Vitamin D Toxicity (Hypervitaminosis D) | Causes, Pathophysiology, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

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Vitamin D Toxicity (Hypervitaminosis D) | Causes, Pathophysiology, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

***NOTE: I forgot to mention that in the diagnosis of Hypervitaminosis D, it is important to not only measure calcium (which will be high), vitamin D (which will also be high), but also to measure PTH (which will be LOW).***

Vitamin D Toxicity (Hypervitaminosis D) is a condition involving excessively high levels of vitamin D from either exogenous dietary sources or as produced from granulomatous conditions or lymphoma. Vitamin D Toxicity leads to hypercalcemia, which causes many of the symptoms observed in Vitamin D Toxicity. In this lesson, we also discuss how Vitamin D Toxicity is diagnosed and treated.

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"Vitamin D Toxicity" (StatPearls)


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Рекомендации по теме

It is very important to understand that vitamin d affects people in different ways. It all depends on the person and thier body chemistry. So you shouldn't take it lightly if someone complains about side effects following intake of vitamin d. And there have also been people who have taken vit d for many years without any of these side effects.

If it's causing you problems, then it's not for you, stop taking it. Your body is unable to handle it. Simple. No matter how good it is for other people.
It all depends on your body chemistry.
But please take these side effects very seriously, it's no joke.


I have been taking 10, 000 every day for years, i test my levels and has maxed out at 73 . I get sunshine but have dark skin . Everybody is extremely different but it is crucial that you get your levels tested often.


Vitamin D3 needs magnesium and k2 to put the calcium in the bones, not in the artheries and kidney.


Just started taking vitamin d and have developed muscle pain, vomiting and diarrhea, and ringing in my ears. And I’m not even taking a lot. It depends on your body, your other meds, and other supplements that people should be taking but aren’t. I’ll stick to the sun😂


I started taking D3 10, 000 a day because I heard it helps hair growth. 2 months later, I find my hair shedding : ( I even cut 5 inches off & it’s still shedding! I can’t stop crying! I will No longer take it! My heart & prayers to all 💛🙏


Deficieny in vitamin D is a far greater risk for most people then toxicity.


The literature contains evidence that a range of vitamin D supplements from 800 to 300, 000 IU/day have been used for periods ranging from months to years. Doses below 10, 000 IU/day are not usually associated with toxicity, whereas doses equal to or above 50, 000 IU/day for several weeks or months are frequently associated with toxic side effects including documented hypercalcemia. Most reports suggest that the toxicity threshold is between 10, 000 and 40, 000 IU of vitamin D per day.
(Ref.: Institute of Medicine (US) Committee to Review Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D and Calcium. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D), 2011, 166 pg. [Chapter 6: Tolerable Upper Intake Levels: Calcium and Vitamin D].


I take 50000 vitamin D units every 3-7 days. I feel amazing.


Since I have IBS, I am prescribed vitamin D3 at high levels... As I burn very easily, and cannot risk sun poisoning... Since taking Vitamin D3, the number of colds, etc. and IBS events (constipation, gas, diarrhea) has gone down dramatically.


Thank you very much for this video. My dad was taking very high amounts of vitamin D, and started to suffer from almost all of these signs and symptoms. He was basically dying (loss of appetite, fatigue, bone pain, poor kidney function, etc).
So as you read comments trying to discredit this video, please consider that 1- you can take too much of a good thing, 2- using a good thing incorrectly (such as excessive D3 without any K2 supplements) can be harmful, and 3- every body will not respond the same way to the same things (hence food and medical allergies).
So experiment away with as much vitamin D as the internet encourages you to, but please monitor your bloodwork carefully, get to know the signs and symptoms that indicate you are taking too much, and find the sweet spot that works for your body.

ps: I've read that you cannot get vitamin D toxicity from sunshine or from foods naturally containing vitamin D, only from supplements.


