Sofia, Bulgaria ISN'T What I Expected!

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I take you on a travel tour of Sofia, Bulgaria - the European Union's poorest capital city and one of the least visited cities in Europe. It's definitely a fascinating city in Eastern Europe and I didn't expect what I found..


Adventure Elliot is a bilingual travel vlogger (English and Spanish) with a particular interest in the Spanish speaking world. I enjoy taking adventures - big or small - and my goal is to show the Spanish speaking world 1 video at a time.
The goal of my channel is simple yet complex: I want to document and share authentic & educational content of anything related to Adventure Travel, Geography, & Language in the Spanish-speaking world. It's kind of a loaded topic, but it allows me to never exhaust my creative outlets. The truth is, I've always been extremely passionate about what I'm doing on my channel, but I never properly documented it when I started adventuring as a younger man in my college years. I've made over 150 Youtube videos in both English and Spanish, and I have aspirations to make 1000s more. If that sounds interesting to you, join the community and follow me along the way.. After all, we're just getting started.

#Bulgaria #Sofia #europetravel
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Many people seem to be upset that I only showed the worst places of the capital so here's some clarification..


As a Greek who has visited the city many times I can tell you that is in much better shape than many other European cities and definitely much safer to walk even at night. As for the people, Bulgarians may be much poorer than other Europeans, however, they are very decent and friendly.


i am italian and I think Bulgaria is a very beautiful country, really better than many countries of Western Europe .I have never been to Bulgaria but I studied it and I understood many things about Bulgaria: beautiful Mountains( Balkans, Rila with its fantastic monastery, Pirin...) several and wonderful old towns as Veliko Tarnovo, a planty of amazing churches, Alexander Nevski Cathedral is one of the most famous, Bulgaria has a great historical and artistic past, a good cuisine, and fabulous beaches for relaxing. In Europe and USA there are many cities worst than Sofia.


Sofia is far from grim. It's a really nice city well worth a visit. I'm English and I've visited most of Europe's capital cities.


this video is very manipulated, I have been several times in Bulgaria and this guy is showing only the negative sites of this wonderful city. Nice try bro 😏


Standing right in front of the Synagogue, calling everything commie. Choosing to stay in a dump, calling the rest of the country a dump.


The streets in the city center you walk are the worst possible place in the center of Sofia. You actually was in the city center ghetto. You showed really bad places which I think you did not do it intentionally. Sofia has a lot of beautiful areas full of life and does not anything common with that you show. And last but not least, Sofia is one of the safest city in Europe

P.S: You bought a rakia for alcoholics. Maybe the worst possible in terms of quality. Try "Burgas barrel edition" or "Straldzhanska Muskatova"


Fun fact: in half life 2 you are transported on a train to “one of the finest remaining urban centers” basically aliens invaded and within 7 hours the whole world has been taken over by “the combine” when you arrive at your destination named city 17 it is actually the Bulgarian capital, there are some areas in the capital that look exactly like what was in city 17 in half life 2, I extremely recommend the game but you should probably play half life 1 first for more context


This definitely CANNOT be the "best" AirBnB which you can have find...:D


Damn, I've never seen someone put Sofia in such a bad light. You went to the worst part of the city center and just a clarification Sofia is far from the least visited cities in Europe idk if you wrote it on purpose or did a bad research.


I am from Thessaloniki GR and I often visit Sofia for city break! Its a very nice city, with nice buildings, great cafés, great people and good food. And of course many many shopping! Cheers !


Don't forget that Russia wouldn't be Russia without Bulgaria! Not only the other way around as you said in the video min 2:30


I am bulgarian and have alway lived here in the capital Sofia, Bulgaria. Its very interesting for me to see the point of view of another person from another culture about our place. I really like watching your videos about Bulgaria.


The food looks better than many places in the world.


I feel the need to shed some light on the "Soviet Monument" cause it's significance has been misrepresented in the video. So as many probably (don't) know Bulgaria was forced to ally with Hitler in WWII as the Nazis were on the Romanian/Bulgarian border on their way to Greece and we had to make a choice - be stomped or join them (we were neutral prior to that). Anyhow fast forward to the end of the WWII, the Red Army declared an unprovoked war on Bulgaria (it was unprovoked cause Bulgaria did not fight Russia at all during WWII, we kept diplomatic connections throughout the whole war, and we even aided the Allies against Germany before the war ended), came in, occupied the country, staged a coup, helped the Bulgarian communists take power, enabled the Bulgarian communists to murder tens of thousands of people, and a few years later left. While they were here they also had their share of murdering innocent people and raping women (everything has been documented), they also took the Bulgarian gold reserve and shipped it back to Moscow. Bulgaria was forced to feed the whole army meanwhile which almost caused the total financial collapse of the country. So that "commemorative Soviet monument" is just the centerpiece of the Communist propaganda. It's the largest monument probably anywhere in the world worshipping the army of the occupier. Can't get any more ironic than that. That's why people want to tear it down. It's not a military monument cause no Russian soldiers died in Bulgaria apart from a few dozen vatniks who got poisoned by drinking methyl alcohol in Varna even though they were warned not to by the guy guarding the train car (whom they killed).


From my experience, Bulgarians are very prideful! So before you all eat his life away, the title is "mostly" clickbait...


We still have YouTubers like you to thank. Thanks to people like you, Bulgaria will not be filled with arrogant and smug citizens of the United States.


Elliot. What about next covering Compton, Detroit and washington park Chicago next and titling it is this America?


I found your channel with the interesting videos about Spain and now I am really surprised that you've been here in Sofia. I am waiting for all bulgarian videos with real interest :) I hope you had nice days in Sofia


As a Bulgarian who lived 16 years in Sofia I must say I absolutely hate this city. Yes there are nice places but the overall atmosphere is one of a grim city and tense people overwhelmed with their problems. I'm happy I finally managed to relocate to a smaller city in Bulgaria which is not perfect as well but is far better than Mordor (Sofia).
