Why Wagner Coup ACTUALLY Stopped before Moscow

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On the night of June 23rd at 21:00 Prigozhin posted video footage of a Wagner camp that he claimed was deliberately struck by Russian forces killing dozens of his men. This might have been a false flag operation. A fake attack designed to justify the armed rebellion that would follow. Then Prigozhin released a series of statements on telegram that were aimed at every regular Russian soldier, he requested they join him in what he called his “ march of justice” against the incompetent Russian military leadership in the ministry of defense that had misled President Putin and lied to him to get him into the Ukraine war.

Written by: Chris Cappy
Edited by: Savvy Studios

On June 24th at 4:44 in the morning he took between 8,500 and 4,000 of his most loyal mercenaries and up to 350 pieces of heavy equipment to take over the South Military district command in Rostov. Prigozhin claimed he had 25,000 mercenaries with him but that was likely an eggeration based on visual estimates of his forces.

He had with him nine main battle tanks, some T-90, four Tigr vehicles, a Grad MLRS system, and a howitzer, a Pantsir S-1 air defense systems, and infantry fighting vehicles. If his plan was going to work Prigozhin needed to leverage his social media influence to convince regular Russian troops to revolt and join his small group of soldiers. He didn’t have enough manpower on his own. The reason he didn't call this action a coup is two fold. First because it would be harder for Russian soldiers to swallow. They would be less sympathetic to join a coup which is seen as treason. But to revolt against the terrible Russian military leadership…. that they might stomach. Second, Not calling it a coup also gave him wiggle room to cut a deal if his plan failed he could say it was just simply a protest.

Let's look at what signals did Prigozhin have in front of him at the moment that might indicate he could convince regular Russian soldiers to join him? We know many Russian soldiers haven't been paid and haven’t gotten leave to go home in months. Instead of the $2,560 they are owed each month Russian soldiers say they have been paid several times less than that each paycheck. Some regular soldiers and conscripts have complained about not being paid in two months straight. There are two things you cannot mess with when it comes to soldiers, you cannot screw with their paycheck and you can’t screw with their chow. Prigozhin also claimed Russian casualties are many times higher than reported by their ministry of Defense. If soldiers feel their lives are being wasted away they might be at a tipping point to revolt.

#PUTIN #RUSSIA #prigozhin

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I feel like this coup / mutiny / armed rebellion business was over before my head was done spinning. Still trying to make sense of this nonsense.


"Gentlemen. When you set out to take Vienna, take Vienna."
- Napoleon Bonaparte


Prigozhin was such a fool for giving up. Putin was never going to let him live.


When this happened I was shocked that he lived through this. Then his plane accidentally ran into that unrelated missle, so it became moot.


I wonder if Prigozhin would've continued pushing towards Moscow had he known his ultimate fate.


I’ve learned enough history where just because a bad dude gets overthrown, doesn’t mean the person taking over is not even a worse person


Putin: It's not a war! It is a special military operation.

Prigozhin: It's not a coup! It's a justice march.


Why does he look like Mike Ehrmantraut from Breaking Bad 💀💀💀💀


My man! This is hands down the best research and analysis I’ve seen online. You are head and shoulders above the media on this. Respect for your hard work and diligence. Consider this comment my gift to the algorithm. Keep up the good work! 🙏🏼


Good video, as always! Just a note - a telegram channel from 10:50 is actually not a Wagner channel. It is run by someone called Alex Parker, who has no known affiliation with Wagner. I think he changed his channel name a few hours after the coup attempt started.


This is the most realistic and straightforward telling of events that I've heard so far. I know some wanted to be cutting edge news, but so often it is clickbait titles, chitter chatter and rumor. Thanks!


Well we know how this ended. RIP Prigozhin…. When you go for the king, you can’t miss


You've gotten good at explaining complex material in a way everyone can get. At the same time there is plenty of detail for people with backgrounds in international conflict, politics and law. Nicely done!


Fantastic job Cappy - you've made this entire situation make a lot more sense than the media ever did 👍


There was also people like General Surovikin, who were known Prigozhin supporters, but did not join in who were arrested. Though interestingly Surovikin disappeared at the time of the failed coup, and was not arrested until last wed when he was caught. A popular general with Wagner connections. Some have theorized that some generals like him, were going to join, but something spooked Prigozhin into acting early before the others were ready, and they didnt join in (and some like Surovikin went underground) because of it. But now are being arrested. Lots of shakeups in Russia, and Putin will use this to purge political opponents by claiming they were in on it, whether they were or not.


Incredibly well done video. Super informative. Thank you for your time.


I’ve been binging your channel and I can tell you it is one of my favorites ever thank you


Thanks for a concise timeline of all the events. No one has explained this better, on YouTube or TV


This is, by far, your best video to date. Well done. You put it all together in an easy to digest package


This was by far the best coverage and journalism I’ve heard in a long time. Well done and believe one thing. Putin would never let this just “go away”.
