5 Things That Make Introverts Incredibly Attractive

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In a previous video, we talked about the things that make introverts attractive. Many of you related to the video, which is why we decided to make a part 2! So what are the reasons why introverts are so attractive? Some people might find introverts attractive because of their quiet, reserved nature, but there's more to this than meets the eye. If you want to go down the rabbit hole, watch this video to find out WHY introverts are attractive!

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: kebiarts (new animator)
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Cain, S. (2013). Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking. Broadway Books.
Eve-Cahoon, H. (2003). Understanding the introvert preference. Journal of Nursing Education, 42(5), 191-193.
Batey, M. & Furnham, A. (2006). Creativity, Intelligence, and Personality: A Critical Review of the Scattered Literature. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 132(4), 355–429. doi:10.3200/MONO.132.4.355-430
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My girlfriend and I only recently became official, and not only do we both have very similar introverted personality types, we’re both each other’s first relationship. It made for a pretty rocky start and a lot of awkward silences, but I think the fact we’re both so similar helps us understand why the other is having difficulty expressing emotions. For one “date” we literally just sat and read together, quietly enjoying each other’s company. It was great.

Update: she broke up with me. Said it was her, not me. Probably got afraid of commitment or something idk.


As an introvert I always feel like I'm in the wrong for not trying to fit in, but I hate having to change who I really am, just to make a few friends I won't even like. The idea of "personal validation" really expressed well my objective of creating more meaningful bonds with the people who understand me. I know it might sound a bit narcissistic but this video helped me appreciate myself more, and not constantly think I'm a problem in society.


As an introvert it is also always very important to not fall into the trap of only liking yourself. I had lots of trouble with that growing up. (and I still do sometimes)
Awesome video. It really explains a lot about being an introvert and helps me know more about myself and others. Thank you so much. 👍


The person who will end up staying with you forever not only has the understanding of themselves, but also the knowledge of not wanting to make the "right person" for them; instead, they'll adore you for who and what YOU are.


1). They are hard to get 0:49
2). They have great composure 2:40
3). They are intellectually stimulating 3:19
4). They are very self-sufficient 3:59
5). They want personal validation 4:33

Hope this helps you out. Hope you have a nice day. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


I'm an introvert. And I love spending time on my own. It's so important for me to have my own space and it's a bubble where I feel safe. I can relate with everything in this video. I've played piano since the age of 7 and I remember in my teenage years how people were really impressed when I played piano in front of them. Haha I was spending all of my free time on practicing the piano, after school, on Wednesday's afternoon, the entire weekends until late at night. The piano helped me so much at understanding my own emotions and others as well, and I got better at expressing myself with other people ^^ I love your channel so much. ❤️ I wish everyone a lovely day and thanks for celebrating the introverts. 😊🌠


I've always been very introverted and quiet, just that for some strange reason I never wanted to admit it. In fact watching this video made me reevaluate the way I think about introversion and now I understand that I am therefore an introvert. This video completely represents me, I'm happy now. Thx!


Dear Introverts,

You're my favorite type of friends and my favorite type of person to be in a relationship with. I love wanting to know what's going on in that sea of thought you got going on.

An Ambivert that leans more extroverted


Introverts are not needy. We’re very independent and never “belong” to another person. This goes along with being hard to get. We’re also hard to possess and almost impossible to control.
Partners who need to be in control will find introverts difficult to control. We want love, but we don’t need it badly enough to stay in a toxic relationship.


I’m an introvert who just got in a relationship with my best friend. We met at work and because we never really talked at all- he gave me his number and we started talking slightly growing more closer as two months went by
I find it difficult to keep my emotions or understanding them because I’m autistic. He’s patient with me, not just kind but humble and unhesitatingly honest! He accepts and respects me, he keeps me smiling and laughing even at work. (Him and me are also extremely similar) When it comes to tough topics, we’re there to comfort each other, and he also respects not just my consent but also pays attention to me from afar. He’s pretty quiet, alittle shy and somewhat outgoing, but he is the biggest dork ever and I love him. I’ve always been hard to get because I see people trying to win my heart like a game and I like my personal opinions and space

To make matters better, our first date was a library date, we tried to read but he listened to me geek out about a few books I love and he geeked out about a few manga’s he loved, best day of my life💛


"They don't try to fit in as much as everyone else."

FACTS! I don't need a group of friends to be happy. I'll happily vibe by myself.


Oh my goodness, so pleasant to see my favourite CSM manga reference here! Very heartwarming arts of Denji and Asa.
By the way, Asa Mitaka is not just introverted, she's somewhat on the autistic spectrum. And that particular date at the aquarium was absolutely insane) Highly recommended, but not for everyone.


I've always been an introvert and agree with all these points. They fit the bill with me, only it's never made me attractive to anyone (except maybe 1 rare situation recently). Every other time I'm left to wallow in my own isolation, not necessarily looked down upon but people keep their distance from me. My younger years the result for being this way always resulted in being called a "freak" or "weird", where people would tease me or keep their distance. So yeah ... Being an introvert isn't always what it's cracked up to be.


As an introvert, yes I agree.
However, I try to stay clear of dating apps as I think that the best matches are the ones who meet in person. Love at first sight might almost never be true for both ends, but those who are in close proximity, like classmates or such(so they get to know eachother over an extended period of time) can become a good pair. I think. I don't have a match yet...


As an extroverted man with ASD, I cannot begin to express how much I appreciate introverts. I'm in this unfortunate place where I need social interaction, but can quickly become overwhelmed and burned out due to my disability. Combine this with a difficult time reading more complex social dynamics outside of small groups, and I struggled a lot as a kid to fit in. The people who I have found able and willing to see past my disability to who I am beneath (my values, desires, and character) have always been introverts. The best friend I have is a definitive introvert, and I can't imagine going through some of my struggles without them.

So to any introverts struggling with self worth, society may struggle to see it and validate it. But a willingness to listen, truly listen and not hear, can help save someone else's life. You have a lot to give and the people who value you for you may learn how to do a better job listening too.


I’m a massive extrovert and I’ve gotta say, the people I’ve easily become the closest to are the introverts. I love finding out about people and I find a genuine love and curiosity for coming across the treasure of a person they hide underneath their introversion. And honestly I’m so happy I’ve met all those special people who were happy to hear I was interested about them


As an introvert, I have instantly clicked this vid


I love how all the characters have little leaves on their heads to show how every one of us is still learning and growing constantly!


A dating app for introverts! I didnt knew one existed at all, good to know that someone out there thought of us at least once!


Introverted traits: The level of conversation that goes way beyond surface level superficial small talk.. Conversations that are actually interesting, intelligent, thought provoking, witty, and humorous at times..
