What Your Rabbit's Sleeping Position Reveals About Their Personality, Health and Character

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Rabbit Body Language
A rabbit’s sleeping position can reveal a lot about their personality, health and how they are feeling.
This guide breaks down the most common rabbit sleeping positions and explains the science behind why bunnies sleep in certain ways.

The Loaf Position
A Loaf position is when your bunny tucks its legs under itself, usually with relaxed ears, and a drooped head. They will condense their body into a tight little ball, resembling a loaf of bread.
Many bunnies prefer to sleep in a loaf position because they feel safer against any possible danger. If a threat were to appear quickly, they could get their hind legs moving immediately.
This resting position may also indicate that your rabbit is trying to conserve body heat as it gives less surface area for the heat to escape from.
Oftentimes, Rabbits keep their eyes open while sleeping in this position. Which brings us to the next sleeping position of our list.
Sleeping with Open Eyes
Rabbits often sleep with their eyes open. They sleep with their eyes closed too, but only if they feel safe and comfortable with their surroundings.
As prey animals, bunnies are on the lookout for predators, even when they are sleeping. By sleeping with their eyes open, a rabbit can detect danger while asleep.
Surprisingly, bunnies can sleep with their ears upright too. It’s just a little less common.
if your rabbit sleeps with their eyes open in your home, it may indicate that they do not yet feel safe or comfortable in their surroundings.
To tell if your bunny is sleeping or not, just look at their nose. A fast twitching nose is a clear sign of a rabbit who’s awake and aware.
And remember, rabbits dream during the REM stage of sleep and they twitch their feet or their mouths in response to whatever's happening in their dreams. This is when you know your bunny is in deep sleep.
Dead Bunny Flop
Sleeping on one side with their limbs stretched out means that your rabbit is fully content and feeling safe. Your bunny is in total relaxation mode and does not feel the need to remain alert. Usually, rabbits fall into a deep sleep in this position.
Sleeping sideways is one of the most vulnerable position for a rabbit because it can take much longer to rise up in case of danger or predators’ attack. So if your bunny sleeps this way next to you, it means that they fully trust you and feel comfortable with you.
But remember, this position may also indicate that your rabbit is hot and trying to cool off by putting their core against the cold floor.
In this position, a rabbit lays down on their stomach, with their back feet and tail stretched out behind them. What comes to your mind when you spot your bunny in this position is the image of a superman. Pretty cool, huh?
This is another position that puts your rabbit in a very vulnerable situation. This is because their back feet are stretched out and it would take them much longer to get up and run away if they have to. If they sprawl out next to you, it is a clear sign that your rabbit trusts you and feels safe with you. Oftentimes, rabbits rest in this position when they are very comfortable. They also may adopt this position to cool down in hot summer days.
In this position, the muscles of the rabbit are tense and contracted and this actually prevents them from falling into a deep sleep. Therefore, this is a resting position adopted by a rabbit who wants to relieve itself of stress and be comfortable. Your bunny is probably tired and is trying to take a break, but is also ready to take off if needed.
Rabbits often get into this position when they have a considerable amount of energy and they don't feel like sleeping. They would prefer staying in a resting position where they can easily get up and take off.
Therefore, you can only spot your pet in this position when they are taking a nap. You cannot see them sleeping like this at night.
The lambchop
Does your rabbit stretch out one or both rear legs, and rolls slightly to one side? Good! This is referred to as “the lamb chop” or “sun bather” position. It means your rabbit is relaxed and content. If the floor is cold, your rabbit may use this sleeping position to cool down during the warmer months of the year.
Back to Back
If you have more than one rabbit in your home, you might notice that they sleep back-to-back. Wild rabbits tend to huddle to together for protection and warmth in the wilderness. It makes them feel safe.
Rabbits can do this with their human pack, too! back-to-back sleeping is a way for your bunny to bond with you, showing you that they can trust you and feel safe with you. If your bunny lays on top of you, or sleeps next to you while you pet them, they’re just showing you some extra love! It’s their way of saying, “I love you”.
But don’t worry if your rabbit doesn’t snuggle with you. Bunnies are prey animals and very skittish. It takes a while for most rabbits to trust their human.
Рекомендации по теме

The first time I saw my bunny do the dead bunny flop I actually thought he was dead ☠️


the lamb chop.. nonono that's the draw me like one of your french girls position


To express happiness, bunnies will sometimes jump around and flick their heads and feet. 👍


I have 2 bunnies, they sleep in all these positions, but at night they always snuggle with one another, either in a kind of ying-yang position with one bunnies feet at the others head or they just straight up cuddle by laying flat and one tucking it's head under the other with their limbs intertwined, it's honestly really adorable


Our bunnies sleep in all sorts of impossible positions, sometime even on their back with their paws pointing upwards. It’s like they want to give us a heartattack 🤣 They typically roll and jump around till tired and just drop in a random position looking dead 🤪


one of my bunnies sleeps like the “Dead bunny flop” with his eyes closed. dead flop: 1:45
edit: he flops next to me so cutely 🥺


My rabbits sleep in the “Superman” position 90% of the time 😂


Everything bunnies do is just so damn cute to me just their existence is adorable


I just lost my bunny last Friday 😢😢 and looking for bunny videos. And this made me so happy cause he did all the positions mentioned through his 2 years. Sad he passed so young. Heartbreaking he isn't with us anymore. 💔 but looking forward to our new start soon. And possibly new additions when we are ready again. Be kind and give love always. Never know when is the last day. ❤❤🙏


This made me feel good to know that my bunny is always happy! ❤


Oh thank goodness- My bunny has been doing the “dead bunny flop” when she sleeps and I always though it was because she was sad-


Mine flops all the time when im outside with him 😂 its so cute


I don't even have a bunny, but I still like to watch this type of videos! <3


My guinea pigs do the “ flop” where they press their head into the ground, flop their legs out and close their eyes. It’s adorable!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


My 11 month old American Chinchilla Rabbit sleeps on his side, eyes fully closed, nose not twitching, all the time. He loves his ears, belly, and even tail rubbed, by me. He even doesn’t mind me picking him up and holding him although he doesn’t like being put down. I’ve had him since he was just eight weeks old and I am honored that I have been able to earn his trust so much. There’s nothing quite like knowing you have a trusted such a vulnerable creature and once you do, communicating with them is amazing


It’s great knowing my cute little Daisy did feel comfortable and safe with me ❤️


I've had my bunny for 3 weeks now and only heard of the dead flop position. I thought it was the only position meaning that he trust you entirely and was kinda confused if he really liked me or not because he still didn't do it. Now after this video I realised he trust me as he sleeps in a lot of those positions near me one being the back to back. Thank you for sharing this video and making me realised that my bunny does in fact trust and love me


My bunny sleeps on the side with closed eyes besides me on the bed Its way to cuuute :, (

Edit: He just made a backflip


Thanks for some good wholesome information clearly explained. I’ve noticed a lot of “Instagram rabbit whisperers” out there feeding ignorance into the public so am very grateful for videos like this that present clear information with logical reasoning to back it up.


My 2 boys sometimes sleep slightly on top of one another, it's like huddling isnt close enough for them😅