Everybody is different but I was prescribed 1000 ui and took them for a week…. Now I have kidney pain, bone pain, and muscle pain. No appetite nausea and diarrhea….I have ptsd so I am a homebody but I’d rather just go sit in the sun then pop them ever again …. Hopefully what I’m going through will go away soon


This information belongs in the scare tactics category. Given the current situation, this video only serves to steer folks away from a known beneficial supplement. Vitamin D3 can be purchased at 5, 000 IU with 90 mcg (micro-grams) of vitamin K2 in one capsule. That's a good starting dose. From what I have learned over several years of studying vitamin D3, you need to take it with K2 at the ratio above and several times this amount does not seem to be toxic or problematic. Most people are deficient. There is little evidence that you will harm yourself with these levels but there is much evidence that your immune system will be better able to protect you from whatever is going around. Know what I mean?


Saying high doses of VITAMIN D leads to toxicity is saying nothing. How do we recognize that toxicity? Both high and low vitamin D exhibit as bone pain, lethargy etc, etc. What are the boundaries? You mentioned 4, 000 iu D3, but I see Dr. Fauci says he takes 6, 000 iu/day. Is it possible there is no such thing as vitamin D toxicity?


It takes years at 60000 iu to get toxicity.
Don’t fear the vitamin d. Very, very rare to suffer toxicity. Very, very common to be deficient.


Some people need extreme amounts because of the color of their skin and if they are considered obese!


Should have gotten into serum concentrations to make this relevant. And a few differing case histories.


It is not the amount of UI that is important, it is the level of D in you blood. We are all mostly D deficient.
I have been taking 5000UI in the summer (with being in the sun) and 10000 UI in the winter. My blood D level I between 55 and 65. So where is the toxicity?
I would proposed that we would have less victim of covidd if their status was above 50


I’m on 50, 000 d2 prescription from my doctor I was not told any side effects I also asked and was told “my patients never had an issue.” I was told it’s ok to take multiple vitamin and to drink and eat fortified D foods and juices. I must tell you my first 4 weeks I was feeling amazing my 6th week I was good. After that I started getting rib pain and tenderness, then kidney pain I honestly was too busy I summed it up to be something else I took my last D2 (3months in) and I’m so sick. I have a lot of these symptoms. My doctor is too booked I can’t even get an over the phone appt so I went to urgent care the doctor took my blood work anyways but I feel so discouraged being told it’s not likely vitamin d toxicity. I HAVE ALL THESE SYMPTOMS I’ve been on D2 50, 000 for 3 months with multivitamin and fortified juice and foods(added vitamin D in them) I lost weight I don’t want to eat I pee all night long my mouth is dry I’m irritated all the time my damn bones are hurting I’m so tired I just want to sleep all day!! When I the urgent care doctor to test for it he said he will test will come back 2-4 days and I’m made out to seem like some crazy lady. Just like when I had the damn deficiency in the first place I’m tired of it.


Vitamin D toxicity is a major worldwide problem. With people spending more and more time outside in the sun, refusing to use sunscreen and taking massive doses of vitamin D, toxicity is a ever growing problem that needs to be looked at a little closer.
Let's look at some statistics:

Vitamin D toxicity deaths...0
Vitamin D deficiency health problems and deaths...1, 000, 000, 000 plus...

We have come to the conclusion that vitamin D toxicity is a major problem that needs to be addressed and believe the following governmental action should be taken:

Recommending sun avoidance
Mandatory sunscreen application
The banning of all vitamin D3 over the counter supplements
Vitamin D given by prescription only in doses less than the official RDA of 600 IU per day
Mandatory vitamin D education to warn about the toxic effect of the sun.

Signed, the US Mainsteam Media, Big Pharma, The Food Lobby, The American Diabetes Association, the American Medical Association, The American Cancer Society, The American Society of Funeral Directors, The worldwide medical journals and US Association of Dermatologists.


I was taking high dose vitamin D and the toxic level reached 150. I stopped taking D and avoid going in the sun in mid day. I had low end PTH and normal calcium levels in the blood. The D was taking it from my bones. I think supplementing is good if we know what we're doing. A simple test can keep us informed on our bodies. If I had tested I wouldn't be needing to un-do what I did by thinking I was helping myself. I'm balancing it wil some K2 and magnesium electrolytes and water. I had a broken bone in my foot which healed perfectly, but on the xray we can see the density in the heal and ankle was affected. Also bone ache during the night. It's been 2 weeks and I will test my D levels again soon.
