5 Things That Make A Man Respect A Woman!

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Why aren’t men respecting women in 2022? What does it take for a man to respect a woman? You’d think it would happen automatically, but it’s simply not the case. In this video, I share 5 things a woman MUST do to earn a man’s respect. Unfortunately, respect isn’t just given, it’s earned. I hope this video helps explain that!
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I met a man, an army veteran, who proposed 3 months after meeting! He’s ready to be a husband, and I, a wife. Wedding is this month! I have been abstinent for a little over a year! I’m so happy to finally be wife at 31. RC Blakes & Tony Gaskins has really helped me out in finding out where I was going wrong. Thank you to both of you!

Update 02/2024 : We just had our first baby, we are so happy and I’m so blessed to be a wife and a mom ❤️🎉🥳


1. Set boundaries. Don’t be too accessible.
2. Respect your body. It should be off limits.
3. Talk to you with respect.
4. Make sure he honors his word.
5. Do not bend over backwards. Go out your way to help. Don’t neglect any responsibilities for a man!!
Bonus: Keep your mouth closed. No oral sex!!!


5 things that makes a woman respect you

1: stop sleeping around with anything and everything
2:stop leading woman on especially when you have no intention of marrying her
3:be respectful and stop thinking women are disposable
4:stop being manipulative
5:respect a womans body and no means no


Sex is definitely not that serious, me and my boyfriend are waiting until marriage. He respects my decision and he is willing to wait. If he isn’t willing to wait, he’s not the man for you. Point blank


My pastor always taught us when getting serious in a relationship before marriage that both partners should get tested for all STD’s and go over each other test results with confidentiality.


1. Set and maintain boundaries
2. Respect your own body (avoid pre-marital sex and any “foreplay” like kissing and touching, etc.)
3. Make sure he speaks with you with respect (no cursing, yelling, etc.)
4. Make sure he honours his word/keeps his promises to you (give him 2 chances)
5. Do not permit him to get away with disrespecting your schedule or responsibilities
6. Bonus: Do not do oral and/or anal sex


This message goes back to what my grandma and great aunt's used to tell me growing up. If a man want you, he will wait. Sex will not keep a man, if that's all it takes; then no woman will be alone.


I mean this in a respectful way. Is there anyone online that is teaching young men how to treat women properly instead of teaching women how to handle the disrespect of men?


#1 if he don’t respect himself he can’t respect you.


Forgiving myself for my mistakes and doing better.Thank you Mr Gaskins.


A man respects a woman when she walks way from his crap... Never settle!


Waiting until marriage to become intimate with another person is the best route to take and only your husband will accept that decision. Everyone else is just there to sample goodies they haven’t earned nor have any intension of keeping for the long term. This is the absolute truth ladies. Take it or leave it. The power and choice is and has always been yours.


Wow! This needs to be taught to teenagers especially in our black churches. I’m 32 trying to date and I honestly feel like I have been thrown out to the wolves and I’M NOT WINNING. My parents and even the church spent so much time making sure I knew what a wife is supposed to do/ be and how to treat a man but no one ever taught me how a man should treat me or how manipulative and conniving the male species could be. Imagine how much heartbreak and life changing mistakes women could avoid if we didn’t have to learn this through trial and error and someone told us what we could expect from men and how to avoid it.


Honestly, your videos should be part of the curriculum for Middle and High School to help the youth make better decisions before reaching adulthood. I find myself watching some of your videos more than once because I really have to get your message imbedded in my brain to help me change bad habits. I hope your younger son feel better 🙏🙏 Keep up the Great Work Tony 💪🙌🙏


What’s messed up is when a Man is super sweet and respectful while begging you to marry him then after you marry him he acts 100% disrespectful. 😢


Tony thank you for your advice and wisdom. After a dead end relationship in 2019 I made a decision to committ to the word of God and took two years off to grow and heal. I used your videos to grow and as a silent accountability. Fast forward December 2021 started to date someone eight months in dating a God fearing man I am in engaged and wedding date set. Thank you for all that you do and walking in your kingdom purpose blessings.


💙So basically, Ladies make sure u GET A LIFE AND Get u some BUSINESS and don’t be all MAN that we forget about OUR PRIORITIES. We AS WOMEN has always had the power 🥰🥰💙💙 but at times we have not ALWAYS KNEW THIS nor KNEW HOW TO USE IT. What’s for u is for u🥰🥰💙💙, As Tony usually Always says. Come on LADIES WE GOT


Yeah a man can’t call me dawg, bro, man…my name is Akilah


Ladies, listen to this brotha! These are all things I learned the VERY hard way...and suffered immensely due to my ignorance!


Tony you are spot on. I had a friend to not come to a birthday celebration for a milestone mind you in order to meet up with a guy she never met. Told her she was doing too much but she disagreed. And guess what...he changed plans. We as women have to learn to have some self-esteem. That's where all this desperation is coming from.
