Isabella Guzman charged in mother's murder

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9/5 5 pm -- Isabella Guzman was formally charged Thursday in the murder of her mother. Lance Hernandez has more on the story.
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She's not a 'baddie' or 'sweet but psycho' yall. She's a terrible person. How can someone brutally murder a person like that, let alone their own mother? That's a terrible crime.


The real question is why is YouTube recommending this to everyone today.


Here’s some info i found on her case
- She was 18 when this happened
- This is from 2013, case becomes more in-depth in 2014
- Her mother was stabbed 79 times in the face, neck, and torso on the upstairs of her own home. Her stepfather heard the screams and loud thuds of her mother inside the bathroom, he banged against the locked bathroom door and was able to see the incident only after her mother died— Isabella with a knife in her hand over mother’s dead body
- Isabella then fled from home, arrested the very next day
- She told the court she did not know her mother was her mother
- She mistook her mother as a woman named Cecelia she had to kill to “save the world”
- she pleaded not guilty on reason of insanity after a doctor diagnosed her with Schizophrenia, suffering from highly disturbing delusions for years
- delusions consisted of schizophrenia and paranoia along with audible and visual hallucinations
- for the past 7 years she has been taken to a Colorado Mental Health Institue
- she hopes to be released from the hospital and to become a member of society again
-in a virtual interview with CBS4, she claims she is on medication and her sanity has been restored and that she was not herself during the incident
- “I’m not mentally ill anymore. I’m not a danger to myself or others, ”
- judge rules that she will be able to leave the state hospital for group/other forms of therapy, though she will be required to wear a GPS tracker
- In a 2013 court document (and 2020 virtual interview), there is an email from Isabella to her mother that includes the words “You will pay”, and the context is that she had a fight with her mother where she suffered a hand injury from her, still having scars to this day.
- Her parents were starting to seeing warning signs of Isabella’s mental health deteriorating, though not aware of her severe delusions/hallucinations
- Isabella’s father claims that hours before the murder (another article claims he said the next day) he tried “talking some sense” into her. He spoke to her about the value of respecting them (her parents) and that she should be more obedient to her parents, listen more, and less rebellious. He said everything was going fine during/after the conversation.
- Isabella has always held resentment to her mother, a lot more so after: their mother divorced with her father, her father left their house, her mother brought home her new partner (current step-fathers)
- Isabella’s parents (before divorce) has always been poor
- Investigators claim she would never smile, play, or want to spend time with her parents
- Isabella viewed her step-father as a replacement to her actual father and this has lead to countless arguments
- It is said that Isabella issued death threats to her mother, she would “make her pay” for the way “she’d been treated”
- Her mother and her step-father took these threats to the police
- She claims she suffered abuse from her parents at home. They were Jehovah Witnesses, and at age 14, when she quit the religion, they started becoming more abusive
- she also filed a police report in 2015 under claims that she was sexually assaulted by an employee in a closet during her stay at the state hospital. There were 2 other incidents regarding that same employee
- she wanted him prosecuted out of fear he would hurt her again, but the district attorney office claimed to never receive a sort of report from the hospital
- when requested for information by CBS4, the Colorado Department of Human Services refused to give info, citing to privacy laws
- she said she met up with the district attorney’s office and that the hospital made the report too complicated and difficult to press charges
- office suggested she contacts the ACLU, and so she does


The way that minors are hyping her on TikTok. Disgusting.


The world is going nuts, "sweet but a Psycho"?....sorry she's not sweet at all.


The fact that "eDgY" teens are hyping her on Facebook and TikTok is disgusting


She refered to her mom as "b-tch". It wasn't a necessity to save the world for her. It was pure hatred.


the fact that she SMILED at the camera is terrifying


The fact that people are calling her a "bAddiE" on social media is honestly disgusting and wrong. She stabbed her mother 79 times. Do better


This is a reason why tiktok is one of the worst apps lmao.
They Literally called her a baddie regardless of her being a murder.
They tried to make excuses for her and etc!
Pretty privileges these smh 😔


When a good looking person makes a crime some people will try to justify her actions. It shows how disgusting some people are.


she is terrifying.. please don’t say she is sweet but psycho she is a murderer


tik tok saying that she’s a “baddie” is proof that pretty privilege exist.


The people hyping her up on Tiktok calling her a "baddie" are disgusting.


I have never been more disgusted by Tik Tok there deadass are people praising this girl and calling her a baddie ONLY because she's cute. She brutally killed her own mother. I didn't care how pretty she is this girl is crazy and definitely not sweet.


10 years later and Youtube sends me this.


She pointed at her eyes and shook her hand a little meaning that she wasn't sorry or she didn't care


I’m going to make a guess that she’s not sorry.


RIP to the poor lady that lost her life 💔🕊


I thought she is holding her middle finger 😂 looking at thumbnail
