Hitting The Ball With Your Right Shoulder Makes The Golf Swing So Much Easier

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I implemented this drill into my routine months ago, and have found so much success. Suddenly, my swing feels so simple and effortless, as my trail shoulder leads the way. A few ways this has helped me in particular:

1. It ensures a nice, steep backswing, keeping my hands in and club out.
2. It improved my weight transfer in my backswing. Because the right should works back and behind my head, it ensures that my weight is more forward at the top of the backswing, which reduces any head or body sway.
3. The right shoulder working down naturally shallows my club AND forces my weight to shift back to front (hip “bump”), and forces my hips to begin to open before contact. I no longer need to think about these movement’s and their timing, as they’re a natural result of the shoulder working down.
4. Improved contact. The right shoulder working down, rather than around, makes up for the difference in club height caused by wrist hinge/extension. No more skulling the ball.

As someone who was a multi-sport athlete, with a decent understanding of body mechanics, and coordination, this lesson was simple, yet game-changing for me. Thank you Eric!


This is such a great and simple concept. I have issues with a shorter backswing but the cue of the right shoulder going toward the ball on the way back is a literal game changer. The idea that from the top of the backswing to use the right shoulder to go down and progress through the ball also makes perfect sense. Thank you for the explanation.


I was only concentrating on my lead shoulder on the backswing. That would restrict my backswing because my right shoulder was not moving up and towards the target. Now when I concentrate on moving my right shoulder up and towards the target, the left shoulder naturally follows down and under. My backswing feels much easier and not “scrunched up.” Thanks Eric. Now I gotta work on the downswing to eliminate my pulls.


Eric this is so helpful for low point and compression. I just ripped 10 balls in a row into my backyard net. You are thee best. Thank you for all your hard work and relentless passion to help us.


This has been a game changer for me greatly appreciate your channel


This is a great session. I find that it works best for me to focus on right shoulder up in the backswing. The best combination for me has been hands aligned at address and right shoulder up in the backswing. This helps me hit solid shots. Thanks for a great video Eric!


Out of all the top video instructors I have to admit you have the best swing of them all..I would venture to guess you are a very good golfer. Smooth and plenty of power. We are jealous 😀


Great video. I love that swing thought on the right shoulder. Really helps with contact and consistency


Oh my goodness...this just worked for me!!! I've been scooping and trying to find the fix.


Great stuff. Easily digestible Thank you


Years ago, I had a clinic with Chuck Cook and he used to say, referring to the trail shoulder (and it really stick to me ‘til today…): shoulder to the wall (behind you: the line in your video), shoulder to the ball, shoulder to the target.


Real good stuff, Eric. Love your swing.


Eric Great video but I love how the video really shows how the shoulders rotate while the head stays behind the yellow line. Its a keeper.


Great advice. Now if only I can copy your swing!! But seriously, it does take some flexibility to turn that much both going back and on the downswing. It's interesting that many players when they start trying to do this, turning the right shoulder up and back with the head staying in line, they say it feels like a reverse pivot. I've had to overcome the same erroneous impression.


Is there still a pulldown with the arms or just right shoulder in the downswing only? Thx Eric!


I start my backswing by turning my left shoulder, I’ve tried starting with right shoulder for several months but my ball striking wasn’t as crisp and accurate so I went back to left shoulder starting backswing.


Hi Eric, What is the feel for getting the right shoulder high and when you've gone too far? I tried this but the shoulder is somewhat flat. Best Regards,


this was finally my aha moment lol. so consistent now and hitting it a mile.


What about the speed of the shoulders back, down and through Eric? When I watch guys with good tempo & rhythm it appears the speed of rotation never changes all that much. (Obviously not true of many long hitters on tour like Mcilroy). I get so focused on what my shoulders are doing I race them down and my lower body doesn't get open enough by impact. Should I focus on keeping shoulder rotation tempo the same throughout as your average high/mid handicapper?


This tip very well might work for me. I tend to straighten my spine, sort of jump at the ball and cast at times with the start of my downswing. I absolutely feel the sensation of my right (trail shoulder lifting and turning), but never thought about where it ought to be on the downswing. This will help me keep down, stop jumping at the ball and even help with the casting.
I used to be a consistent 10 handicap, stopped playing for three years, went back to playing, 30lbs fatter and out of shape. I can barely break 95 nowadays, all because my full-swing shots are garbage. I think fatigue that came faster led me to compensate and that just became muscle memory. When I’m just practice-swinging with or without a club in my hand, it’s so fluid, textbook. But once a ball is down, forget it. I’m not confident whatsoever.

Making it a mission to get back to more consistent ball striking and overall play. Booked my first ever winter simulator session and I’m absolutely going to try this.
