Missing 411- David Paulides Presents Cases from Oregon, Washington & Arizona

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This segment contains the following missing person cases:
Douglas Pascoe, Missing Nov 1922, Clifton, AZ
Milt Armstrong, Missing Sep 1968, Mount Rainier, WA
Cownden Family, Missing Sept 1, 1974, Copper, OR

© 2022 David Paulides NABS LLC

The segment with the most recent # of comments, 1850!!
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Skinwalker Ranch Episode May 17, 2022

Skinwalker Ranch Episode May 26, 2022

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I had some guy, who was approaching me, yell at me because I stepped off the path to put distance between us. Called me racist. It was 6:30am in a city park where I routinely walked my dog. Seems he didn't understand that many assaults on solitary women happen in parks and I was using caution by giving myself the advantage of distance. There were of course other dog walkers and joggers in the vicinity, I carry pepper spray and routinely step off the path when people approach. Practicing caution does not make me racist.


I am going to have my daughter write out her experience last summer. It was quite frightening. She called me when they returned home from a camping trip deep in the Cascade Mountains. The first thing she said was “Mom, we had something very scary happen, but I had my Dave Paulides recommended backpack with me and we got safely out danger. She said had she not had those essentials, one being personal protection, she does not know if they would have made it out OK. She, her husband and their two young children knew what to do and THEY DID IT. All thanks to your advice and recommendations.
She also said that they had practiced with the kids what to do and everyone was on point.
Yes, your knowledge (and sharing it) is saving lives.I thank you with all my heart.


When we were children, my dad taught us 3 kids how to safely handle, shoot, clean, and store firearms. We went to ranges periodically for target shooting. I later joined the U.S. Navy and won a marksmanship award. I now have a concealed carry permit. A few years ago, a man tried to break into my house at about 2 a.m. I was so angry at him for disturbing my sleep that I forgot all about my guns, and just scared him off by yelling at him! I’m a 61-year-old woman and believe we should all learn safe firearm skills growing up, just like learning how to do basic home maintenance, car maintenance, or first aid.


I walk alone on a nature trail, sometimes with a dog. The dog has always loved thus trail as did I. Recently the dog didn't want to walk the trail and physical conditions have stopped me from walking. I now am having nightmares about this trail. I'm heeding this warning.


Dave, Abbey the miracle dog found alive in a cave 2 months after going missing in Missouri. Dog did not bark when found and apparently has not been able to bark since it’s frightening ordeal.


"My job is to keep you alive" thank you for taking on this responsibility even though you don't have to. I've learned so much from you! You're a good person:)


Wow. I don't have the best words here but I have lived on the North Kitsap Peninsula all my life with the exception of 1971 to 1981. In the ten years I was out of state I lived, worked, and thoroughly enjoyed being in Vail, Colorado. Then after two outstanding years my work took me to Pueblo also in Colorado. That was some major culture shock. Lastly I was hired by a new company and relocated to a small town just North of Salt Lake City, Utah. I'm turning 75 this month and in all my years I never saw a cryptid until I came to rest at our ranch just outside of Poulsbo WA. Been here with my husband since '94. Raised two horses together, trained them to saddle and trail rode until. 2017-2018 when in one single season late spring, mid summer everything changed. My beloved husband, suffered a stroke which severely disabled him, my oldest son, 53years old died in the same hospital I gave birth to him, and while both were in hospital my mare sickened and I had to put her down in our pasture and buried her were she died. She was 26. Also during this time the old growth forest that surrounded our property extending hundreds of acres, was clear cut. It was the following spring that I saw a mother Big Foot and what appeared to her youngster, sitting on our fence line in the brush in the clear cut, right off the back pasture 50 yards from the house. So my friend and I started walking across the pasture to get a better look. Well she stayed right there until we closed the distance, slowly, and at about 20 yards they both vanished. No sound, no movement just gone, poof! It didn't seem threatened and we didn't either, just gazed at each other while getting closer and they disappeared. So their is my long account of my travels, and I have other very strange happings, but that will be some other time because I already have gone on too long here. But, as a side note, the friend I shared this sighting with, had recommended you to me and I eventually subscribed to your channel. Thank God,
my husband is still alive, and my younger son lives next door, and that is a joy. You are a fascinating man.


My Lord, that last story tore at my heart. Think of Richard’s father who already lost a son to cancer. Wow.
I think back to all the times my mom and I dropped off my dad to fish and went to park and wait.
Once, I believe it was Highway 89 or old 89, this is near Tahoe. Mom and I were waiting a ways off the road on a dirt road for dad. Mom was seated reading in a camp chair and I was on an old stump about 15 feet from her near our truck. Suddenly, this weird looking dirty dude walked right between us. He said nothing. Had no backpack. Didn’t look at us. Mom and I looked at each other as he paused maybe a few car lengths in front of the truck. Immediately we got into the truck and locked the doors. My dad came walking up two minutes later and the dude walked on.
When I think of all the times my mom sat alone waiting for dad…
That was the 1980s. She had her little gun but honestly, she didn’t know how to use it.
We really took chances. Some people never think anything will happen to them.


I love getting lectured about safety by you, Dave. Reminds me of my Dad’s safety lectures.
Miss him. A lot.
And I’m grateful for you. A lot.


