8 Phrases Someone Would Say If They're Into You

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Is there someone who you think has a crush on you? Do you think you’ve misread the signs? They may have been sending you signals all this time, but you just haven’t noticed what they’re doing. So to help you become more aware of the signs, here are a few common phrases someone would say if they’re into you.

Writer: Isadora Ho
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: ChiquitaFoncy
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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I’m a sucker for anyone who remembers small details about me. It always makes me feel noticed and cared about 🥰


1. Let's hang out
2. Says jokes to you
3. Complimenting you
4. Inviting you to parties
5. They remember all the small details about you
6. They ask if what happened if you said you were having a bad day
7. They bring up things you both enjoy
8. They ask you out on a date


One thing that I learned is to not mistake kindness with flirting and to not assume unless otherwise stated. Having those two things in mind might save you a heartbreak.


1-7 doesn't necessarily mean they're romantically interested, rather they want to be friends. Number 8 is the only clear indicator.


I agree that being direct is the best way since nowadays the line between friends and crushes seems more blurry. It's normal to be worried about your friends, miss them, say good night and sweet dreams, etc. Sometimes, it's just good to have someone in your life whom you can trust completely and just be yourself, chilling, talking about everything, and enjoying stuff both parties like, you know?


1) 0:25 "Let's hang out"
2) 1:04 "Knock knock who's there?"
3) 1:35 "You look lovely today"
4) 2:12 "Do you wanna join?"
5) 2:44 "Let's go see the movie you mentioned last week"
6) 3:19 "What happened?"
7) 3:49 "Me too!"
8) 4:22 "Go out with me?"


If someone truly wants you, they will show it through actions, how effective their communication is, their vibe, body language and how they treat you. If you have to constantly ask yourself if someone is into you or not, they act hot and cold towards you, then most likely, they're not!
💙YouTuber That Helps People Overcome Toxic Relationships


This video is correct. One thing to add on. if they get nervous around you eg: talking fast stuttering if words. My school is a playground for romantic mental tests and I found out that they might express half themselves if a boy likes a girl, but a girl expresses her full self. Personally I stutter, slur, and talk fast normally with my friends to the point I become unsensical, so how I cope with this around a test subject is to slow my speech with my friends. If you feel uncomfortable around the person you like because you are afraid you'll say something wrong, just talk thier ears off and you will become ok and not as nervous around them. I just wanted to say this.


If they say we should instead of you should.

Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
No I haven’t
You should go it’s good - not into you
We should go it’s good - possibly into you



I’m gonna confess to my crush this Friday, since it’s the last day before summer break and we’re going to different schools.
I’m EXTREMELY nervous but I just have to.
He was absent for 3 WHOLE DAYS but it felt like 3 years😨 And I literally COULD NOT stop smiling after I saw that he came to school today🤦‍♀️🙈
The only person who knows that I like him is my friend (not my bestie because she would literally tell everyone) and we trust each other a lot + she likes HIM TOO (but ofc we’re not gonna fight over a guy and let it ruin our friendship) I’m really glad that she supports me and gives me tips on how to confess to him🥺

I’m gonna update y’all this Friday and tell y’all how it went🙈

UPDATE: It went… okay.
So, his reaction was: *smiles* ok.
Me in my head: *EMOTIONAL DAMAGE*


How is this not more popular! Your channel is amazing! More people should be seeing this content and that's why I subscribed😁


Stop telling me I’ll never find love 😔


I'm not totally sure why I still watch these romance-centered videos, as I'm pretty sure I'm the embodiment of 'hopeless romantic.' It's hopeless that I'll ever end up romantic.


Hi . I had super bad depression .y’all really helped me to overcome it


These videos always come at the right time.


Definitely not sure what's going on in my life. I'm trying to work through my thoughts. The psychology videos help


As someone with Asperger's this was helpful, I for my part I like the direct approach because it removes the ambiguity. I'm trying to better myself when it comes to EQ and social interaction. I just hope I find a lady that can accept me for who I really am. (It is hard for me to live in this NT world but I try my very best) 😅😅


I always ask my friends if they had a bad day if they’re alright. Because it’s nice to have someone to talk to. I also tell my friends “you’re doing good 👍” when i bump into them, just incase they need to hear it!


My favourite part is the cute little guy waving the sign saying "I LIKE YOU". So adorable. I need these animation skills for my channel!


I have an overactive imagination, so I see alot of signs that aren't there
I find it safer just to have them be direct
