prostate.


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So going on your list
Alcohol - beer, wine, liquor
Caffeine - coffee, tea, soda pop
Dairy Products - milk, cream, other dairy beverages
Carbonated beverages- soda pop, sparkling beverages
What is left that you can drink? looks like just water to me


I have developed a liking for hot water instead of coffee and tea. I used to drink tea all day, at least ten mugs, but not anymore. I don’t like tepid or just cold, but iced water is good occasionally. Fruit juices can cause acid stomach. I don’t eat after 6pm. I’m coming up to 92 years old. Still get around, still driving. Have enlarged prostate and get up to pee once or maybe twice, not counting initial pee on going to bed. Like most guys, I’ve had a lifetime of downing whatever I fancied; it’s not hard to give up most of it now. I don’t drink alcohol of any kind now. Drinking tea black is common in Australia. I love cold milk but don’t drink. My weight is ready at 85kgs.
I take it all as a challenge!


No fruit juices, no dairy, no tea, no coffee, no soda, You left out water!! 🤗


Yeah right!!! Wouldn't have been easier to just have said " just drink water!"


Coffee apparently is excellent for the liver and a moderate amount of alcohol helps to keep the blood flowing.


I have watched I think all your drinks and foods to avoid and to take to improve prostate health. I'm one those who have BPH. I just had TURP surgery and using all your insight to help going to better prostate health. Thank you for so much great information.


Same as foods to avoid... the only food remaining that you could eat is ground cardboard and water


Absolutely bang on. I have been suffering from Chronic Bacterial prostatitis. Acidic fruit juices like orange juices and even pineapple juice trigger irritation and affect me the very next day. Best to avoid dairy too and cheese in any form being the worst.


My personal experience is never eat food or drink juices which are 'cold ' in nature especially at night like papaya, water melon, cold drinks, orange, grape, mung bean (the worse for me) etc. However, a small amount of wine like one quarter full of a glass wine is good for me before going to bed as the frequency of going to toilet at midnight has reduced to one time or none!


My grandaddy drank one or 2 cups of black coffee every day all of his life. Also drank wine (red) or beer very often. Would occasionally drink sprits. He loved his cold shot of vodka right from the fridge in the morning, sunny side up eggs, often including a tin of sardines in oil along with it. Bacon right from the pan, absolutely NO fat drain. Also loved to eat raw garlic dipped in heavy salt. Did that often, even more so on holidays. NEVER had a prostate problem (that we know of) and lived to be 93. He did smoke until he was 70. Quit smoking on the advice of his doctor. He was not what we might think of as a "heavy smoker" --- he smoked like maybe a pack a week or less. Still lived another 23 years after he quit! We always believed that if grandpa didn't smoke all those years, he might have lived to be 100.


This video is an example why You don’t want to believe everything on the Internet


Why didn’t he just say don’t drink anything except water....It woulda made for a shorter and more accurate video...


green tea has polyphenols good for the prostate. You failed to mention this. Not all teas are bad!


I drink pure Lemon diluted with water every morning after fasting! I never eat till after mid day and I eat carefully! Never felt better in my life!!


Seems like the message is avoid anything you may enjoy.


Very informative, in simple terms, only tap water or spring water can be taken in prostate problem.


I have BPH, and i drink Tea and coffee in the morning to get my bladder moving.And water!
It works for me!
And i have started with Nettle root tea.


“Avoid” is for those who drink excessively. I would prefer to use the word “balance” . There’s always two sides to everything depends on how you strike a balance.


other studies have shown that coffee and citrus contain beneficial nutrients to reduce prostate complications ....


Nice video. It's worth getting the oils from Weedborn, though.
