Why You Are Not Losing Fat (4 Quick Fixes)

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Why can't you lose weight? You have a diet, cardio and exercise plan but the body fat does not come off. After weeks and months in a calorie deficit the body fat just won't come off.

If you are not losing weight with your diet then how do you change it?

What kind of cardio should you be doing to lose weight and keep fat off?

Does your metabolism suffer if you lose weight?

What this video to learn how to lose fat, keep it off and have long term success with a calorie deficit.

Losing love handles and lower back fat can be tough. How about getting rid of the lower belly and seeing your abs? Perhaps you just want to lose enough fat to feel good at the beach. Whatever the goal these are the 4 keys to success.

behavioral strategies, including eating a diet low in fat, frequent self-monitoring of body weight and food intake, and high levels of regular physical activity. Weight loss maintenance may get easier over time. Once these successful maintainers have maintained a weight loss for 2-5 years, the chances of longer-term success greatly increase.
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Sometimes listening to these much repeated advices is the best to motivate me stay on track.


Paul: You have to be accountable

Real talk tho, this is the best channel for fitness information 100%


Started my journey at 320pounds. After 12 months I am down at 195.
I want to step it up and get down at 175 and around 10%bf.
I was stuck for 3 weeks now and this came just in time


Tracking is everything!
Tracking my food intake made me realize that I was overeating fats and undereating lean proteins. Tracking also is helping me make better food choices. I made some changes and am finally seeing and feeling results. Thanks Paul 💪🏽


I have a success story with going from Obese down to just overweight and that's progress for me. 66 lbs loss. 20 lbs to go at 74 its feels great to be getting better. :-)


I'm walking my way down to getting shredded and resistence training. I've been on a deficit for more than a yr now and wow, what a journey. I've come a long way being very very patient, dedicated, and disciplined. I am headed to new heights and taking myself to bodyfat levels I never thought I could go. Going after 9-10% bodyfat levels and my progress is coming along. ✊
Tracking calories is a must. Thanks Paul! In Paul we trust baby let's go get it!


I was afraid to go into the calorie deficit needed to drop and when I reapplied myself and tracked macros I passed tm plateau. You and another channel have helped me out so much!


It’s amazing how these simple things make such a Huge difference In our bodies, the mental gains from feeling accomplished and accountable are also what keep us striving for more. 🤩 especially when your seeing your body changing


This is a great video! I was stuck at a plateau and recently cut my protein off (I was eating 225g + Protein) and bumped my fats and carbs up. Weight loss has resumed and I feel better.


Been trying to achieve that sweet 10% body fat for years and couldn’t figure it out. Tried keto, vegan, vegetarian, Ayurvedic way of eating but nothing really showed the results. I have watched a lot of your videos Paul and they have changed my perspective on fat loss. Now I’m on high protein sustainable diet, tracking my calories and first time in my life seeing great results. Still have around 8-10% of fat to lose, but the journey seems promising. Thanks a lot Paul for your help.


More so than bothering to count calories, know what you eat. Know what you do (activities). Then, next week, eat less and do more. Do it again the week after. And don’t regress backwards or break from your routine. Hold yourself accountable and you will lose weight


Great video. I find the best appetite suppressant for myself is to have ONLY protein and healthy fats for breakfast. Having around 500 cals of eggs and avocado keeps me full and allows me to push off having my second meal, which tends to be around 3pm.


for me it is all about tracking one time then repeating it for 100 days. 2 meals, bam, done. if i have to invent new meals everyday i am screwed because i love to cook and i love to eat. just figure two meals, throw in 2 additional shakeas and you are set gor fatloss (if you are in a deficit)


Love your tips and approach! I enjoy carbs like potatoes, and brown rice. I have seen great results! I appreciate you talking about not being afraid of carbs!


I really appreciate your honesty, we need more of that. So many are in just to make money regardless of the means. Happy to be working one of the Prophysique coaches, week 3 so far and very excited of the process.


I “just” thought I was on a low calorie diet until I started tracking. BTW, I’m working with Christina! She’s great!


I tried intermittent fasting 21-3, and felt absolutely rotten. My workouts were very low caliber, cuz I had no strength and no energy. Even my weight loss wasn't that great, even though I know it works well for some people. I just know recently I got really sick by such a calorie deficit and trying to work out that way, it just didn't work together. I'm 50 years old and in relatively good shape, I just need something that's going to help me lose body fat keep up my energy and be strong.


This was my question and the answer definitely helped a ton! I was honestly viewing carbs as the enemy to fat loss, not a helper. Going to put everything into practice right away. Thank you!


Hi Paul. I’ve the same problem right now. My calories are low and my protein is high. Over the last year I ate better and made my meals smaller over the months and I’ve lost 55 lbs. My weight is stalled and I know what you said in the video will for work for me. However, the only reason I don’t track my macros is because i live at home and I have to eat whatever dinner is served, so I have no control over that meal. I do have co tell over the rest of the day. But with that dinner meal, I feel like it’s pointless tracking. I wish I could. I’m aware of how great tracking calories is.


It’s not coming off because I have not been consistent!! That all changed yesterday!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
