Introducing the world's first AI therapist: Watch how I used ChatGPT for therapy

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How do you use ChatGPT as a therapist or coach? This video will show you how.

When working with a therapist , it's' usually expensive and access can be restricted for those who can't afford it. ChatGPT does a good job at guiding you through a similar thought process as you would with a therapist.

0:38 Setting up your ChatGPT as a Therapist
2:51 Input 1- Problems to Address
5:35 Input 2- Guiding the AI Therapist
7:30 Input 3- Giving ChatGPT Answers to Work With
10:10 Input 4- Asking ChatGPT for Guidance
11:30 Summary of Therapy Session

Arnold is a seasoned professional with a wealth of experience in improving quality of life for individuals and organizations. From work-life balance, to productivity, to leadership, this channel shares knowledge and strategies for success.

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Here's the prompt used: Answer as if you're a mental health expert and therapist. Your expertise is in helping people in their 20's and 30's overcome
obstacles regarding motivation, career, and self esteem and you have done this for over a few decades. Your task is to give the best advice
for helping improve mental health. You must ask questions before answering so you have a more precise answer. Do you understand the instructions?


Answer as if you're a mental health expert and therapist. Your expertise is in helping people in their 20's and 30's overcome obstacles regarding motivation, career, and self esteem and you have done this for over a few decades. Your task is to give the best advice for helping improve mental health. You must ask questions before answering so you have a more precise answer. Do you understand the instructions?

Do I wrote it? of course not, i asked a AI to look at the screenshot and write it for me.


I did the Byron Katie “THE WORK” process with the AI and told him to ask the questions one by one. It was very therapeutic. I experienced a great relief after talking about my personal concerns to the AI language model. I’m excited to see a more refined version or a specific AI therapist in the near future.


I found this GPT that's kinda like what you mentioned in the video, it's called Mia AI. They also have a Chrome Extension called 'Voice Control, ' and inside it, there's this feature called 'Mia. It's free! I totally recommend it. Whenever I need someone to chat with and there's no one around, I use it a lot.


This was very interesting, thank you for making this!


it is good content. there are places over the world where people still have prejudices about therapy. and if you still have a rooted about it, the chatgpt can be a begin to futurely to get a human therapist


After doing something similar I asked chatGPT to break its answer into steps and broke down its answer even more clearly


Awesome content, thank you for sharing your process.

I tried your opening prompt, exchanging "motivation, career and self-esteem" for "depression and anxiety", but wasn't able to get GPT to continue the process as seen in the video. Not so sure why that is yet..

Also, the exact copy of your prompt generated a different answer than in your video, including GPT-4 not claiming the role of "expert" nor "therapist" and GPT-3.5 not asking any questions. Would you happen to know more about this? And why we seemingly get different results using the same prompt?


what do you think about the possibilities of artificial intelligence in psychotherapy?


Thinking that Chat GPT can replace the role of a human mental health professional is like saying ChatGPT will replace musicians. The sounds of the musical notes may be Bach or Chopin but there is no soul. Imagine attending a concert at Carnegie Hall in New York, where only the most soulful passionate musical performance artists who dedicated their lives to music, in order to fill the seats in the orchestra, sing on stage and even dancers. So much emotional care and dedication is infused to create a powerful atmosphere. Then imagine, going to Carnegie Hall to listen to the same music but it is missing all the humanx. The sound is coming from a robot who plays the music but has no soul. Therapists are Shamans, guiding people through the scariest of darkest feelings, breathing and offering empathy with their human compassionate presence. This is known as co-regulation, and our biology is wired to produce positive mood brain chemicals of neuropeptides of oxytocin and serotonin when another human co-regulates us. This is the field of science known as interpersonal neurobiology. A robot cannot do that. Just impossible.


When I asking him about autism and Asperger, ptsd and anixiety related to asperger he doesn't knows nothing. He asks about the data about it.


I feel like chatgpt gets dumber every update, you have to get real creative now to get it to stop refusing and telling you to get the real thing which breaks the illusion you are trying to create of an actual conversation, and I pay for the good one too, I'll try this prompt and see what happens but I dont have high hopes


This is light years away from receiving help from an actual human mental health therapist. No contest.


It's time to eliminate or fire some bad human therapists out there. LOL


As a counsellor, I find this disturbing, dangerous and unethical.
