Top 5 Freediving Tips and Techniques to improve your diving

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The best freediving tips and techniques are usually very simple. What are some freediving tips? what are the best freediving techniques? There are questions that I get asked all the time and so i figured it would be easiest to make a video about it. So here are my top 5 freediving tips and techniques.
by applying these techniques you will be able to hold your breath longer. You will be able to relax more while freediving so you can enjoy your dives more. These techniques will also allow you to improve and become a better freediver.
The video touches on the significance of relaxation in freediving. How move and swim more efficiently. The best ways to approach your freediving in the short and long term and as always we talk about equalisation.
I hope you enjoy the video and if you have any questions just put them down below in the comments!
by applying these techniques you will be able to hold your breath longer. You will be able to relax more while freediving so you can enjoy your dives more. These techniques will also allow you to improve and become a better freediver.
The video touches on the significance of relaxation in freediving. How move and swim more efficiently. The best ways to approach your freediving in the short and long term and as always we talk about equalisation.
I hope you enjoy the video and if you have any questions just put them down below in the comments!
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