homemade laundry detergent & stain remover | super easy to make & works GREAT!

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#homemadedetergent #laundry #bestlaundrydetergent

more homemade cleaners:

laundry detergent:
15 ounces (3 bars) Fels-Naptha laundry bar soap (grated)
76 ounces Borax (buy 2 boxes - the extra will come in handy)
55 ounces (1 box) Arm & Hammer super washing soda
110 ounces Oxiclean Versatile (buy the 7.22-pound box)
optional - 15 ounces scent booster (I used Downy Unstoppables)
optional - 16 ounces baking soda (I chose not to use because I do a presoak with this sometimes and it is in the stain remover)
directions: small load 1.5 tbsp., standard load 2 tbsp, large &/or heavily soiled load 2.5 tbsp.

BONUS: I use the powdered laundry detergent to strip linens & other items - it works great and leaves them smelling SO FRESH!!!

stain remover:
1 cup hydrogen peroxide
1/2 cup dish soap (I used Dawn)
1/2 cup baking soda
-stir to mix (you will have to stir before each use because baking soda does settle to the bottom
directions: lightly scrub in mixture onto stain with a brush (I use Dollar Tree's denture brush) and let it sit for up to an hour depending on stain's intensity
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You can use a food processor to grate much easier less time consuming


omg! i love those jars! i have two 1gallon jars and two .5gallons exact same ones! where did you purchase this big jar? is it a 2 gallons?


Yikes. She’s clueless. Hydrogen peroxide is photosensitive. That’s why it’s sold in an opaque container. So what’s she do? Stores it in a clear glass jar!