I don't usually comment, but Dave said something that hit home. Anyone brought up with firearms knows how dangerous they can be and knows to respect them. Alot of people think guns are horrible things. Which in the hands of someone that doesn't respect them very well can be! But please people remember guns don't kill people, people kill people! Guns are a tool and as long as used responsibly it's no different than using and carrying a hammer. Please teach your children as soon as possible about how to use and respect firearms, that would help make this world a better place! Most of the accidents and shootings we see come from people who have never been educated with firearms or kids that think it's like a video game where you get three lives. Everything we hold dear starts with the education of our youth! Thank for all you do Dave.


Dave, I've had the almost the same thing happen to me guy pops out of the woods with a hunting rifle. In the middle of nowhere! Just pops out. I was hiking indian heaven in Washington St. My dad, brother were with me and I can say it blew our minds that this guy showed up . I ask this dude, what are you doing way up here? He says, oh I'm hunting bear.. what? It's august and it's not bear hunting season and the nearest road is 5 miles away... I had a 44 mag hanging around my neck at the time . He saw that gun and was a little more nicer. He insisted we go first on the trail. Lol, no way. I said, no I think we're gonna take a break, you go ahead. It worked, he left. But yeah, you never know what you're going to run into out in them woods. Stay safe everyone!


I agree with David's gun statement. If you are to venture out into a dangerous world, you must be prepared to protect them wherever.


Excellent episode. A little heartbreaking with regard to the family dog that went missing with no explanation. Like you, I would have returned and searched. Very


Summited Rainier July 1, 1999 with RMI. Worked on crevasse rescue etc the days prior and was roped up crossing the crater. The sulfur craters could swallow you easily but the crevasses at base camp @14k, are virtually bottomless as a snowboarder had gone “missing” he month before my trip. Climbing glaciated volcanoes is dangerous and NEVER smart solo.


I give Dave an instant thumbs up before even watching. I love this guy so much, years of listening I feel blessed to have him here.


You are a hero Dave. The number of people who have heard your message and kept themselves safe because of it, makes you a hero. As well as just being you.


Hi Dave, Villagers. When I was 16-17.my cousin and I went hunting with our shotguns in New England. We lived in a small town and railroad tracks were our way of getting out to the woods. The tracks ran along a river and there was high ground to the right with the river and flat land to the left. As we got pretty far out to an area we would walk into the woods we hear someone firing a shotgun on the high ground to our left. We had the orange hats and vests and just thought there were other hunters doing what we were doing. They kept firing and then we heard noise in the maple tree leaves just above our heads. It was shotgun pellets ripping through the leaves maybe 3 -4 feet above us. We yelled out " hey, there's people here" thinking they were shooting at game that happened to be between us and the shooter. They stopped for a sec and started firing again. The pellets left holes in the leaves you can see the sun through. We were kinda pinned down and could not see who was shooting but they kept shooting until, we yelled if you don't stop we will shoot back. They fired one more round and we opened up in the general direction. My cousin had a pump action 12, I had a semi auto. Bird shot was sent back to them. They did not shoot anymore after that. We went home and said forget going back there. Thing is back in the day our bright orange hats and vest were easy to see. They knew we were there. I don't know if they were trying to be funny or had other intentions but playing around by shooting at other hunters is pretty stupid. We thought they were having a hard time shooting down a steep incline as it's not easy to do and get on target but they were getting closer so after warning them.we had no choice. There are some weird people in the woods if we were unarmed they may have come down to us and shot us at close range. They obviously cared nothing about being safe. God Bless be safe and thanks for your excellent show!!


Dave, I've listened to you for many years. My daughter actually introduced me to you through Kendall Ray.
I loved being outdoors and my ex-husband used to mock me for being so cautious. He would always tell me to "relax nothing is going to happen!"
I would always carry a day pack, gun and ammo, fully charged cell phone with backup battery pack just incase.
My daughter and I walk our dog's on trails (I carry the same things) and we never separate!


Thanks for reading my Shadow man experience, Dave. I wasn't able to read any other facial features except for his eyes that became big like he was surprised! There weren't any more facial features that I could see. I could see arms and legs. He walked like a living human normally does. He was barely visible, but I could see him.


My husband and I both carry when in the woods and in some other situations. We don’t hunt. We both learned gun safety and how to shoot growing up. We go to the range often. My father taught gun safety and my brother is 10 years older than me and a Marine, and he would have me shooting on weekends when I was a teenager. Of course as a teen girl, I had other things in mind to be doing with my weekend but I am glad I spent the time with him not only learning how to handle a weapon but what I was comfortable with. And of course the more practice the better. I’ve only come close to having to use a handgun once and that was because of a man. I was a little ahead of the group and confronted. I won’t say here what he said. I told him to back away and drew my pistol and as I did yelled for the rest of my group— my husband is a fire fighter so there were 3 firefighters and 2 cops that came up quickly behind me. I’ll just say they had “words”. I later found out he assaulted two other women in the same area the following year, and I was a witness for them. He had a said the same thing to them as to me but they were alone, unarmed. I don’t go running or biking alone even in my own neighborhood anymore. That has been absolutely ruined for me. I obviously feel horrible for the two other women, and I fear for my daughters. We make sure they have learned all they can.