Massive 600 kg (1300 lbs) Neodymium Magnet [4k]

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These magnets are made of rare earth elements represents the strongest class of permanent magnets. In this video, we first will see what happens when you approach it with ferromagnetic materials (like steel), and then afterward we will explore how conductive metals behave in a strong magnetic field.
Here is a wrench and a scale for measuring the pull of magnet which reaches 25 kg while the wrench itself is only 1 kg. On larger ferromagnetic objects attraction can easily reach hundreds of kilograms.
Next up is a hammer! Note that I added 5 cm (2 inches) layer wood so not to damage the surface and to be able to easily remove it. Even with this added distance pull force is around 40 kg.
Afterwards, a flexible iron sheet is placed to the magnet which illustrates the distance where objects are visibly attracted. On larger ferromagnetic objects attraction can easily reach hundreds of kilograms.
The permanent magnet of such size is stronger than the earths magnetic field in a radius of 4 meters around it and can turn screens of a laptop from 1.5 meters. Ferromagnetic objects from iron are drawn to magnet form half a meter away as illustrated with iron sheets.
We continue experiments with placing a ferrofluid on the magnet. This reveals the spikes on the surface. These spikes are acting (pointing) like magnetic field lines so in a sense you can visualize the magnetic the direction and strength of the magnetic field. Sometimes the camera loses focus because of the strong magnetic field interferes with electronics and sensors. The ferrofluid contains very tiny magnetite particles, which act as tiny magnets and when the external field is applied they aligned in “spiky” structures pointing in the direction of the magnetic field vector. When in close proximity to poles the magnetic forces dominate over gravity making so the fluid can defy gravity. If I were to let, go the container it would fly towards the pole of the magnet to the spot with the highest magnetic field intensity.
Next up we take 4 kg copper sheet and when we throw it towards the magnet it rapidly slows down. When the plate is getting closer to the magnet it moves noticeably slower. All that happens because of the induced current in the copper sheet. Copper is an excellent electrical conductor and when it is moved in a magnetic field, the changing flux creates eddy currents according to Maxwell’s-Farady’s law of induction. In short, these currents create an opposing magnetic field and overall damps movement of copper and that is why it is extremely difficult to move the copper sheet next to a magnet.
And this simple demonstration perfectly showcases the effect of opposing forces caused by induction. Normally plate of such size would fall down in a second, however, since it is placed in a strong magnetic field (which changes in the plate during fall) it takes almost 20 seconds for it to hit the ground.
In the end for a bigger effect, we took a 20 kg copper sheet and rolled it in a cylinder and which we dropped on the magnet. The first attempt was with a couple of centimeter gap. The copper sheet is slowed down up until it reaches the center of the magnet. At that point, the magnetic flux becomes negative and current changes direction. In the second attempt, we shrunk the gap to 5 mm. In both cases, it is overwhelmingly slowed down by induced currents.

Credits to:
Antra Gaile & Mikus Mīlgrāvis for assistance with video production
Viesturs Šints for sourcing the ferrofluid
Toms Beinerts for sourcing the magnet

● Music Released and Provided by Tasty
● Song Title: Konac - Away

Made and narrated by researcher Reinis Baranovskis
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only 342 views? This deserves to be over 500k views


How on earth did you put this together? I watched Brainiac combine two 6"x2" magnets, and that was a major operation.


Imagine making a speaker with this magnet...


Same magnets size repulsion test will be great test.. how strong can they can repel to each other


Assembling and dismantling this set up may be fatal😖


Would like to know how ferrofluid react to those!!! How many liters they can "hold" ? . :)


you deserve much more recognition man this is awesome!


roll it down a steep street with parked cars in the next video please


the price of that is more than a tesla model 3


With that type of energy I’d have videos
That show the best and highest potential
For the better future


Gotta say, this is super cool.
I recently got some 40x40x20 mm cubes, man are they powerful, (though nothing close to this).
I will say that it is way cooler in person when you can actually play with the magnet yourself.
I have a 1 kilo bar of silver that makes the magnet have incredible resistance to motion 1/2 inch away. (bet you could throw a bar of silver at that magnet and not even touch it).
Recommend everyone that likes magnets gets a few extra powerful ones (only like $40 shipped to get started), you will not regret it, unless you hurt yourself.


Hello, Great video thanks for sharing.
I have a question about that magnet, is it strong enough to pull black tattoo ink out of skin since the ink is iron?
Maybe you could have a piece of pig skin tattooed with black ink and see if magnet can pull and ink out..
Just a suggestion


Man, how do you move thet thing?
It's just part of the house now, or you have some specialized "wooden forklift" to move it?


If you had a heavy copper rod or a bat made of copper, could u hit the magnet if u swing hard enough? Or will it slow it down and protect the magnet from being struck.


That's a monster... I'd love to see some indicator membrane near that, or that preparation you can make betwixt two panes of glass with ferrofluid and WD40 that shows the field lines. That'd be cool...


Very very good video ! Could you tell us more about this large cylindrical magnet made up of discs ? Is there a pole (north or south) between each disk ? Where are the poles ? What is the magnetic field strength in tesla at 20 cm from the magnet, at 10 cm and at 1 cm ? Thanks in advance for the answer.


Can you make "pressing two repelling neodymium magnets" video?? And then measure the force that used to pressing that magnet until they touch each other.
I think you will get more view for your youtube channel.


Spin it at 15k rpm in a powerful electric field to see what will happen :P


How big before it crushes itself under its own forces? Or would it just demagnetize


How much to buy? Got a link to the manufacturer?
