The Narcissist's INNER CIRCLE Exposed!

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Who is in Narcissist's inner circle? Narcissists don't treat everyone the same and some people get treated better than others.

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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Today marks 1 year free from my toxic narcissistic ex and I'm loving it😄 No contact is the way to go and I've stuck with it even though he still leaves voicemails from time to time I don't respond.


Oh when we are in public he is Prince Charming but in private he’s Darth Vader


The NARCISSIST i know treats the Kind, Sweet People BADLY. The people the narcissist look up to get treated the best.


He treated me like crap in public too....made fun of me...treated me like i was stupid


This video just helped me realize…the reason why he stopped coming over is because I literally had proof of him in my bed. He wanted to go around lying and talking shit about me. Acting like we weren’t together while lying. So I had the proof. I was sick of the lies, he’s lucky I didn’t get pictures of the shit streaks he left on my sheets that I had to throw out. 42 years old and still can’t wipe his ass, but can lie his way through any & everything. But of course blamed me for everything and whenever I spoke up I was playing “victim” when that was really him. One of these days the truth will come out sooner or later.


The most simplest way I observed this was how my nex greeted her friends vs how she greeted me. Random friends that she would bump into would get a very warm, enthusiastic greeting. Would tell them how nice it was to see them, how much they meant to her etc. When either of us came home after a long day and I would happily greet her I would be met with just a cold look as if I was bothering her.


Because they see life as a competition. So they compete with everyone. Those people can´t lose. (No matter what they have to win otherwise they behave like a toddler). They get very angry if you go against them (if you critizise them).


Wow! Eye opener! Just thought EVERYONE got treated bad! 😡💡💡💡💡


You have no idea how much I needed to hear this today. Thank you


I was trying to figure out why he treated me like his emotional punching bag.


I needed to hear this today. I have been feeling awful for so many years and you just hit something that I really have been struggling with deep down for several years, maybe my entire life. Narcissistic abuse is an old topic for me. I’ve learned so much these past four years. You just said something that I didn’t know and really needed to understand. Thank you so much!


Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us! 😊


People that barely knows them get treated better. It’s a circus- certain supplies may get treated better for short term to just triangulate.


He treated his ex who betrayed him years ago better than me.


Exactly they only reveal themselves in the fullest to those under their roof! The slip a bit with restraint and laughs after they are inappropriate or they are proud for their attitude in front of others self proclaiming themselves as an old goat! You’re right I get the least! It’s sick
He won’t work on it he says he’s too old and what I see is what I get he likes himself.


Yup. I am treated differently by my dad also my mom in law. And my husband.


I was in a relationship for 7yrs with a narcissist. He did treat everyone nice and treated me like crap and at times he let his mask slip and would yell at me in front of people. So when I finally left I was shocked when some of those people said to me yea I saw you breaking up with him I asked why they said because he's controlling. Next month it'll be 1yr no contact and I feel so much better. Thank u for speaking about it


Well said Lee, God does give the toughest battle to his tough soldiers.
That answers my prayer, why me of all the people in the world, do I have to encounter toxic people, where ever I go! Thank you Lee, 🙏♥♥♥♥♥🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹😎


Can you speak about your childhood and relationship with your mom, please?


My guess would have been that my ex narc friend got tired of me but felt bad/guilty to end it so she tried to make out of me the bad one. Then there is that boyfriend of hers that Im sure is taking up a lot of her time and energy while filling her head with bs about me... but this mindset you are describing is also interesting and could partially be true with my situation.
