How much do teachers make? Teacher Interview Compilation | Salary Transparent Street 💚

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How much do teachers make? 📚 For World Teachers' Day, we compiled all our interviews with teachers.
The average base pay for teachers is $26,193/year, or $16.43/hr. Interestingly, all of these interviews were filmed near our home base in the DMV (DC/MD/VA), and some of the highest-paying school systems exist in this area as well. All 3 top companies for teachers in the US are schools based in the DMV (Montgomery County Public Schools $47.33/hr, District of Columbia Public Schools $46.22/hr, and Prince George's County Public Schools $45.99/hr) Source listed below.
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Our goal is to improve pay equity and help close existing pay gaps that marginalize women, minorities, workers with disabilities, and the LGBTQ+ community by removing the taboo to talk about money.
Follow us on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook @SalaryTransparentStreet for daily uploads!
#worldteachersday #teachersalary #salarytransparentstreet #salarytransparency #paytransparency #howmuchdoyoumake #equalpay #diversityandinclusion
The average base pay for teachers is $26,193/year, or $16.43/hr. Interestingly, all of these interviews were filmed near our home base in the DMV (DC/MD/VA), and some of the highest-paying school systems exist in this area as well. All 3 top companies for teachers in the US are schools based in the DMV (Montgomery County Public Schools $47.33/hr, District of Columbia Public Schools $46.22/hr, and Prince George's County Public Schools $45.99/hr) Source listed below.
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Our goal is to improve pay equity and help close existing pay gaps that marginalize women, minorities, workers with disabilities, and the LGBTQ+ community by removing the taboo to talk about money.
Follow us on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook @SalaryTransparentStreet for daily uploads!
#worldteachersday #teachersalary #salarytransparentstreet #salarytransparency #paytransparency #howmuchdoyoumake #equalpay #diversityandinclusion