cleaning my depression room and taking care of myself [mellow vlog]

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hello frens of the internet :)
Depression can manifest differently for everyone and can look different depending on the season of your life. I hope that anyone struggling with their mental health does not compare what my mental health looks like to theirs. Especially since this video does not capture accurately what I go through. We all battle and navigate through it uniquely. I do hope that this can serve as some encouragement and a gentle reminder to take care of yourself in any way. Starting small like drinking enough water for the day, because sometimes that is the best we can do. This was a more light hearted mellow video, but perhaps in future videos I’ll share more about my mental health journey.
Thank you for showing up to life today, just as you are
I wanted to share that I’m not religious but I fully respect and honor all religions, as I believe there are many principle values and truths we can take from those sacred texts and apply to our lives if we choose to do so. My interpretation of God is not assigned to one religion, rather, I view God as a force of unconditional love. Regardless, the poem I read is one that can touch the heart of all beings, no matter if you are religous or not. Interpret it for how you want it to resonate with you and leave the rest behind. it’s all Love ❤️
Spotify: lydiafu123
letterboxd: tofusworld
Tiktok: 3ternalrebirth
*I don’t own any of the rights to the songs I used except the last song I played on the guitar*
Depression can manifest differently for everyone and can look different depending on the season of your life. I hope that anyone struggling with their mental health does not compare what my mental health looks like to theirs. Especially since this video does not capture accurately what I go through. We all battle and navigate through it uniquely. I do hope that this can serve as some encouragement and a gentle reminder to take care of yourself in any way. Starting small like drinking enough water for the day, because sometimes that is the best we can do. This was a more light hearted mellow video, but perhaps in future videos I’ll share more about my mental health journey.
Thank you for showing up to life today, just as you are
I wanted to share that I’m not religious but I fully respect and honor all religions, as I believe there are many principle values and truths we can take from those sacred texts and apply to our lives if we choose to do so. My interpretation of God is not assigned to one religion, rather, I view God as a force of unconditional love. Regardless, the poem I read is one that can touch the heart of all beings, no matter if you are religous or not. Interpret it for how you want it to resonate with you and leave the rest behind. it’s all Love ❤️
Spotify: lydiafu123
letterboxd: tofusworld
Tiktok: 3ternalrebirth
*I don’t own any of the rights to the songs I used except the last song I played on the guitar*