My Abusive Jehovah's Witness Mother Tortured Me For 13 Years | Minutes With

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In this week's episode of Minutes With, Christopher Spry describes the neglect, starvation and torture he and his siblings endured under his abusive adoptive mother Eunice Spry. For over a decade, Christopher faced daily beatings including being nearly drowned in freezing cold water, force-fed washing up liquid and made to eat his own vomit. Christopher explains how it was only luck that the children in Eunice's care didn't die.

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Thank you to Christopher for taking part. You can follow him on instagram @christopher.spry88


Imagine going through 13 years of abuse so bad that it drives your sister to suicide, and the monster that inflicted it on you gets off with 7 years. What an absolute farce.


This gentleman has been through a living hell and still manages shine like a star❤


Thanks for all the love folks 😊

if you have any questions, please feel free to leave them below, and I will try and answer them to the best of my abilities


There is no abuse greater than someone who claims to be a good religious person whilst using this to mask evil itself. Thank you for sharing your story you brave brave man.


I can’t understand why someone would harm children in this way. So sickening. I’m so glad he’s doing much better now. Sending love ❤


That holiday in Orlando was probably the worst torment of all because that's psychological abuse to go from extreme abuse to loving and back to torture


When I heard that Victoria took her own life, I completely lost it. That woman took everything from these children… I know she will rot in any religion’s hell. I am so deeply horrified and upset.


Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how incredible the interviewer is in this series. She puts all guests at ease and asks every question in a sensitive manner. The series itself is a fantastic addition to the channel.


My biological father was abused by my biological grandmother his entire life, in horrific, similar ways, until he turned 13 and ran away, and was homeless until his early 20's....and even though he was an amazing, loving, good man, he was never able to be an actual father to me and my brother...the little we saw him, it felt like being with a friend, not a parent.... i think something about being abused by a parent, made it impossible for him to be an actual parent himself... he passed away when i was in my early 20s, but now, as a parent myself, i am always amazed at the love he was able to give to us... because it could not have been easy... Christophers story reminds me a lot of my fathers.... But it is beyond amazing to see that Christopher is able to be an actual father to his son, and breaks those walls down.... its amazing, and he should be so proud if himself for it... what an amazing man♥


Exactly why there should be surprise visits from social workers and mandatory physicals throughout the year. If pulled out of public (or private) school - they need to find out why. There are so many red flags and nobody wants to get involved?

I went to school with a girl that was in a family like this. She didn't say a word until she was 18 and could go the authorities. She stayed until 18 because she had to protect all the younger siblings.


This is so sad! Only serving 7 years of a prison sentence is not even enough. Surely she should’ve gotten more than that. RIP Victoria


I m amazed how he actually managed to survive mainly mentally and not to becoming an addict or abuser himself.
This gentleman deserve more from life.
Talking about justice, just shame on you judges who couldn't give enough justice to this poor children.


What a beautiful quote to come from a once tortured soul "Just because you're not feeling love right now, does not mean it doesn't exist". This lad has a beautiful outlook on life despite that horrendous woman, somehow I get the feeling he'll be alright. Truly Amazing & inspirational!!


What a horrible story. You can tell he still blames himself for part of it. Really sad that people can treat an innocent child like that.


I’m in a Jehovah’s Witness family right now been raised in it my whole life, I’m so excited to get out when I’m old enougy


As an ex Jehovah's witness who left home at 13 due to abuse my heart goes out to this young man for the extent of what he suffered. Absolutely wonderful to hear he's found joy in love of his son.


😭 She must have forgot to read the part of the Bible that says PARENTS, DO NOT PROVOKE YOUR CHILDREN TO WRATH. What an absolute borderline psycho.


Thank you, Christopher, for sharing your story. I was taken from my mother during the 60's Scoop in Canada. My foster family did horrific things to me including attempting to kill me twice - once by drowning. I found a curious release listening to you. I have kept those experiences to myself and have never spoken of them to anyone. You're an amazing person and you give me hope! Kindest regards to you and LADbible.


14 YEARS?? The justice system is a joke
